#! /usr/bin/perl -w # find_archives.pl # Author: Matthew Whiting # Date: January 2008 # ATNF, CSIRO # A modified version of Albert's find_archives.pl that hopefully works # a bit more consistently for the different data types. # Crawls through data archive directories (given as an input parameter), # searches for all observation and/or calibration files, enquires about # their pulsar parameters and inputs these details as well as their # location into a mySQL database use strict; use lib "/DATA/SITAR_1/whi550/VO/PulsarVO/SQL-Abstract-1.22/blib/lib"; use File::Find (); use DBI qw(:sql_types); use SQL::Abstract; use POSIX; # foreach (@{ $DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{sql_types} }) { # printf "%s=%d\n", $_, &{"DBI::$_"}; # } # for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements: use vars qw/*name *dir *prune @archive_dirs $archive_dir @files $vap_cmd $vap_out $params $num_vap_params $db_handle $filename $raj $decj $dm $period $bw $cnfg $freq $inst $mjdint $mjdfrac $npol $nchan $nbin $nsub $rcvr $site $length $obsrvr $data_loc $data_type $file_size $MJD $raH $raM $raS $decD $decM $decS $rajd $decjd $decstring $pi $pion180 $NGP_RA $NGP_DEC $ASC_NODE $draR $decR $sinb $sinl $cosl $gb $gl $gl_raw $bmaj $bmin $bpa $hdrver $survey $nbeam $output $vap $archive_extensions $ext $default @result_params $FILE_SIZE_INDEX $FB $DFB $WBC $CPSR2 $NULLFIELD $params_NAME $params_PROJID $params_RAJ $params_DECJ $params_FREQ $params_BW $params_LENGTH $params_DATE $params_TIME $params_MJD $params_BMAJ $params_BMIN $params_BPA $params_DM $params_PERIOD $params_NCHAN $params_NPOL $params_NBIN $params_NSUB $params_NBITS $params_TSAMP $params_NBEAM $params_CNFG $params_INST $params_RCVR $params_HDRVER $params_TELESCOP $params_SITE $params_OBSRVR $params_FILENAME /; # $machine *name = *File::Find::name; *dir = *File::Find::dir; *prune = *File::Find::prune; # The data types $FB = "FB"; $WBC = "WBC"; $DFB = "DFB"; $CPSR2 = "CPSR2"; # filename extensions $archive_extensions = "rf cf cfb fb"; # How to write NULL fields to the database #$NULLFIELD = undef; $NULLFIELD = "NULL"; # Pulsar parameters (listed in "vap -H") $params = "name projid ra dec freq bw length stt_date stt_time mjd bmaj bmin bpa dm period nchan npol nbin nsub nbits tsamp nbeam beconfig backend rcvr hdrver telescop asite observer"; # The location of vap $vap = "/pulsar/psr/linux/bin/vap -n"; # vap result parameter indices. Used to locate the resulting # parameter's location # Note that we start at 1, since the vap output has the filename in the first position $params_NAME = 1; $params_PROJID = 2; $params_RAJ = 3; $params_DECJ = 4; $params_FREQ = 5; $params_BW = 6; $params_LENGTH = 7; $params_DATE = 8; $params_TIME = 9; $params_MJD = 10; $params_BMAJ = 11; $params_BMIN = 12; $params_BPA = 13; $params_DM = 14; $params_PERIOD = 15; $params_NCHAN = 16; $params_NPOL = 17; $params_NBIN = 18; $params_NSUB = 19; $params_NBITS = 20; $params_TSAMP = 21; $params_NBEAM = 22; $params_CNFG = 23; $params_INST = 24; $params_RCVR = 25; $params_HDRVER = 26; $params_TELESCOP= 27; $params_SITE = 28; $params_OBSRVR = 29; $params_FILENAME= 30; ##################### # Begin main method # my @vap_params = split(/ /, $params); $num_vap_params = scalar(@vap_params); # The column number (starting from 0) of the file # size when calling ls -l $FILE_SIZE_INDEX = 4; # Use the default operation which is to firstly delete any # stale records, then crawl through and insert new records $default = 1; print "ARGV = @ARGV\n"; if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) { print "find_archives.pl: A crawler that populates a relational database\n with indexes to observational data along with their respective\n cal files.\n\n Usage: find_archives.pl [options] directory1 [directory2 ...]