source: trunk/src/Utils/ @ 927

Last change on this file since 927 was 926, checked in by MatthewWhiting, 12 years ago

Making sure the Galactic IAU positions always have the longitude between 0 and 360

File size: 7.1 KB
1// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2// General utility functions related to WCS positions
3// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4// Copyright (C) 2006, Matthew Whiting, ATNF
6// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
9// option) any later version.
11// Duchamp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14// for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with Duchamp; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18// Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
20// Correspondence concerning Duchamp may be directed to:
21//    Internet email: Matthew.Whiting [at]
22//    Postal address: Dr. Matthew Whiting
23//                    Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO
24//                    PO Box 76
25//                    Epping NSW 1710
26//                    AUSTRALIA
27// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
28#include <iostream>
29#include <sstream>
30#include <iomanip>
31#include <string>
32#include <stdlib.h>
33#include <math.h>
34#include <duchamp/Utils/utils.hh>
36using std::setw;
37using std::setfill;
38using std::setprecision;
40std::string getIAUNameEQ(double ra, double dec, float equinox)
42  /**
43   * std::string getIAUNameEQ(double, double, float)
44   *  both ra and dec are assumed to be in degrees.
45   *  returns name of the form J123456-654321 for equinox = 2000,
46   *   and B1234-4321 otherwise
47   */
49  std::string rastr=decToDMS(ra,"RA",0);
50  rastr.erase(rastr.begin()+2);
51  rastr.erase(rastr.begin()+4);
52  if(equinox==2000.)
53    rastr.erase(rastr.begin()+6,rastr.end());
54  else
55    rastr.erase(rastr.begin()+4,rastr.end());
56  std::string decstr=decToDMS(dec,"DEC",0);
57  decstr.erase(decstr.begin()+3);
58  decstr.erase(decstr.begin()+5);
59  if(equinox==2000.)
60    decstr.erase(decstr.begin()+7,decstr.end());
61  else
62    decstr.erase(decstr.begin()+5,decstr.end());
64  std::stringstream ss;
65  if(equinox==2000.) ss<<"J";
66  else ss<<"B";
67  ss<<rastr<<decstr;
68  return ss.str();
72std::string getIAUNameGAL(double lon, double lat)
74  /**
75   * std::string getIAUNameGAL(double, double)
76   *  both ra and dec are assumed to be in degrees.
77   *  returns name of the form G321.123+01.234
78   */
80  std::stringstream ss(std::stringstream::out);
81  ss.setf(std::ios::showpoint);
82  ss.setf(std::ios::fixed);
83  ss<<"G";
84  double goodlon=lon;
85  if(lon<0.) lon += 360.;
86  ss<<setw(7)<<setfill('0')<<setprecision(3)<<goodlon;
87  ss.setf(std::ios::showpos);
88  ss.setf(std::ios::internal);
89  ss<<setw(7)<<setfill('0')<<setprecision(3)<<lat;
90  ss.unsetf(std::ios::internal);
91  ss.unsetf(std::ios::showpos);
92  ss.unsetf(std::ios::showpoint);
93  ss.unsetf(std::ios::fixed);
94  return ss.str();
97std::string decToDMS(const double dec, const std::string type, int decPrecision)
99  /**
100   *Converts a decimal angle (in degrees) to a format reflecting the axis type:
101   *  RA   (right ascension):, with dec modulo 360. (24hrs)
102   *  DEC  (declination):  (with sign, either + or -)
103   *  GLON (galactic longitude):, with dec made modulo 360.
104   *  GLAT (galactic latitude):  (with sign, either + or -)
105   *    Any other type defaults to RA, and prints warning.
106   *
107   * \param dec Decimal value of the angle, in degrees.
108   * \param type String indicating desired type of output. Options RA, DEC,
109   *              GLON, GLAT
110   * \return String with angle in desired format.
