Custom Query (61 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 61)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#60 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed invert sense of bits

To make the data compatible with readers used for DFB3 data etc, we need to invert the sense of the bits in the data string. That is, after we reverse the order of the bits within each byte, we need to change 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s (use the complement function).

#64 DavidSmith DavidSmith fixed add s70 table to ConeQuery

I was going to encorporate the s70 data into the observations table, but since this data never needs to be updated I think its best to leave it in its own table and have the ConeQuery? examine that table also when performing a search.

#70 Jonathan Khoo VincentMcIntyre duplicate front page: spelling check, etc
  • s/proprietry/proprietary/g
  • stylesheet - there should be a whitespace border around the main text; wrap it in a <div/>.
  • why do I need to provide my email address for "anonymous" access? What will be done with it?
  • Data archive logon: s+Username:+<a href="">opal</a> Username:+
  • Perhaps the two login methods should be in separate <div> blocks, with a <hr> in between? Perhaps the page would be better organized with the split vertically (ie 2colx1row table)
  • What use is the 'reset' button? Does it 'clear' the form fields? (some explanatory text that appears when you hover over it could be the go)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.