\n\n If no options are provided, it will default to do both -d and -p\n Options:\n \t-d Delete stale records\n \t-p Populate database with new records\n"; } # Connect to the database $db_handle = connectdb(); ######################################################### # Step 1. First remove any stale entries in the database # (remove file locations that no longer exist) ######################################################### if ($ARGV[0] eq "-d") { # deleteStaleRecords(); $default = 0; shift @ARGV; } ######################################################### # Step 2. Crawl through each input directory and insert # any new archives if ($ARGV[0] eq "-p") { shift @ARGV; @archive_dirs = @ARGV; foreach $archive_dir (@archive_dirs) { # Traverse desired filesystems File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, $archive_dir); } $default = 0; } # Else do both if ($default) { # deleteStaleRecords(); @archive_dirs = @ARGV; foreach $archive_dir (@archive_dirs) { # Check that the input directory is legit # Traverse desired filesystems File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, $archive_dir); } } #if ($db_handle->disconnect()) { # print "Successfully Disconnected from database\n"; #} #else { # print "Error: Failed to disconnect from the database\n"; # exit; #} ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Subroutine definitions # ###################################################################### ####################################################### sub wanted { if (-d and /^[a-zA-Z]{0,1}[0-9]{4}[+-][0-9]{4}.*/s ) { if ($File::Find::name !~ /.*S$/) { # ignore scrunch directories print "\n\nIn directory $_\n\n"; print "\$File::Find::name = $File::Find::name\n"; my $search_str; foreach $ext (split (/\s+/, $archive_extensions) ) { $search_str .= $File::Find::name . "/*.$ext " } my @all_files = glob($search_str); if (scalar(@all_files) == 0) { # No data files means it's likely to be a CPSR2 directory # Foreach observation my @cpsr2_obs_dirs = glob($File::Find::name . "/????-??-??-??:??:??"); my $cpsr2_obs_dir; foreach $cpsr2_obs_dir (@cpsr2_obs_dirs) { print "dir is $cpsr2_obs_dir\n"; # Need to check if this entry already exists $cpsr2_obs_dir =~ s/\s//g; if (isDuplicate($cpsr2_obs_dir) == 1) { print "$cpsr2_obs_dir is a duplicate entry. Skipping....\n\n"; next; } print "$cpsr2_obs_dir NOT a duplicate. Would extract data here...\n"; find_data_cpsr2($cpsr2_obs_dir); } } else{ my $file; foreach $file (@all_files) { # Need to check if this entry already exists $file =~ s/\s//g; if (isDuplicate($file) == 1) { print "$file is a duplicate entry. Skipping....\n\n"; next; } print "$file NOT a duplicate. Would insert into database here ...\n"; find_data($file); } } } } } ####################################################### sub find_data { # Usage: find_data(filename) # Runs vap on the filename, and extracts parameters, then sends them to populate_database() to be written to the database # # NOTE: this is for non-CPSR2 data my $file = $_[0]; my $vap_cmd = "$vap -c \"$params\" $file | grep -v filename | grep -v -x \"\" |"; print "Calling vap...$vap_cmd\n"; open(VAP,$vap_cmd); while ($vap_out = ) { $vap_out =~ s/^\s+//g; #remove any leading space my @result_params = split(/\s+/, $vap_out); populate_database(@result_params,$file); # if (scalar(@result_params) == ($num_vap_params + 1)) { # +1 because first column is filename # print "@result_params\n"; # populate_observations($file); # } # else { # print "Incorrect number of cols = ".scalar(@result_params).". Expected " . $num_vap_params+1 ."\n"; # print "@result_params\n"; # } } print "\n"; } ####################################################### sub find_data_cpsr2 { # Usage: find_data_cpsr2(filename) where filename = ????-??-??-??:??:?? # Extracts parameters for the observation using vap, then sends them to populate_database() to be written to the database # # NOTE: this is only for CPSR2 data my $dir = $_[0]; my $ext; my @result_params; my @tmp_params; my $prefix = "m n o"; my @all_files_fb = glob($dir."/*.fb"); my @all_files_cfb = glob($dir."/*.cfb"); if ( scalar(@all_files_fb)!