Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#57 DaveMcConnell VincentMcIntyre fixed prepare PRB talk (2008 Feb)

The PRB want us to give a talk on this project.

No details on what aspects as yet.

#59 MarkWieringa MarkWieringa fixed uvdat - handle frequency dependency of calibration tables

uvdat is the subroutine used to access the miriad visibilities from most (all?) programs. It handles calibration on-the-fly, while reading the data. Any changes to the calibration scheme (see gpcal and mfcal) will need to be reflected in this routine, including interpolation of values from a table of 1D or 2D spline fits.

See uvdat

#60 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre duplicate prepare parallel install of miriad

We need a parallel install of miriad to use for testing of CABB changes.

Probably implement as /nfs/atapplic/miriad-cabb or similar, and software/miriad-cabb on the FTP site.

Needs discussion with MarkC.

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