

15:58 Ticket #85 (Hit Fortran integer limit during imaging) created by Mark.Wieringa@…
HI Mark, thanks for looking into this for me, I guess I'll wait for …


21:36 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
21:35 Ticket #84 (image quality comparisons) created by VincentMcIntyre
Since we've made a lot of noise about the difference in image quality …


13:59 Ticket #76 (blfit does not work with CABB data) closed by MarkWieringa
worksforme: Since then, the noauto option in atlod has been restored, making it …
13:57 Ticket #20 (ATLOD can handle known CABB birdies) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: It turns out that there are quite a few internal RFI issues with CABB, …
13:53 Ticket #66 (bbcal: design) closed by MarkWieringa
duplicate: part of ticket #50
13:52 Ticket #50 (bbcal processing script for improved broad band calibration) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: The script was written. It turned out to be hard to install it in the …
13:43 Ticket #46 (atlod copes with CABB syscal data) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: The syscal fields have been updated in atlod, the fields gtp, sdo …
13:40 Ticket #81 (atlod and uvcat abort when flag table gets too big) closed by MarkWieringa
fixed: The relevant integers were changed to size_t, similar to code …
12:58 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
12:57 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
12:56 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
add minutes & actions (diff)
12:09 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
12:09 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
12:03 Meetings/20090612 edited by VincentMcIntyre
11:55 Meetings/20090612 created by VincentMcIntyre
11:52 Meetings edited by VincentMcIntyre


12:21 Ticket #83 (CABB data processable with other MIRIAD packages?) created by VincentMcIntyre
Dan Marrone (dmarrone@…) asked if it would be …
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