

10:47 Changeset [261] by MatthewWhiting
* Changed table names to be the updated tables * Fixed bug caused by …


17:13 Changeset [260] by MatthewWhiting
Further additions to documentation
17:12 Changeset [259] by MatthewWhiting
Some minor fixes to the find_archives script.
17:07 Ticket #46 (cart not retaining old files) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: I've updated the code in index.php, query.php and utils.php to use …
17:06 Changeset [258] by DavidSmith
Fixed up usage of cart_items so that we store the entire records in …
16:12 Changeset [257] by DavidSmith
Set some defaults for the form incase there is no session data for …
15:41 Changeset [256] by MatthewWhiting
Fixed a bug so that the 1-bit data is stored in the correct format …
11:43 Changeset [255] by MatthewWhiting
Updating conversion code, to account for new headers (ticket #49), as …
11:39 Ticket #49 (updated header keywords) created by MatthewWhiting
A list of FITS header keywords that need to be updated -- from RM: …


16:56 Changeset [254] by DavidSmith
added cals checkbox to those parameters being stored in session data …
16:47 Ticket #36 (Preserving search parameters) closed by DavidSmith
16:45 Changeset [253] by DavidSmith
stored query form parameters in session data and retreived them when …
15:18 Ticket #22 (Hide mysql errors) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: All usage of mysql_query has been removed and replaced with usage of …
15:17 Changeset [252] by DavidSmith
added comment about state of the file.
15:13 Changeset [251] by DavidSmith
changed to use MysqlDB and to catch exceptions and output an error …
15:13 Changeset [250] by DavidSmith
removed mysql calls
15:12 Changeset [249] by DavidSmith
fixed call to logger_exception
15:12 Changeset [248] by DavidSmith
fixed call to logger_exception
15:12 Changeset [247] by DavidSmith
This file is no longer in use, replaced by MysqlDB.php
14:45 Changeset [246] by DavidSmith
used MysqlDB.php instead of database.php
14:43 Changeset [245] by DavidSmith
removed some unused functions, removed old login code, authenticate …
14:39 Changeset [244] by DavidSmith
fixed inclusion of header.html, not header_pulsar.html
14:19 Ticket #48 (symlink warnings) created by DavidSmith
The symlink function outputs a warning if the file/link already …
14:16 Ticket #47 ("Download Cal Files" fails) closed by DavidSmith
14:15 Changeset [243] by DavidSmith
Removed unused files admin_functions.php, register.html and …
14:13 Changeset [242] by DavidSmith
DoQuery? should not throw an exception just because the result had no rows.
13:46 Ticket #47 ("Download Cal Files" fails) created by DavidSmith
If you put a cal file in your cart and select "Download cal files …
13:04 Changeset [241] by DavidSmith
removed link to change_password.php
11:44 Changeset [240] by DavidSmith
Commented out close brace.
11:18 Changeset [239] by DavidSmith
removed unused fuctions encrypt and decrypt
11:15 Changeset [238] by DavidSmith
removed some commented out code and erroneous use of soon to be …
11:14 Changeset [237] by DavidSmith
Added a comment to explain the cryptic use of "1=1" in whereString
10:07 Changeset [236] by DavidSmith
Changed logging to only log the items in the cart rather than all_results
09:29 Changeset [235] by MatthewWhiting
Adding in some byte-reversing code


17:25 Changeset [234] by MatthewWhiting
Updating documentation.
17:24 Changeset [233] by MatthewWhiting
* Made username for login more clear. * Now clearing cart list when …
16:39 Ticket #42 (anonymous access to web search form) closed by MatthewWhiting
15:30 Ticket #46 (cart not retaining old files) created by lkedzior@…
Whenever I select files, put them in the cart, and go to the 'new …


14:45 Changeset [232] by DavidSmith
these were old admin files for viewing the user accounts from the old …
14:44 Changeset [231] by DavidSmith
files no longer user, with current user model, we are either logged in …
14:42 Changeset [230] by DavidSmith
files not in use
14:26 Changeset [229] by DavidSmith
make use of change_password.php instead of html file
14:25 Changeset [228] by DavidSmith
added UpdatePassword? function.
14:25 Changeset [227] by DavidSmith
fixed typo
14:24 Changeset [226] by DavidSmith
removed extra comments.
14:22 Changeset [225] by DavidSmith
Replacement for change_password.html, will need to change opal …
10:58 Changeset [224] by DavidSmith
Created a new class PulsarArchiveDB which inherits from MysqlDB and …
10:56 Changeset [223] by DavidSmith
cleaned up comments.


17:13 Changeset [222] by MatthewWhiting
Adding some new documentation -- the "project book". Not complete yet …
17:12 Changeset [221] by MatthewWhiting
Removed some comments that were being printed out.
16:01 Changeset [220] by MatthewWhiting
Some minor modifications to the perl script, and even more minor ones …
15:06 Changeset [219] by DavidSmith
Added usage of MysqlDB object and outputting mysql errors.
15:05 Changeset [218] by DavidSmith
Added exception logging wrapper routine
15:05 Changeset [217] by DavidSmith
added style for div.exception
15:04 Changeset [216] by DavidSmith
database connection encapsulation class


15:17 Ticket #37 (Write logs of users' interactions with archive) closed by DavidSmith
fixed: The file logger.php already existed with logging functions, I …
15:16 Changeset [215] by DavidSmith
Extended functionality of logger_write and added wrapper fucntions for …
14:59 Changeset [214] by MatthewWhiting
Updated the users guide.
10:28 Changeset [213] by MatthewWhiting
Making the login page look and work better, and updating the users' guide.


09:41 Ticket #45 (Update Users' guide) created by MatthewWhiting
Update the Users' guide page to account for the proprietry period and …


13:01 WebQuery edited by MatthewWhiting
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.