=0 ){ $ext = ".fb"; } else{ $ext = ".cfb"; } print "Searching in $dir for $ext files\n"; my $pre; foreach $pre (split (/\s+/, ($prefix))) { my @all_files; my $search_str = $dir."/".$pre."*".$ext; print "$pre: Searching for files like: $search_str\n"; @all_files = glob($search_str); print "Found ". scalar(@all_files) . "\n"; if(scalar(@all_files) != 0) { # Get most parameters from first file my $vap_cmd = "$vap -n -c \"$params\" $all_files[0] | grep -v filename | grep -v -x \"\" |"; open(VAP,$vap_cmd); my $vap_out; while ($vap_out = ) { $vap_out =~ s/^\s+//g; #remove any leading space @result_params = split(/\s+/, $vap_out); print "RESULT_PARAMS:\n@result_params\n"; } my $total_length=0; my $file; foreach $file (@all_files) { #loop over all files in directory to get total obs time. my @tmp_params; $vap_cmd = "$vap -n -c \"$params\" $file | grep -v filename | grep -v -x \"\" |"; open(VAP,$vap_cmd); while ($vap_out = ) { $vap_out =~ s/^\s+//g; #remove any leading space @tmp_params = split(/\s+/, $vap_out); } $total_length += $tmp_params[$params_LENGTH]; } print "total length = $total_length\n"; $result_params[$params_LENGTH] = $total_length; populate_database(@result_params,$dir); } } } ####################################################### sub populate_database { # Usage: populate_database(file, $result_params), where file has the full path to the file/directory in question, # and $result_params have been filled with the vap results # # This subroutine calculates all necessary parameters (such as data type, decimal positions, beam, file size, ...) # and writes them to the database. my @results = @_; my $full_filename = $results[$#results]; # @results = shift @results; print "full_filename = $full_filename\nRESULT_PARAMS (POP):\n@results\n"; my @dirs = split(/\//, $full_filename); my $path = $dirs[0]; my $i; for ($i=1; $i < $#dirs; $i++){ $path .= "/".$dirs[$i]; } my $filename = $dirs[$#dirs]; print "path = $path, filename = $filename\n"; if( $filename =~ /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/ ) { # Case of CPSR2 data file $data_type = $CPSR2; my @time_date = split('-', $filename); $results[$params_DATE] = $time_date[0]."-".$time_date[1]."-".$time_date[2]; $results[$params_TIME] = $time_date[3]; my $prefix = substr $results[0], 0, 1; print "vap filename = $results[0] and the prefix = $prefix\n"; my $du = `du -sb $full_filename/$prefix*fb | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum+=\$1}END{print sum}'`; print "Running du: -> du -sb $full_filename/$prefix*fb | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum+=\$1}END{print sum}'\n"; my @file_details = split(/\s+/, $du); $file_size = $file_details[0]; } else{ if ($filename =~ /^a.*\.rf/ || $filename =~ /^a.*\.cf/ || $filename =~ /^r.*\.rf/ || $filename =~ /^r.*\.cf/) { $data_type = $DFB; } elsif ($filename =~ /^w.*\.rf/ || $filename =~ /^w.*\.cf/) { $data_type = $WBC; } else { $data_type = $NULLFIELD; } my $ls = `ls -l $full_filename`; my @file_details = split(/\s+/, $ls); $file_size = $file_details[$FILE_SIZE_INDEX]; } print "RESULT_PARAMS (POP 2):\n@results\n"; #### Calculate the RA and Dec in decimal degrees. ($raH,$raM,$raS) = split(':', $results[$params_RAJ]); $rajd = ($raH + $raM/60. + $raS/3600.) * 15.; ($decD,$decM,$decS) = split(':', $results[$params_DECJ]); $decjd = (abs($decD) + $decM/60. + $decS/3600.); my @decstring = split(/ */,$results[$params_DECJ]); if($decstring[0] eq '-'){ $decjd = -1. * $decjd; } ### Calculate the Galactic Longitude and latitude $pi=asin(1) * 2.; $pion180 = $pi/180.; $NGP_RA = 192.859508 * $pion180; # location of NGP $NGP_DEC= 27.128336 * $pion180; $ASC_NODE=32.932; $draR = $rajd*$pion180 - $NGP_RA; $decR = $decjd*$pion180; $sinb = cos($decR) * cos($NGP_DEC) * cos($draR) + sin($decR) * sin($NGP_DEC); $gb = asin($sinb); # this is the latitude, but in radians. $sinl = (sin($decR) * cos($NGP_DEC) - cos($decR) * cos($draR) * sin($NGP_DEC)) / cos($gb); $cosl = cos($decR) * sin($draR) / cos($gb); # Need to get the correct quadrant, as this isn't preserved by # atan, which returns angle between -90 and 90. $gl_raw = atan($sinl/$cosl); if($sinl > 0){ if($cosl > 0 ){ $gl = $gl_raw; } else { $gl = $gl_raw + $pi; } } else { if($cosl > 0){ $gl = $gl_raw + 2.