

13:58 Ticket #51 (Add scrunching before downloading files) created by DavidSmith
Add a small box below the 'perform query' action that has sum …
13:51 Ticket #50 (query form loses years below previously selected range) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: Fixed
13:49 Changeset [262] by DavidSmith
don't set the "minDay" from "from_day" etc. The range doesn't change.
13:40 Ticket #50 (query form loses years below previously selected range) created by DavidSmith
If you use the query form to perform a query where you select a range …


10:47 Changeset [261] by MatthewWhiting
* Changed table names to be the updated tables * Fixed bug caused by …


17:13 Changeset [260] by MatthewWhiting
Further additions to documentation
17:12 Changeset [259] by MatthewWhiting
Some minor fixes to the find_archives script.
17:07 Ticket #46 (cart not retaining old files) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: I've updated the code in index.php, query.php and utils.php to use …
17:06 Changeset [258] by DavidSmith
Fixed up usage of cart_items so that we store the entire records in …
16:12 Changeset [257] by DavidSmith
Set some defaults for the form incase there is no session data for …
15:41 Changeset [256] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed a bug so that the 1-bit data is stored in the correct format …
11:43 Changeset [255] by MatthewWhiting
Updating conversion code, to account for new headers (ticket #49), as …
11:39 Ticket #49 (updated header keywords) created by MatthewWhiting
A list of FITS header keywords that need to be updated -- from RM: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.