Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 104)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#46 MarkWieringa MarkWieringa fixed atlod copes with CABB syscal data

The rpfits data currently contains a section with system calibration data (the syscal record). This contains things like weather data, sampler stats and system temperatures. With CABB some of these items will either disappear or take on new meanings. atlod will need to be updated to take these changes into account. E.g., we may want to generate a band average systemp from the cal on/off spectra generated by CABB. Also see: Syscal changes

#48 MarkWieringa MarkWieringa fixed uvsplit can split wide band into sub-bands

Add a parameter to uvplit to split up wide bands into a number of sub-bands for separate calibration and imaging.

See uvsplit changes

#49 MarkWieringa MarkWieringa fixed uvcopy can copy gain, leakage and bandpass from continuum band to zoom bands

uvcopy needs to be able to copy the gain, leakage and bandpass calibration from the parent continuum band to the zoom band.

See: gpcopy changes

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