Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#116 MarkCalabretta JamieStevens invalid gpnorm failing when bandpass tables are present

For reference please see conversation at

Dominic reports that the gpnorm task does not work on a dataset that has a bandpass table or correction applied. He further states that this is a recent issue and that previous gpnorm versions did not suffer from this.

#117 MarkWieringa JamieStevens fixed atlod rfiflag L/S range needs to be updated

With 4 out of the 5 L/S receivers currently on the array being the wideband type, it is time to update atlod to stop it cutting out too much of the usable band.

Currently, when 'options=birdie,rfiflag' is specified to atlod while loading L data, the band outside the range 1.2 - 1.9 GHz is flagged. I propose that the full 1.1 - 3.1 GHz range be made available.

This will probably have to be date-dependent, to support old CABB data. I think all L/S data after 17th August 2010 can be assumed to have the entire L/S range usable for antennas 2,3,4 and 6. At this time, CA01 still has the old L/S band receiver, and antennas 1 & 5 will be upgraded by 22nd October 2010.

#35 MarkWieringa MarkWieringa fixed atlod changes to cope with 3mm xy noise cal on a single antenna

A new 3mm receiver with noise calibration source will be installed on the ATCA shortly. Data from 19OCT07 onwards will have valid XY phase and amplitude syscal data. Currently atlod ignores all xy syscal data for 3mm. Correct polarization calibration of the array requires the xy phase on the new antenna to be applied to the y correlation on all baselines.

The first polarization observations requiring this will start on 22OCT07.

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