111   */
113  double dec_abs,sec;
114  int deg,min;
115  const double onemin=1./60.;
116  double thisDec = dec;
117  std::string sign="";
118  int degSize = 2; // number of figures in the degrees part of the output.
120  int precision=std::max(0,decPrecision);
121  if(type=="RA") precision++;
123  if((type=="RA")||(type=="GLON")){
124    if(type=="GLON")  degSize = 3; // longitude has three figures in degrees.
125    // Make these modulo 360.;
126    while (thisDec < 0.) { thisDec += 360.; }
127    while (thisDec >= 360.) { thisDec -= 360.; }
128    if(type=="RA") thisDec /= 15.;  // Convert to hours.
129  }
130  else if((type=="DEC")||(type=="GLAT")){
131    if(thisDec<0.) sign = "-";
132    else sign = "+";
133  }
134  else { // UNKNOWN TYPE -- DEFAULT TO RA.
135    std::cerr << "WARNING <decToDMS> : Unknown axis type ("
136              << type << "). Defaulting to using RA.\n";
137    while (thisDec < 0.) { thisDec += 360.; }
138    while (thisDec >= 360.) { thisDec -= 360.; }
139    thisDec /= 15.;
140  }
142  dec_abs = fabs(thisDec);
143  deg = int(dec_abs);
144  min = int(fmod(dec_abs,1.)*60.);
145  sec = fmod(dec_abs,onemin)*3600.;
146  if(fabs(sec-60.)<pow(10,precision)){ // to prevent rounding errors stuffing things up
147    sec=0.;
148    min++;
149    if(min==60){
150      min=0;
151      deg++;
152    }
153  }
154  std::stringstream ss(std::stringstream::out);
155  ss.setf(std::ios::showpoint);
156  ss.setf(std::ios::fixed);
157  ss << sign;
158  ss << setw(degSize)<<setfill('0')<<deg<<":";
159  ss<<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<min<<":";
160  if(precision>0)
161    ss<<setw(precision+3)<<setprecision(precision)<<sec;
162  else {
163    //ss.unsetf(std::ios::showpoint);
164    //    ss.unsetf(std::ios::fixed);
165    ss << setw(2) << int(sec);
166    //    ss<<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<setprecision(precision)<<sec;
167  }
168  return ss.str();
172double dmsToDec(std::string dms)
174  /**
175   *  double dmsToDec(string)
176   *   Converts a std::string in the format +12:23:34.45 to a decimal angle in degrees.
177   *   Assumes the angle given is in degrees, so if passing RA as the argument,
178   *   need to multiply by 15 to get the result in degrees rather than hours.
179   *   The sign of the angle is preserved, if present.
180   */
183  bool isNeg = false;
184  if(dms[0]=='-') isNeg = true;
186  std::stringstream ss;
187  ss.str(dms);
188  std::string deg,min,sec;
189  getline(ss,deg,':');
190  getline(ss,min,':');
191  getline(ss,sec);
192  char *end;
193  double d = strtod(deg.c_str(),&end);
194  double m = strtod(min.c_str(),&end);
195  double s = strtod(sec.c_str(),&end); 
197  double dec = fabs(d) + m/60. + s/3600.;
198  if(isNeg) dec = dec * -1.;
200  return dec;
204const long double degToRadian=M_PI/180.;
206double angularSeparation(double &ra1, double &dec1, double &ra2, double &dec2)
208  /**
209   * double angularSeparation(double &,double &,double &,double &);
210   *  Enter ra & dec for two positions.
211   *    (all positions in degrees)
212   *  Returns the angular separation in degrees.
213   */
215  long double dra = (ra1-ra2)*degToRadian;
216  long double d1 = dec1*degToRadian;
217  long double d2 = dec2*degToRadian;
218  long double angsep;
219  if((fabs(ra1-ra2) < 1./3600.)&&(fabs(dec1-dec2)<1./3600.))
220    return sqrt(dra*dra + (d1-d2)*(d1-d2)) / degToRadian;
221  else {
222    if(fabs(ra1-ra2) < 1./3600.)
223      angsep = cos(d1)*cos(d2) - dra*dra*cos(d1)*cos(d2)/2. + sin(d1)*sin(d2);
224    else
225      angsep = cos(dra)*cos(d1)*cos(d2) + sin(d1)*sin(d2);
226    double dangsep = acos(angsep) / degToRadian;
227    return dangsep;
228  }
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