= Changes/atlod = ||atlod|| || || || ||Item || Difficulty || Milestone || Time || ||SamplerStatistics || easy || 6 || 1d || ||DataSizeLimits || easy || 6 || 2d || ||IdentifyParentWindow || moderate || 8 || 2*5d || ||FlaggingWithinATLOD - basics || easy || 6 || 5d || ||FlaggingWithinATLOD - autoflagging || moderate || 9 || 4*5d || ||MoreSelectionOptions || easy || 6 || 5d || [wiki:SYSCALRecordChanges]:: The SYSCAL records will change from their current form. SamplerStatistics:: we no longer use these. So we need to avoid checking for them with CABB-type data. StorageOfSYSCALData:: Now that there are no sampler statistics, we need a different way of carrying along [wiki:Glossary/Tsys Tsys] and [wiki:Glossary/XYPhase XYPhase] data than we have at present. At present there are 24 scalar values of Tsys (6 antennae * 2 polarizations * 2 IFs) written into every integration, and 12 (6 ant. * 2 IFs) of XYPhase. In the new system there will likely be a spectrum of each, in the form of autocorrelations. Tsys is formed from the XX and YY polarisations of the autocorrelations, with the noise diode on and off; XYPhase from the XY (or its conjugate, YX) with the diode on and off. DataSizeLimits:: we need to check for size limits on the data dimensions - number of windows, channels, etc [wiki:XYPhaseCalibration]:: instead of a single (instrumental) XY phase term, we will now get all the autocorellations. This has the potential to greatly inflate the data volume. IdentifyParentWindow:: Each spectral window output by the correlator can have some [wiki:Glossary/ZoomBands ZoomBands] defined. We think that it will be necessary to keep track of each window's parent window. There should only be 0 or 1 parents. Whether it is necessary to keep track of the children of a particular band is unclear. [wiki:FlaggingWithinATLOD]:: [http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/miriad/doc/atlod.html atlod] does a qualitatively different type of flagging to other parts of Miriad; it drops data from the output instead of just marking it as bad. There are two possible types of flagging-related changes. * removal of [wiki:Glossary/Birdies birdies] - there are likely to be some new ones * possibly using the [Glossary/AutoCorrelations autocorrelations] to flag data affected by interference. MoreSelectionOptions:: Probably people will want to atlod just a subset of the data, not the whole thing. This requires more selection options than just 'ifsel'. [/trac/miriad4cabb Wiki Home]