*$pi; } else{ $gl = $gl_raw + $pi; } } # Now put them into degrees. $gb = $gb / $pion180; $gl = ($gl / $pion180) + $ASC_NODE; print "rajd = $rajd, decjd=$decjd, gl=$gl, gb=$gb\n"; # Beam information $bmaj = $results[$params_BMAJ]; $bmin = $results[$params_BMIN]; $bpa = $results[$params_BPA]; if($bmaj eq "UNDEF" || $bmaj eq "*" || $bmaj == 0.){ # could not get beam info from vap output. # Need to calculate manually. if( $results[$params_FREQ] != 0.){ # if the frequency is zero, do not calculate these... $bmaj = (1.2*(299792458./($results[$params_FREQ] * 1.e6))/64.) / $pion180; $bmin = (1.2*(299792458./($results[$params_FREQ] * 1.e6))/64.) / $pion180; $bpa = 0.; } else{ $bmaj = $NULLFIELD; $bmin = $NULLFIELD; $bpa = $NULLFIELD; } } if($results[$params_NBITS] eq "UNDEF" || $results[$params_NBITS] == 0){ $results[$params_NBITS] = $NULLFIELD; } if($results[$params_TSAMP] eq "UNDEF" || $results[$params_TSAMP] == 0){ $results[$params_TSAMP] = $NULLFIELD; } # Dud things that aren't required for this set of data. $survey = $NULLFIELD; $nbeam = 1; # Clean up any NULL parameters for ($i = 0; $i <= $#results; $i++) { if ($results[$i] eq "N/A" || $results[$i] eq "UNDEF" || $results[$i] eq "INVALID" || $results[$i] eq "*error*" || $results[$i] eq "*") { $results[$i] = $NULLFIELD; } } # print out the list of parameters print "filename = $filename\n"; print "src_name = " . $results[$params_NAME] . "\n"; print "projid = " . $results[$params_PROJID] . "\n"; print "raj = " . $results[$params_RAJ] . "\n"; print "dec = " . $results[$params_DECJ] . "\n"; print "data_type = $data_type\n"; print "freq = " . $results[$params_FREQ] . "\n"; print "bw = " . $results[$params_BW] . "\n"; print "scanlen = " . $results[$params_LENGTH] . "\n"; print "date = " . $results[$params_DATE] ."\n"; print "ut = " . $results[$params_TIME] ."\n"; print "MJD = " . $results[$params_MJD] ."\n"; print "rajd = " . $rajd ."\n"; print "decjd = " . $decjd ."\n"; print "gl = " . $gl ."\n"; print "gb = " . $gb ."\n"; print "bmaj = " . $bmaj ."\n"; print "bmin = " . $bmin ."\n"; print "bpa = " . $bpa ."\n"; print "dm = " . $results[$params_DM] . "\n"; print "period = " . $results[$params_PERIOD] . "\n"; print "nchan = " . $results[$params_NCHAN] . "\n"; print "npol = " . $results[$params_NPOL] . "\n"; print "nbin = " . $results[$params_NBIN] . "\n"; print "nsub = " . $results[$params_NSUB] . "\n"; print "tsamp = " . $results[$params_TSAMP] . "\n"; print "nbits = " . $results[$params_NBITS] . "\n"; print "nbeam = " . $nbeam . "\n"; print "cnfg = " . $results[$params_CNFG] . "\n"; print "inst = " . $results[$params_INST] . "\n"; print "rcvr = " . $results[$params_RCVR] . "\n"; print "hdrver = " . $results[$params_HDRVER] . "\n"; print "survey = " . $survey . "\n"; print "telescope = " . $results[$params_TELESCOP] . "\n"; print "site = " . $results[$params_SITE] . "\n"; print "obsrvr = " . $results[$params_OBSRVR] . "\n"; print "data_loc = $path\n"; print "file_size = $file_size bytes\n"; # Clean up any NULL parameters ready for SQL import for ($i = 0; $i <= $#results; $i++) { if ($results[$i] eq $NULLFIELD) { $results[$i] = undef; } } ######### Now write the data to the mySQL database my $sql; my %data = ( filename => $filename, src_name => $results[$params_NAME], project_id => $results[$params_PROJID], raj => $results[$params_RAJ], decj => $results[$params_DECJ], data_type => $data_type, obsfreq => $results[$params_FREQ], bw => $results[$params_BW], scanlen => $results[$params_LENGTH], date => $results[$params_DATE], ut => $results[$params_TIME], MJD => $results[$params_MJD], rajd => $rajd, decjd => $decjd, gl => $gl, gb => $gb, BMAJ => $bmaj, BMIN => $bmin, BPA => $bpa, dm => $results[$params_DM], period => $results[$params_PERIOD], nchan => $results[$params_NCHAN], npol => $results[$params_NPOL], nbin => $results[$params_NBIN], nsub => $results[$params_NSUB], tsamp => $results[$params_TSAMP], nbits => $results[$params_NBITS], nbeam => $nbeam, cnfg => $results[$params_CNFG], inst => $results[$params_INST], rcvr => $results[$params_RCVR], hdrver => $results[$params_HDRVER], survey => $survey, telescope => $results[$params_TELESCOP], site => $results[$params_SITE], obsrvr => $results[$params_OBSRVR], data_loc => $path, file_size_bytes => $file_size ); my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new; my $tableName; if ($path =~ /\_R/ ) { $tableName = 'cals'; } else { $tableName = 'observations'; } my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert($tableName, \%data); my $sth = $db_handle->prepare($stmt); $sth->execute(@bind); # if ($path =~ /\_R/ ) { # print "Inserting cal file $filename\n"; # # $sql = qq{ INSERT INTO cals # (filename, src_name, project_id, # raj, decj, data_type, obsfreq, bw, # scanlen, date, ut, MJD, # rajd, decjd, gl, gb, BMAJ, BMIN, BPA, # dm, period, nchan, npol, nbin, nsub, # tsamp, nbits, nbeam, # cnfg, inst, rcvr, hdrver, survey, # telescope, site, obsrvr, # data_loc, file_size_bytes # ) # # VALUES # ( ?, ?, ? # ?, ?, ?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), ?, ?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), # ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, # ?, ?, ?, # ?, CAST(? AS UNSIGNED) # ) ## ( ?, ?, ? ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ## ) # }; # } # else { # # print "Inserting obs file $filename\n"; # # $sql = qq{ INSERT INTO observations # (filename, src_name, project_id, # raj, decj, data_type, obsfreq, bw, # scanlen, date, ut, MJD, # rajd, decjd, gl, gb, BMAJ, BMIN, BPA, # dm, period, nchan, npol, nbin, nsub, # tsamp, nbits, nbeam, # cnfg, inst, rcvr, hdrver, survey, # telescope, site, obsrvr, # data_loc, file_size_bytes # ) # # VALUES # ( ?, ?, ? # ?, ?, ?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), ?, ?, CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), # CAST(? AS DECIMAL), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED), # ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, # ?, ?, ?, # ?, CAST(? AS UNSIGNED) # ) ## ( ?, ?, ? ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ?, ## ?, ?, ## ) # }; # } # my $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); ##DEBUGGING ## my $sth; # # #for( @records ) { # eval { # ## $sth->bind_param( 1, $filename); ## $sth->bind_param( 2, $results[$params_NAME]); ## $sth->bind_param( 3, $results[$params_PROJID]); ## $sth->bind_param( 4, $results[$params_RAJ]); ## $sth->bind_param( 5, $results[$params_DECJ]); ## $sth->bind_param( 6, $data_type); ## $sth->bind_param( 7, $results[$params_FREQ]); ## $sth->bind_param( 8, $results[$params_BW]); ## $sth->bind_param( 9, $results[$params_LENGTH]); ## $sth->bind_param( 10, $results[$params_DATE]); ## $sth->bind_param( 11, $results[$params_TIME]); ## $sth->bind_param( 12, $results[$params_MJD]); ## $sth->bind_param( 13, $rajd); ## $sth->bind_param( 14, $decjd); ## $sth->bind_param( 15, $gl); ## $sth->bind_param( 16, $gb); ## $sth->bind_param( 17, $bmaj); ## $sth->bind_param( 18, $bmin); ## $sth->bind_param( 19, $bpa); ## $sth->bind_param( 20, $results[$params_DM]); ## $sth->bind_param( 21, $results[$params_PERIOD]); ## $sth->bind_param( 22, $results[$params_NCHAN]); ## $sth->bind_param( 23, $results[$params_NPOL]); ## $sth->bind_param( 24, $results[$params_NBIN]); ## $sth->bind_param( 25, $results[$params_NSUB]); ## $sth->bind_param( 26, $results[$params_TSAMP]); ## $sth->bind_param( 27, $results[$params_NBITS]); ## $sth->bind_param( 28, $nbeam); ## $sth->bind_param( 29, $results[$params_CNFG]); ## $sth->bind_param( 30, $results[$params_INST]); ## $sth->bind_param( 31, $results[$params_RCVR]); ## $sth->bind_param( 32, $results[$params_HDRVER]); ## $sth->bind_param( 33, $survey); ## $sth->bind_param( 34, $results[$params_TELESCOP]); ## $sth->bind_param( 