

16:49 Changeset [51] by Matthew Whiting
* Added verbose flag to PSRFits class, so we can control the …
14:25 Changeset [50] by Matthew Whiting
* New program: pvosummary.x. This writes out the RA, DEC, DATE-OBS …


15:17 Changeset [49] by Matthew Whiting
* Made some changes to the code to address the warnings seen when …


12:36 Changeset [48] by Matthew Whiting
Minor changes to the shell script to get it working.
12:31 Changeset [47] by Matthew Whiting
* A few minor changes to the code to address some compilation …
10:01 Changeset [46] by Matthew Whiting
Fixed a typo and removed some screen output diagnostics.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.