= SYSCAL Data Storage Formats = The RPFITS data stores some extra information in the header, as keywords, and some in the visibility data stream, by marking it with baseline number -1. For single dish data (baseline==0) the u,v,w variables are replaced with ra,dec,utc. {{{ #!rst Syscal data variables ===================== === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= Q Syscal Quantity MB Syscal quantity ATCA Wide Band Corr --- ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- # q1=0 q1>0 q1=0 q1>0 q1>0 === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= q1 0 beam(>0) 0 ant(>0) ant(>0) q2 Az Temp. if_no Freq band0 q3 El Pressure XY phase Tsys q4 Par. Angle Humidity sqrt(TsysA) Tsys q5 Focus x Windspeed sqrt(TsysB) Tsys q6 Focus y Wind Dir S Stats A + Freq band1 q7 Focus z Wind flag S Stats A 0 Tsys q8 Temp Rain S Stats A - Tsys q9 Press Seemonphase S Stats B + Tsys q10 Humidity Seemon rms S Stats B 0 # radec records q11 Wind speed Seemon flag S Stats B - ant q12 Wind dir. Par. Angle utseconds q13 Cal signal Flag ra q14 time XY Ampl. dec q15 Cal PolA (repeated) q16 Cal PolB q17 Ref beam DSD off A q18 DSD on A q19 DSD off B q20 DSD on B === ========== ========== =========== ============= ================= }}}