{3} All Tickets by Milestone (28 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

(empty) (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#72 conesearch.php: example does not work in browser web archive defect MatthewWhiting new 07/03/08
#41 Register conesearch service with VO web archive defect MatthewWhiting assigned 02/04/08
#63 Opal Login web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
#65 QueryResultsForm reverts to other pages web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
#66 IE compatibility web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
#69 Display download size in CartForm web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
#73 http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/data_archive/ is broken web archive defect MatthewWhiting new 07/03/08
#75 Problems with query page web archive defect DavidSmith new 07/09/08
#76 Problems with results table web archive defect DavidSmith new 07/09/08
#77 WBC data not being returned web archive defect DavidSmith new 07/09/08
#78 Provide references to surveys general defect MatthewWhiting assigned 07/09/08
#79 can't login as 'lucyna' web archive defect MatthewWhiting new 07/09/08
#80 view profiles broken web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/03/08
#81 unable to not show cals web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/03/08
#82 search by date range not working web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/03/08
#83 Errors in DBUpdater program web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/03/08
#43 Make the webpage live web archive task MatthewWhiting new 02/05/08
#44 Document the archive and related software general task MatthewWhiting assigned 02/05/08
#74 closure document general task VincentMcIntyre assigned 07/03/08
#20 PSRFITS template parsing not working on Mac OS X pvoconvert: FITS access defect MatthewWhiting assigned 09/28/07
#45 Update Users' guide web archive defect DavidSmith new 02/12/08
#62 DBUpdater accepts invalid directory names web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
#85 white border around main text web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/04/08
#86 anonymous access: reason for email address web archive defect Jonathan Khoo new 09/04/08
#35 printable images of profiles required web archive enhancement DavidSmith new 01/25/08
#87 change to data archive login web archive enhancement Jonathan Khoo new 09/04/08
#88 separate login methods web archive enhancement Jonathan Khoo new 09/04/08
#67 Display current scruncing parameters. web archive defect DavidSmith new 06/30/08
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