/** * LUTZ_DETECT.CC * * A detection algorithm based on that of Lutz (1980). * * INPUTS: * image -- an Image object, containing a 2D image that has been * processed such that its pValue array is defined. * OUTPUTS: * The detection and mask arrays in image will be filled, according to * the location of the objects in the image. * */ #include #include enum STATUS { NONOBJECT, OBJECT, COMPLETE, INCOMPLETE }; enum ROW { PRIOR=0, CURRENT}; enum NULLS { NULLSTART=-1, NULLMARKER=45}; //ASCII 45 = '-' --> eases printing in case of debugging class Object{ public: Object(){start=NULLSTART; end=NULLSTART;}; int start; int end; Detection info; }; void Image::lutz_detect() { // Allocate necessary arrays. STATUS *status = new STATUS[2]; Detection *store = new Detection[this->axisDim[0]+1]; char *marker = new char[this->axisDim[0]+1]; for(int i=0; i<(this->axisDim[0]+1); i++) marker[i] = NULLMARKER; vector *oS = new vector ; vector *psS = new vector ; Pixel *pix = new Pixel; for(int posY=0;posY<(this->axisDim[1]+1);posY++){ // Loop over each row -- consider rows one at a time status[PRIOR] = COMPLETE; status[CURRENT] = NONOBJECT; pix->setY(posY); for(int posX=0;posX<(this->axisDim[0]+1);posX++){ // Now the loop for a given row, looking at each column individually. char currentMarker = marker[posX]; marker[posX] = NULLMARKER; pix->setX(posX); bool isObject = false; if((posXaxisDim[0])&&(posYaxisDim[1])){ // if we are in the original image isObject = this->isDetection(posX,posY); pix->setF( this->array[posY*this->axisDim[0] + posX] ); } // else we're in the padding row/col and isObject=FALSE; /** * ------------------------------ START SEGMENT ------------------------ * If the current pixel is object and the previous pixel is not, then * start a new segment. * If the pixel touches an object on the prior row, the marker is either * an S or an s, depending on whether the object has started yet. * If it doesn't touch a prior object, this is the start of a completly * new object on this row. */ if ( (isObject) && (status[CURRENT] != OBJECT) ){ status[CURRENT] = OBJECT; if(status[PRIOR] == OBJECT){ if(oS->back().start==NULLSTART){ marker[posX] = 'S'; oS->back().start = posX; } else marker[posX] = 's'; } else{ psS->push_back(status[PRIOR]); //PUSH PS onto PSSTACK; marker[posX] = 'S'; oS->resize(oS->size()+1); //PUSH OBSTACK; oS->back().start = posX; status[PRIOR] = COMPLETE; } } /** * ------------------------------ PROCESS MARKER -------------------------- * If the current marker is not blank, then we need to deal with it. * Four cases: * S --> start of object on prior row. Push priorStatus onto PSSTACK * and set priorStatus to OBJECT * s --> start of a secondary segment of object on prior row. * If current object joined, pop PSSTACK and join the objects. * Set priorStatus to OBJECT. * f --> end of a secondary segment of object on prior row. * Set priorStatus to INCOMPLETE. * F --> end of object on prior row. If no more of the object is to come * (priorStatus=COMPLETE), then finish it and output data. * Addition -- only if it has more than the minimum no. of pixels. */ if(currentMarker != NULLMARKER){ if(currentMarker == 'S'){ psS->push_back(status[PRIOR]); // PUSH PS onto PSSTACK if(status[CURRENT] == NONOBJECT){ psS->push_back(COMPLETE); // PUSH COMPLETE ONTO PSSTACK; oS->resize(oS->size()+1); // PUSH OBSTACK; oS->back().info = store[posX]; } else oS->back().info.addAnObject( store[posX] ); status[PRIOR] = OBJECT; } /*---------*/ if(currentMarker == 's'){ if( (status[CURRENT] == OBJECT) && (status[PRIOR] == COMPLETE) ){ status[PRIOR] = psS->back(); psS->pop_back(); //POP PSSTACK ONTO PS // oS->at(oS->size()-2).info.addAnObject( oS->back().info ); // if(oS->at(oS->size()-2).start == NULLSTART) oS->at(oS->size()-2).start = oS->back().start; // else marker[oS->back().start] = 's'; (*oS)[oS->size()-2].info.addAnObject( oS->back().info ); if((*oS)[oS->size()-2].start == NULLSTART) (*oS)[oS->size()-2].start = oS->back().start; else marker[oS->back().start] = 's'; oS->pop_back(); } status[PRIOR] = OBJECT; } /*---------*/ if(currentMarker == 'f') status[PRIOR] = INCOMPLETE; /*---------*/ if(currentMarker == 'F') { status[PRIOR] = psS->back(); psS->pop_back(); //POP PSSTACK ONTO PS if( (status[CURRENT] == NONOBJECT) && (status[PRIOR] == COMPLETE) ){ if(oS->back().start == NULLSTART){ // object completed if(oS->back().info.getSize() >= this->minSize){ // is it big enough? oS->back().info.calcParams(); // work out midpoints, fluxes etc this->addObject(oS->back().info); this->maskObject(oS->back().info); } } else{ marker[ oS->back().end ] = 'F'; store[ oS->back().start ] = oS->back().info; } oS->pop_back(); status[PRIOR] = psS->back(); psS->pop_back(); } } } // end of PROCESSMARKER section ( if(currentMarker!=NULLMARKER) ) if (isObject){ oS->back().info.addPixel(*pix); } else{ /** *------------------------------ END SEGMENT --------------------------- * If the current pixel is background and the previous pixel was an * object, then finish the segment. * If the prior status is COMPLETE, it's the end of the final segment * of the object section. * If not, it's the end of the segment, but not necessarily the section. */ if ( status[CURRENT] == OBJECT) { status[CURRENT] = NONOBJECT; if(status[PRIOR] != COMPLETE){ marker[posX] = 'f'; oS->back().end = posX; } else{ status[PRIOR] = psS->back(); psS->pop_back(); //POP PSSTACK onto PS; marker[posX] = 'F'; store[ oS->back().start ] = oS->back().info; oS->pop_back(); } } } //-> end of END SEGMENT else{ clause }//-> end of loop over posX }//-> end of loop over posY // clean up and remove declared arrays delete [] marker; delete oS; delete psS; delete [] store; delete [] status; delete pix; }