Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 104)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#39 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed tweak the newticket defaults so MIRIAD - mainline is the default component

For reports from general users we need to simplify the "newticket" page. If possible we should hide all fields but Keywords: and Cc: It might be simplest to do that with a cgi program that feeds the information to the real "newticket"

question: how do we avoid spammers abusing the Cc: field?

#40 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed prepare PRB report (2008 Feb)

The next PRB is 2008-02-20, reports due on 2008-02-13

#42 MarkCalabretta VincentMcIntyre wontfix build from subversion checkout

This ticket captures the requirement we have to build miriad (and miriad releases) from a svn checkout. Once we have done this, we can safely stop using RCS.

Some related notes: Notes/Subversion/Importing

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