35, $results[$params_SITE]); ## $sth->bind_param( 36, $results[$params_OBSRVR]); ## $sth->bind_param( 37, $path); ## $sth->bind_param( 38, $file_size); # ## $sth->bind_param( 1, $filename, {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 2, $results[$params_NAME], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 3, $results[$params_PROJID], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 4, $results[$params_RAJ], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 5, $results[$params_DECJ], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 6, $data_type, {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 7, $results[$params_FREQ], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 8, $results[$params_BW], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 9, $results[$params_LENGTH], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 10, $results[$params_DATE], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 11, $results[$params_TIME], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 12, $results[$params_MJD], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 13, $rajd, {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 14, $decjd, {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 15, $gl, {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 16, $gb, {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 17, $bmaj, {TYPE => SQL_FLOAT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 18, $bmin, {TYPE => SQL_FLOAT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 19, $bpa, {TYPE => SQL_FLOAT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 20, $results[$params_DM], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 21, $results[$params_PERIOD], {TYPE => SQL_DOUBLE } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 22, $results[$params_NCHAN], {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 23, $results[$params_NPOL], {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 24, $results[$params_NBIN], {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 25, $results[$params_NSUB], {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 26, $results[$params_TSAMP], {TYPE => SQL_FLOAT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 27, $results[$params_NBITS], {TYPE => SQL_TINYINT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 28, $nbeam, {TYPE => SQL_TINYINT } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 29, $results[$params_CNFG], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 30, $results[$params_INST], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 31, $results[$params_RCVR], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 32, $results[$params_HDRVER], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 33, $survey, {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 34, $results[$params_TELESCOP], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 35, $results[$params_SITE], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 36, $results[$params_OBSRVR], {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 37, $path, {TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } ); ## $sth->bind_param( 38, $file_size, {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } ); # # $sth->execute(); ##DEBUGGING ## DBI::dump_results($sth); ## $rows = $sth->dump_results(); ## print "$rows\n"; # print "$sth\n"; # # # $db_handle->commit(); # Autocommit is already ON so no need for a manual commit # }; if( $@ ) { print "warning statement\n"; warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } #DEBUGGING $sth->finish(); } ####################################################### sub isDuplicate { #DEBUGGING # return 0; my $filename = $_[0]; my $search_data_loc; my $search_filename; my $pulsar_name; if ( $filename =~ m/(.*(J[0-9]{4}[+-][0-9]{1,4}.*))[\/]+([a-z][0-9]{6}_[0-9]{6}\.([a-z]{2,}))$/i ) { $search_data_loc = $1; $search_filename = $3; $pulsar_name = $2; } elsif ($filename =~ m/(.