= [wiki:Meetings]/20090717 = Catch up discussion and review draft PRB report == Agenda == There was no prepared agenda ---- == Minutes == === Discussion of progress vs [wiki:Schedule] === Stage2:: Our last PRB report said we should have released Stage2 by 2009 May.[[BR]] How much work is left? After some hands-on experience with CABB it seems we don't need the [wiki:Changes/bbcal bbcal] script.[[BR]] There are two many variations to handle, people seem happy to write their own shell scripts.[[BR]] The [wiki:Changes/uvsplit uvsplit] changes were done some time ago. So we can call this done, and in fact released.[[BR]] We'll take the completion date to be 2009-05-31. Stage3:: Wait for zoom bands to be ready. First scheduled observations are [http://www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au/observing/schedules/2009JulSem/CA005.html 2009 Sep 18].[[BR]] The initial mode will be 2048 channels over 1MHz - similar to the 4MHz/2048 channel mode beloved by OH maser observers. Stage 4:: [wiki:Changes/uvacflag uvacflag] is implemented, but automatically flagging cross-correlations from the autocorrelations turns out to be impractical - the bandpass has too much structure for it to be easy to distinguish RFI that affects cross-correlations. Drop this component. Single-dish observing modes - unclear how much use there would be. This needs to go to ATUC for consideration of priority. Stage 5:: [wiki:Changes/mfcal handle time-varying bandpass functions] is actually needed.[[BR]] The cause of this still not understood, details may affect the implementation and advice we give to people. [wiki:Changes/gpcal leakage terms] do appear to vary significantly across the bandpass. We need to handle Tsys varying across the band as well.[[BR]] We have the on/off data in the RPFITS file but aren't using it yet[[BR]] We need to know how the temperature of the calibration diode changes with frequency (T,,cal,,(f)) - this requires engineering work Other issues that could affect the schedule:: * large integers in FORTRAN (ticket:67, ticket:81, ticket:85) need a generic solution but that's a lot of work. There are workarounds. * [/trac/operations/wiki/NFO/Meetings/Ops010 baseline calibration errors] - not our problem, it seems (no remedial software required). === General discussion === * Emil won a prize for his image of PictorA (FIXME: link) ! * MarkW still not getting enough uninterrupted time for this work, esp. the stage 5 bits that need more concentration.[[BR]] Farm some work out to EuanTroup? * Dave will raise issue of replacement Project Leader with PRB at their meeting on 22 July. * Skip next meeting, Dave too busy. * Expenditure data from 2009-Feb-01 to 2009-Jun-30: $7,827 (labour), $5,665 (overhead). == Actions == * MarkW to discuss what changes are likely to be needed to [wiki:Changes/gpcopy gpcopy] to handle zoom bands, with Warwick Wilson and Dick Ferris, e.g. will bandpass correction be needed? * Dave will raise issue of replacement Project Leader with PRB at their meeting on 22 July. * Vince to resubmit PRB dashboard, with some cheat notes for Dave to consult during the meeting. * Vince to ask ATUC regarding single-dish observing mode. Does anyone want Mopra-x-6? == Participants == * Dave * MarkW * Emil * Vince Jamie en route to Parkes open day, sent apology [wiki:Meetings Meetings Home]