Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#230 assigned defect

Duchamp can not read my fits file — at Initial Version

Reported by: udaraabeysekara@… Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: FITS reader Version: 1.6.1
Severity: major Keywords: FITS, Duchamp


We installed Duchamp 1.61 successfully and confirmed that my installation is good by running VerifyDuchamp?.sh. However, when we give our FITS file it give us the following error.

$Duchamp -p input1 WARNING <Reading parameters> : PGPlot has not been enabled, so setting flagXOutput, flagMaps, flagPlotSpectra and flagPlotIndividualSpectra to false. Opening image: allsky.fits Dimensions of FITS file: 214125051624 WARNING <Cube Reader> : 0x7fff37db0c08 ERROR <Duchamp> : Unable to open image file allsky.fits

Duchamp failed with the following error: Unable to open image file allsky.fits

We made sure our FITS file is not damaged by opening the file in a different FITS file viewer.

Is there any special formatting we should do for the FITS files before use in Duchamp?

It would be really great if you could give a hint about the possible mistake.

We also installed the cfitsio and wcslib. We think we linked them correctly, because the Verification script ran successfully.


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