*(J[0-9]{4}[+-][0-9]{1,4}.*))[\/]+([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$/i ) { $search_data_loc = $1; $search_filename = $3; $pulsar_name = $2; } else { print "$filename is an oddball -- not doing..."; return 1; } my $sql; if ($pulsar_name =~ m/.*_R$/) { $sql = qq{ SELECT * from cals WHERE data_loc LIKE ? AND filename = ? }; } else { print "This is an observation\n"; $sql = qq{ SELECT * from observations WHERE data_loc LIKE ? AND filename = ? }; } my $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); eval { print "like $search_data_loc and filename = $search_filename \n"; $sth->bind_param( 1, $search_data_loc, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->bind_param( 2, $search_filename, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->execute(); }; if( $@ ) { warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } # read the records my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if (scalar(@data) > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } ####################################################### # Removes sub deleteStaleRecords { my $sql, my $sth, my @data, my $file; $sql = qq{ SELECT data_loc, filename from cals }; $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); eval { $sth->execute(); }; if( $@ ) { warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } my @cals2delete; while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if (scalar(@data) == 2) { $file = $data[0]."/".$data[1]; if (!-e $file) { print "$file does NOT exist\n\n"; # Push the row into the cals to delete # So array will look like: # {/full/path/to/dir, filename.cf, /full/path/to/dir, filename2.cf, etc..} push (@cals2delete, @data); } } } $sql = qq{ SELECT data_loc, filename from observations }; $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); eval { $sth->execute(); }; if( $@ ) { warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } my @obs2delete; while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if (scalar(@data) == 2) { $file = $data[0]."/".$data[1]; if (!-e $file) { print "$file does NOT exist\n\n"; # Push the row into the cals to delete # So array will look like: # {/full/path/to/dir, filename.cf, /full/path/to/dir, filename2.cf, etc..} push (@obs2delete, @data); } } } print "There are " . scalar(@cals2delete)/2 . " stale cals (" . scalar(@cals2delete) . "/2) and " . scalar(@obs2delete)/2 . " stale obs to delete\n"; # Delete the rows my $data_loc, my $filename; while (@cals2delete) { $data_loc = shift @cals2delete; $filename = shift @cals2delete; $sql = qq{ DELETE FROM cals WHERE data_loc = ? AND filename = ?}; $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); eval { $sth->bind_param( 1, $data_loc, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->bind_param( 2, $filename, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->execute(); }; if( $@ ) { warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } else { print "Successfully deleted $data_loc/$filename\n"; } } while (@obs2delete) { $data_loc = shift @obs2delete; $filename = shift @obs2delete; $sql = qq{ DELETE FROM observations WHERE data_loc = ? AND filename = ?}; $sth = $db_handle->prepare( $sql ); eval { $sth->bind_param( 1, $data_loc, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->bind_param( 2, $filename, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->execute(); }; if( $@ ) { warn "Database error: $DBI::errstr\n"; $db_handle->rollback(); #just die if rollback is failing } else { print "Successfully deleted $data_loc/$filename\n"; } } $sth->finish(); } ####################################################### sub connectdb { # Connect to the MySQL server my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=psrchive;host=localhost", "psrdba", "lighthouse") or die "Couldn't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n"; print "Successfully connected to db\n" if $dbh; return $dbh; # DEBUGGING # print "We would normally connect to the DB here\n"; # return 1; }