06/20/07 17:19:17 (17 years ago)
Matthew Whiting
  • Have copied the entire directory herschel:/var/www/vhosts/pulsararchive.atnf.csiro.au/htdocs to the repository, with the exception of its subdirectory presentations/, as this is just Albert's stuff. Have done this primarily for reference's sake, so that the archive webpages are in the repository and visible.
  • The new stuff that I have been doing over the last week has been moved to new-htdocs/ (this was in the php-testing/ directory). New things in this include the conesearch-vo.php file that returns an XML/VOTABLE file containing the results of the conesearch. Still needs to deal with error conditions, but does return valid VOTables.
  • Some updating of the VOrequirements document.
(No files)

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