Custom Query (61 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 61)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#37 DavidSmith MatthewWhiting fixed Write logs of users' interactions with archive

We would like to know what is happening with the archive, so we should have the archive write to a log file when users make a query and download data.

The log entry should have things like date, time, username/email, query string, download size, whether they viewed profiles, ...

Dick's suggestion -- just write all out in one long text line, with defined columns that could be searched by awk (for instance).

#38 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed Select based on project ID

It might be good to be able to select only observations for a given project ID.

#40 MatthewWhiting VincentMcIntyre fixed archive search - implement proprietary period limits

Data taken recently (within the "proprietary period") must not be made available to users outside the observing team for those observations.

The search code needs to implement:

  • no anonymous access to any data within the proprietary period
  • no access for authenticated users who are not (according to OPAL) listed on the proposal for the project number embedded in the data files
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.