Custom Query (61 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 61)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#30 DavidSmith DavidSmith fixed atoa style instructions on main query page

Add show/hide instructions just as they appear on the atoa site.

#36 DavidSmith anonymous fixed Preserving search parameters

It would be useful to keep previous search parameters on return to the query page especially if only a small adjustment of search criteria is needed.

#39 MatthewWhiting VincentMcIntyre fixed cone search - human-friendly output?

See also ticket:25

When visiting the URL, and providing no search parameters, the response one gets is an XML error message.

This is probably the way the simple conesearch interface is supposed to work, but I wonder if some more human-friendly output could be provided. For example, a CSS style sheet that would be ignored by robotic queries, and/or a link to an instructions page.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.