Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#62 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed agree release process with maintainer

Our thought for the "release" process for CABB changes was to

  • work on a set of functionality in the CABB branch
  • get this merged to the mainline by MarkC

This needs to be discussed and agreed, with him.

#64 MarkCalabretta VincentMcIntyre fixed versan: change argument list

The version string printed by miriad programs is computed by the versan subroutine.

This is fed a program name and an RCS $Id$ string as input. This breaks in some cases, because the Id string becomes longer than 80 characters (code won't compile).

This can be resolved by feeding the versan subroutine the $Revision$ and $Date$ RCS tags as arguments, instead of $Id$. This has the advantage of providing cleaner input, thus reducing the amount of parsing versan has to do, and not causing the compilation problems noted above.

For atlod the patch looks like:

--- /nfs/atapplic/miriad/prog/atlod.for 2008-05-30 22:00:13.149997000 +1000
+++ atlod.for   2008-06-20 12:39:24.319107000 +1000
@@ -264,7 +264,8 @@
        character itoaf*8, rperr*32, versan*80
       version = versan ('atlod',
-     :  '$Id: atlod.for,v 1.6 2007/10/23 22:08:41 wie017 Exp $')
+     :  '$Revision$',
+     :  '$Date$')
 c  Get the input parameters.

At present this affects about 26 tasks in miriad, and subs/versan.for.

#66 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre duplicate bbcal: design

We need to design the bbcal task, that will calibrate a 2GHz bandwidth in 128MHz chunks.

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