
Version 2 (modified by MarkWieringa, 17 years ago) (diff)



Item Complexity Research Milestone Time
Autocorrelation flagging moderate yes 9 10d
Seeing monitor flagging moderate no 5d

Autocorrelation flagging

Add selection and baseline removal options to uvflag to facilitate flagging RFI based on autocorrelation data. Some amount of experimentation with real data will be required to determine the exact approach to take.

Seeing monitor

This item is a pre-CABB wishlist item requested by Ron Ekers - The seeing monitor gives a useful indication of phase stability at all frequencies above 5 GHz and it should be easy to use this information to flag your data. Use the seeing monitor data to flag times of bad phase stability. The seemon data is already present in the rpfits and miriad uvdata (as smonrms variable).

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