
Version 1 (modified by VincentMcIntyre, 14 years ago) (diff)



Brief catchup discussion


Round table
who's been making progress over the Xmas/January? period
Review tickets
discuss a few recent ones: #91, #92, #93, #102, #103


CABB status

Graeme/Jamie/Markw? reported that some programs requiring zoom modes had been turned into maintenance time. NASA tracking has been canned as well. WEW is using this period to prepare for testing the first 1MHz mode, which will hopefully occur in the week 22-26 Feb.


MarkW has implemented a nofqav option in the CABB branch, waiting for Jamie to test. (ticket:91)


Emil has distributed precompiled linux & os/x binaries to various people around the globe. These are available from his home page


Emil reported on processing CABB data with the CASA package, versions 2.4 & 3.0. v3.0 segfaults all over the place and has quite worrying basic errors in it.


MarkC reported an inconsistency between ATLOD and FITS in the way antenna coordinates are handled (they were using different conventions for the origin of the baseline coordinates). This has been around since 1999, it appears. The impact is relatively small; it moves antennae by up to half the length of the longest baseline in the array.

Highly polarised sources

Brief discussion of the issue raised by Dominic Schnitzler about how well CABB + MIRIAD deals with rotation measure synthesis observations at 20cm. Some tests were done (at 3 & 6cm) during commissioning time, but the results (processed by Jamie) didn't show anything untoward. More discussion with Dominic is needed, Jamie said he would follow up.

New project members

Douglas Bock has arrived and MarkC is keen to hand over the Project Leader reins to him. Phil Edwards is now based at Marsfield and could be a valuable contributor particularly regarding CABB. Vince intends to invite them for a meeting next week.


Jamie reported he'd had good feedback on the need for a CA forum of some kind but hadn't worked out how to set it up yet. There are numerous competing requirements because of the number of interested parties.


  • Graeme
  • MarkC
  • MarkW
  • Jamie
  • Emil
  • Vince

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