= SYSCAL Data Storage Formats = The RPFITS data stores some extra information in the header, as keywords, and some in the visibility data stream, by marking it with baseline number -1. For single dish data (baseline==0) the u,v,w variables are replaced with ra,dec,utc. == BINARY FORMAT OF RPFITS == || VIS data || SYSCAL data|| || (baseline > 0) || (baseline = -1) || || param 1=u in m || 0.0 || || param 2=v in m || 0.0 || || param 3=w in m || 0.0 || || param 4=baseline number || -1.0 || || param 5=UT in seconds || sc_ut: UT in seconds || || param 6= flag (if present) || sc_ant || || param 7= bin (if present) || sc_if || || param 8=if_no (if present) || sc_q || || param 9=sourceno (if present) || sc_srcno || || param 10=intbase integration time || 0.0 || || param 11=data_format || 0 || || followed by nchan*npol*(real[,imag[,wt]])|| followed by sc_ant*sc_q floats|| --- {{{ #!rst Syscal data variables ===================== === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= Q Syscal Quantity MB Syscal quantity ATCA Wide Band Corr --- ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- # q1=0 q1>0 q1=0 q1>0 q1>0 === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= q1 0 beam(>0) 0 ant(>0) ant(>0) q2 Az Temp. if_no Freq band0 q3 El Pressure XY phase Tsys0 q4 Par. Angle Humidity sqrt(TsysA) Tsys0 q5 Focus x Windspeed sqrt(TsysB) Tsys0 q6 Focus y Wind Dir S Stats A - Freq band1 q7 Focus z Wind flag S Stats A 0 Tsys1 q8 Temp Rain S Stats A + Tsys1 q9 Press Seemonphase S Stats B - Tsys1 q10 Humidity Seemon rms S Stats B 0 nrec radec records q11 Wind speed Seemon flag S Stats B + ant q12 Wind dir. Par. Angle utseconds q13 Cal signal Syscal Flag ra q14 time XY Ampl. dec q15 Cal PolA TrackErrMax (repeated q16 Cal PolB TrackErrRMS nrec times) q17 Ref beam DSD off A q18 DSD on A q19 DSD off B q20 DSD on B === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= }}}