# Duchamp Source Finder v.1.2.1 # Results for FITS file: verification/verificationCube.fits[35:64,35:64,1:128] # imageFile verification/verificationCube.fits # flagSubsection 1 # subsection [35:64,35:64,1:128] # flagStatSec 0 # StatSec [*,*,*] # searchType spatial # flagNegative 0 # flagBaseline 0 # flagRobustStats 1 # flagFDR 0 # snrCut 4 # flagGrowth 0 # minVoxels 4 # minPix 2 # minChannels 2 # flagAdjacent 1 # threshVelocity 3 # flagRejectBeforeMerge 0 # flagTwoStageMerging 1 # pixelCentre centroid # flagSmooth 0 # flagATrous 0 # Detection threshold used = 4.1253 # Mean of noise background = 0.0343318 # Std. Deviation of noise background = 1.02274 # [Using robust methods] global color=red fk5 line 90.834066 -26.099617 90.759829 -26.099768 line 90.833123 -25.766284 90.759095 -25.766435 line 90.759829 -26.099768 90.685592 -26.099882 line 90.758950 -25.699767 90.684964 -25.699881 line 90.685911 -26.299883 90.611547 -26.299959 line 90.684861 -25.633213 90.610916 -25.633288 line 90.611547 -26.299959 90.537182 -26.299997 line 90.610916 -25.633288 90.536972 -25.633326 line 90.537182 -26.299997 90.462818 -26.299997 line 90.536952 -25.566658 90.463048 -25.566658 line 90.462796 -26.366665 90.388389 -26.366627 line 90.463048 -25.566658 90.389145 -25.566620 line 90.388517 -26.233291 90.314196 -26.233216 line 90.389145 -25.566620 90.315242 -25.566545 line 90.314196 -26.233216 90.239874 -26.233102 line 90.315139 -25.633213 90.241195 -25.633100 line 90.239874 -26.233102 90.165551 -26.232950 line 90.241195 -25.633100 90.167250 -25.632949 line 90.165551 -26.232950 90.091229 -26.232761 line 90.165743 -26.166283 90.091463 -26.166094 line 90.165934 -26.099617 90.091696 -26.099427 line 90.167064 -25.699616 90.093078 -25.699428 line 90.091229 -26.232761 90.016906 -26.232533 line 90.091463 -26.166094 90.017183 -26.165867 line 90.091696 -26.099427 90.017458 -26.099200 line 90.092391 -25.899428 90.018279 -25.899201 line 90.462796 -26.366665 90.462818 -26.299997 line 90.388389 -26.366627 90.388453 -26.299959 line 90.685911 -26.299883 90.685804 -26.233216 line 90.388453 -26.299959 90.388517 -26.233291 line 90.685804 -26.233216 90.685698 -26.166549 line 90.016906 -26.232533 90.017183 -26.165867 line 90.685698 -26.166549 90.685592 -26.099882 line 90.165743 -26.166283 90.165934 -26.099617 line 90.834066 -26.099617 90.833876 -26.032950 line 90.017458 -26.099200 90.017733 -26.032534 line 90.833876 -26.032950 90.833687 -25.966284 line 90.017733 -26.032534 90.018007 -25.965868 line 90.833687 -25.966284 90.833498 -25.899617 line 90.018007 -25.965868 90.018279 -25.899201 line 90.833498 -25.899617 90.833310 -25.832950 line 90.092391 -25.899428 90.092621 -25.832762 line 90.833310 -25.832950 90.833123 -25.766284 line 90.092621 -25.832762 90.092850 -25.766095 line 90.759095 -25.766435 90.758950 -25.699767 line 90.092850 -25.766095 90.093078 -25.699428 line 90.684964 -25.699881 90.684861 -25.633213 line 90.167064 -25.699616 90.167250 -25.632949 line 90.536972 -25.633326 90.536952 -25.566658 line 90.315139 -25.633213 90.315242 -25.566545 text 90.432958 -25.934535 {1}