Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Meetings/20071012

10/12/07 12:03:29 (17 years ago)

Initial entry


  • Meetings/20071012

    v1 v1  
     1= Meetings/Template =
     3Describe the overall intent of the meeting here
     6== Agenda ==
     7Weekly catchup::
     8  description of agenda item
     11== Minutes ==
     12* Dave relayed outcome of discussion with MarkCalabretta re switching to subversion:[[BR]]
     13  We wait (about a month) so Mark can merge the pre-history into RCS. Then the svn repo will contain as much of the history as is known.[[BR]]
     14  There was some discussion of how one works with branches in RCS.
     15* Dave and Malte had further discussion about the idea of merging this wiki with the [/trac/atsoftware atsoftware] wiki.[[BR]]
     16  Their opinion is now that for established packages like this it is better not to merge. Most things we would want to do can be handle d with InterWiki linking. However there is some problem with making this work at present.[[BR]]
     17  We should restructure this wiki to be for suitable for the miriad mainline and the CABB enhancements.
     18* Mark has done some changes in a private RCS tree, relating to {{{uvflag}}} [ticket:25][[BR]]
     19  This forms a great test case for merging code back into the mainline.
     20* There is an urgent need to modify {{{atlod}}} to handle 3mm polarised feeds.[[BR]]
     21  This forms a useful test case for MarkWieringa (modifying the main line)
     22* Some discussion of targets to assign Stacy. Code review of the changes in [ticket:25] seems a good start.
     24== ToDo ==
     25* Mark: {{{select}}} documentation is not in RCS. Discuss with MarkCalabretta.
     26* Mark: Contact StacyMader regarding code review of changes made for [ticket:25].
     27* Dave: document the reasoning behind not merging with [/trac/atsoftware atsoftware].
     28* Vince: contact Malte regarding InterWiki linking.
     29* Vince: review effort logs against progress, to see how we are doing on estimating tasks so far.
     30* Vince: restructure wiki to handle the mainline miriad package, not just the miriad4cabb upgrade.
     31* ?: structure SVN repository to handle the mainline miriad package, not just the miriad4cabb upgrade.
     33== Participants ==
     34 * DavidMcConnell
     35 * VincentMcIntyre
     36 * MarkWieringa
     38[wiki:Meetings Meetings Home]