Types of calibration tables: * Gain * Bandpass * Leakage Current miriad formats: {{{ #!rst gains ============= The gains table contains nants complex antenna gains for nfeeds feeds and nsols solution intervals. ====== ============== ========= offset value length ====== ============== ========= 0 0 4 4 undef 4 8 julian date 8 16 gains(2,nants) 8*2*nants (last 2 lines repeat nsols times) ================================= bandpass ======== The bandpass table contains nchan * npol * nants complex channel gains. The value nchan is the sum of all channels in all frequency bands, npol=1 or 2. ====== =================== ================== offset value length ====== =================== ================== 0 0 4 4 undef 4 8 g(nchan,npol,nants) 8*nchan*npol*nants ====== =================== ================== freqs ===== A separate table "freqs" is maintained with the frequencies for each of nspec bands (or spectra). The item freq is the frequency for the first channel, df gives the channel spacing ====== =================== ================== offset value length ====== =================== ================== 0 0 4 4 undef 4 8 nschan 4 16 freq 8 24 df 8 (last 3 lines repeated nspec times) ============================================== leakage ======= polarization leakage parameters or D terms. There are 2 complex D term parameters per antenna. ====== =================== ================== offset value length ====== =================== ================== 0 0 4 4 undef 4 8 D(2,nants) 8*2*nants ====== =================== ================== }}}