

15:37 Ticket #114 (atlod: RPFITSIN: Corrupted data encountered) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: atlod was correct, the data was corrupt. Warwick has now fixed up the …
15:32 Ticket #112 (blflag: dies when trying to read flag data) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: Warwick has written a program to fix the data files - they now load …


08:34 Ticket #114 (atlod: RPFITSIN: Corrupted data encountered) created by VincentMcIntyre
atlod produces logs of warnings about 'Corrupted data …


19:09 Ticket #113 (atlod: new parameter edgechans?) created by VincentMcIntyre
CABB advertises (loudly) it produces 2048 channels per IF. Yet …
09:29 Ticket #112 (blflag: dies when trying to read flag data) created by VincentMcIntyre
blflag is unable to display recent CABB data, it dies while reading …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.