

14:27 Changeset [34] by Matthew Whiting
The PSRFITS definition has been changed to v2.8, and with it a number …


17:18 Changeset [33] by Matthew Whiting
Updated table identifying keyword ENUM fields in …
16:47 Changeset [32] by Matthew Whiting
Major change is to implement the new way n-bit data is dealt with, …


12:02 Changeset [31] by Matthew Whiting
* Made changes to conversionCodeDetails.tex -- trying to update to …


14:52 Changeset [30] by Matthew Whiting
Minor change to comments.


13:52 Changeset [29] by Matthew Whiting
The Header::obs_mode variable was being left out of the SurveySchema?
11:15 Changeset [28] by Matthew Whiting
Corrected the use of CHANBW -- this should be the width of a single …
09:43 Changeset [27] by Matthew Whiting
Clearing up some memory leaks.


17:03 Changeset [26] by Matthew Whiting
Changed getPSRFITSdefn() to use the standard definition file.
16:54 Ticket #5 (update the subint writing function) closed by Matthew Whiting
fixed: Done. The changes in [24] and [25] have implemented this.
16:51 Changeset [25] by Matthew Whiting
* Fixed mainConvert.cc so that it uses the newer functions. Much …
13:43 Changeset [24] by Matthew Whiting
* New file, src/PSRFits_fileIO.cc that contains all the routines for …
11:04 Ticket #5 (update the subint writing function) created by Matthew Whiting
The psrfits definition file has been updated, so we need to update the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.