Custom Query (27 matches)


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Status: closed (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#138 ObjectGrower broken MatthewWhiting defect highest Searching 1.1.13
#153 Spatial & spectral searches do not agree MatthewWhiting defect highest Searching 1.1.13
#154 Implement maxscale in reconstruction MatthewWhiting defect highest Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.13
#133 Wrong behaviour when flagTrim=true and no blank keyword MatthewWhiting defect high Input 1.1.13
#140 WCS errors in setting final parameters MatthewWhiting defect high Code base 1.1.13
#147 Memory size reporting is wrong for <3 dimensions MatthewWhiting defect high Input 1.1.13
#150 Check double status of Detection parameters MatthewWhiting task high Code base 1.1.13
#95 Error reporting MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Code base 1.1.9
#121 Reconstruction too memory-hungry MatthewWhiting defect normal Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.12
#123 Improve voxel list handling MatthewWhiting defect normal Code base 1.1.13
#124 Numeric Differences in verification tests between 64bit and 32bit compilation MatthewWhiting defect normal other 1.1.13
#126 Query about 3D Atrous Reconstruction MatthewWhiting defect normal Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.13
#127 Flux unit conversion not working with existing reconstruction MatthewWhiting defect normal Input 1.1.13
#129 Incorrect number of scales in reconstruction MatthewWhiting defect normal Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.13
#130 Mask image does not account for subsection properly MatthewWhiting defect normal Output 1.1.13
#134 Precision of RA and Dec output MatthewWhiting defect normal Output 1.1.13
#135 Machine Readable Output MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Building/Installation 1.1.13
#136 Reconstructed array not plotted on spectrum when read in MatthewWhiting defect normal Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.13
#137 Saving/reading recon array leads to different outcomes MatthewWhiting defect normal Wavelet reconstruction 1.1.13
#139 Object3D - keep a spatial map MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Code base 1.1.13
#141 decToDMS produces odd results MatthewWhiting defect normal Code base 1.1.13
#142 Inconsistencies in searches with MW vs subimages MatthewWhiting defect normal Searching 1.1.13
#145 Ensure minVoxels is big enough to accomodate minPIxels & minChannels MatthewWhiting defect normal Input 1.1.13
#146 Appropriate use of the spectral WCS description MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Input 1.1.13
#148 Output from 1D searching not very useful MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Output 1.1.13
#149 Update list of parameters and documentation MatthewWhiting task normal Documentation 1.1.13
#151 Add "M" flag for adjacent to MW range MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Output 1.1.13
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.