#ifndef DUCHAMP_HH #define DUCHAMP_HH #include // how to convey whether a function has worked enum OUTCOME {SUCCESS, FAILURE}; const std::string ERR_USAGE_MSG = "Usage:: Duchamp -p [parameter file]\n\ Other options:\n\ -f Use default parameters with imageFile=\n\ -v Version number\n\ -h This help information\n"; const std::string ERR_USAGE_MSG_SHORT = "Usage:: Duchamp -p [parameter file]\n"; const std::string PROGNAME = "Duchamp"; const std::string VERSION = "1.0"; // The spectral type that we want the wcsprm structs to be in const char duchampSpectralType[9] = "VELO-F2V"; // The following are the FITS Header Keywords corresponding to the // parameters related to the atrous reconstruction. const std::string keyword_scaleMin = "DU_MINSC"; const std::string keyword_snrRecon = "DU_ATCUT"; const std::string keyword_reconDim = "DU_ATDIM"; const std::string keyword_filterCode = "DU_FILTR"; const std::string keyword_ReconResid = "DU_RECON"; // is this file the reconstruction or the residual? const std::string keyword_subsection = "DU_IMSUB"; // And these are the comments corresponding to the relevant keywords const std::string comment_scaleMin = "Duchamp parameter scaleMin"; const std::string comment_snrRecon = "Duchamp parameter snrRecon"; const std::string comment_reconDim = "Duchamp parameter reconDim"; const std::string comment_filterCode = "Duchamp parameter filterCode"; const std::string comment_ReconResid = "Is this the reconstruction or residual?"; const std::string comment_subsection = "Subsection of the original image"; // Descriptive Headers: const std::string header_history1 = "Reconstructed with a trous wavelet technique"; const std::string header_history2 = "Reconstruction by Duchamp v." + VERSION; const std::string header_history_input = "Original (input) image used by Duchamp follows"; const std::string header_subsection_comment = "A subsection of the original was reconstructed by Duchamp"; const std::string header_atrous_comment = "The following are the Duchamp parameters used in reconstruction"; #endif