# INPUT RELATED # imageFile -- the FITS image. # flagSubsection -- whether to get a subsection of that image. # subsection -- the subsection to read in, in format [x1:x2,y1:y2,z1:z2], # or * to indicate the full range imageFile your-file-here flagSubsection 1 subsection [*,*,*] # OUTPUT RELATED # flagLog -- log the intermediate results? logfile-- the file to put that in. # outFile -- the final output list. # spectraFile -- the postscript file of spectra # flagOutputRecon/Resid -- whether to save the reconstruction & residual arrays as FITS files # flagVOT -- make a VOTable file of the results? votFile -- the file to put it in # flagKarma -- make a Karma annotation file of the results? karmaFile -- the file to put it in # flagMaps -- save postscript versions of the detection and 0th moment maps? # detectionMap, momentMap -- the postscript files produced. flagLog 1 logFile logfile.txt outFile results.txt spectraFile spectra.ps flagOutputRecon 0 flagOutputResid 0 flagVOT 0 votFile results.xml flagKarma 0 karmaFile results.ann flagMaps 1 detectionMap latest-detection-map.ps momentMap latest-moment-map.ps # FIXING UP THE CUBE # flagBlankPix -- whether to replace & ignore blank pixels. # blankPixValue -- what value they should take. This is overridden by FITS header information. # flagBaseline -- whether to subtract spectral baselines before searching # flagMW -- whether to excise a range of channels (to remove Milky Way emission) # minMW, maxMW -- the first and last channels to be excised flagBlankPix 1 blankPixValue -8.00061 flagBaseline 1 flagMW 1 minMW 75 maxMW 112 # GENERAL DETECTION RELATED # flagNegative -- Are the features being searched for negative (set to true) or positive (false)? # snrCut -- How many sigma above mean is a detection when sigma-clipping # flagGrowth -- Should the detections be "grown" to a lower significance value? # growthCut -- The lower threshold used when growing detections flagNegative 0 snrCut 2.5 flagGrowth 0 growthCut 1.5 # RECONSTRUCTION RELATED # flagATrous -- Whether or not to do the reconstruction before searching # scaleMin -- The minimum scale (starts at 1) to be included in the reconstruction # snrRecon -- The threshold used in filtering the wavelet coefficient arrays. # filterCode -- The code number for the choice of filter to be used in the reconstruction: # 1 = B3-spline filter, 2 = Triangle function, 3 = Haar wavelet. Other numbers default to 2. flagATrous 1 scaleMin 1 snrRecon 5. filterCode 2 # FALSE DISCOVERY RATE METHOD # flagFDR -- Whether or not to use the false discovery rate method instead of # simple sigma clipping. # alphaFDR -- The "alpha" parameter for the FDR method -- what desired percentage # of discoveries will be false. Expressed as a decimal. flagFDR 0 alphaFDR 0.05 # MERGING PARAMETERS # flagAdjacent -- Whether to use the "adjacent criterion" to judge if objects are to be merged. # threshSpatial -- If flagAdjacent=false, this is the maximum spatial separation between objects # for them to be merged. # threshVelocity -- The maximum channel separation between objects for them to be merged. # minChannels -- The minimum number of consecutive channels an object must have for it to be accepted. # minPix -- Minimum number of spatial pixels for a detected object to be counted flagAdjacent 1 threshSpatial 3 threshVelocity 7 minChannels 4 minPix 3 # OTHER PARAMETERS # verbose -- whether to provide progress indicators on the terminal during execution # drawBorders -- whether to draw borders around the detections on the moment maps in the output. # spectralMethod -- how to plot the spectra in the output -- the spectrum of the peak pixel ("peak" -- the # default), or integrated over all spatial pixels present ("sum") verbose 1 drawBorders 1 spectralMethod peak