Duchamp version 1.0.1 (2006/07/28) ---------------------------------- * A bug in the calculation of blank pixels has been fixed. The correct values from the FITS header were not propagating through correctly, meaning that the default values were being used. * The zoomed spectrum had its flux scale determined by all points in the zoom box,including those flagged by the MW range. This has been fixed so that any MW channels will not affect the flux scaling, potentially improving the appearance of objects detected close in velocity to strong MW emission or absorption. * The position resolution in the IAU-format names has been increased, so that distinct objects close to one another are more readily distinguished. Overlapping sources at different velocities may still have the same name, but this is a more general problem. Duchamp version 1.0 (2006/06/30) -------------------------------- The first full release version. Several major changes compared to previous version: * Incorporated a FitsHeader class, to keep track of header information (including WCS) from the FITS file. All units-related calculations are done with this class, such as conversion to velocity, and pixel-to-WCS conversion. The main advantage of this is improved speed of execution, more adaptable to different units, and improved code (easier for me!). * Able to select the dimensionality of the reconstruction, rather than just doing it in 3-D. * Robust text output, so that the columns are sized correctly given the data being written, and the relevant units (derived from the FITS header) are included in the output table. * Improved the way the reconstructed image is saved and read back in, with a better naming scheme and a better set of new FITS header keywords. The MW headers are now not written. Other, more minor changes include: * MW channels now not set to 0, but just ignored for searching purposes (and for the scaling of the spectral output -- they are plotted though and highlighted with a hashed box). * The scale bar in the moment map in the spectral output file has its length indicated. * Improved VOTable output, with more information about the way Duchamp was run. * Made sure all statistics calculations in the reconstruction are based on robust (ie. median) methods. Also moved to an autoconf based configure/make compilation, for ease of use. Duchamp version 0.9.2 (2006/06/27) -------------------------------- * Added the use of warning flags for detections: for either edge location or negative enclosed flux. * A new command line option added so that the user can specify a FITS file to be searched with the default parameters, rather than giving a full parameter file. * The scale bar on the moment cutout now works in general case, using an iterative process to get to the correct length. * RA axes are now done correctly on the full-scale maps. * Various coding fixes, improving the readability of the code, particularly regarding the declaration of temporary variables. * Changed the way the time of execution is called : now using time.h functions, rather than a system call. * Changed output in Detection/outputDetection.cc for the pixel information of detected objects (the info printed above the spectral plots) -- now print out number of voxels in object, and have improved the formatting a little. * Improved the functionality of saving the FITS file containing the reconstructed array. Added ability to save and read back in the MW parameters when saving a reconstructed cube (if a reconstructed cube has different MW range to that being considered, it would cause problems). ReadRecon now just returns a FAILURE and will reconstruct the cube anew. * Changed default value of flagGrowth to 0. Duchamp version 0.9 (2006/05/05) -------------------------------- First public release version.