#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; using namespace Column; Col::Col(){ width=1; precision=0; name=" "; units=" "; }; Col::~Col(){} Col::Col(int num) { /** * A specialised constructor that defines one of the default * columns, as defined in the Column namespace * \param num The number of the column to be constructed. * Corresponds to the order of the columns in the const * arrays in the Column namespace. */ if((num>=0)&&(numwidth = defaultWidth[num]; this->precision = defaultPrec[num]; this->name = defaultName[num]; this->units = defaultUnits[num]; } else{ std::stringstream errmsg; errmsg << "Incorrect value for Col(num) --> num="<width = 1; this->precision = 0; this->name = " "; this->units = " "; } } template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, T value) { stream << std::setprecision(this->precision) << std::setw(this->width) << std::setfill(' ') << value; } template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, int value); template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, long value); template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, unsigned value); template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, float value); template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, double value); template void Col::printEntry(std::ostream &stream, string value); vector getFullColSet(vector &objectList, FitsHeader &head) { /** * Returns a vector of Col for results file output. * * A function that returns a vector of Col objects containing * information on the columns necessary for output to the results file: * Obj#,NAME,X,Y,Z,RA,DEC,VEL,w_RA,w_DEC,w_VEL,F_tot,F_int,F_peak, * X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2,Npix,Flag * * Each object in the provided objectList is checked to see if * it requires any column to be widened, or for that column to * have its precision increased. * * Both Ftot and Fint are provided -- it is up to the calling function to * determine which to use. */ vector newset; // set up the default columns newset.push_back( Col(NUM) ); newset.push_back( Col(NAME) ); newset.push_back( Col(X) ); newset.push_back( Col(Y) ); newset.push_back( Col(Z) ); newset.push_back( Col(RA) ); newset.push_back( Col(DEC) ); newset.push_back( Col(VEL) ); newset.push_back( Col(WRA) ); newset.push_back( Col(WDEC) ); newset.push_back( Col(WVEL) ); newset.push_back( Col(FINT) ); newset.push_back( Col(FTOT) ); newset.push_back( Col(FPEAK) ); newset.push_back( Col(SNRPEAK) ); newset.push_back( Col(X1) ); newset.push_back( Col(X2) ); newset.push_back( Col(Y1) ); newset.push_back( Col(Y2) ); newset.push_back( Col(Z1) ); newset.push_back( Col(Z2) ); newset.push_back( Col(NPIX) ); newset.push_back( Col(FLAG) ); // Now test each object against each new column for( int obj = 0; obj < objectList.size(); obj++){ string tempstr; int tempwidth; float val,minval; // Obj# tempwidth = int( log10(objectList[obj].getID()) + 1) + newset[NUM].getPrecision() + 1; for(int i=newset[NUM].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[X].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[X].upPrec(); } // Y position val = objectList[obj].getYcentre(); tempwidth = int( log10(val) + 1) + newset[Y].getPrecision() + 2; for(int i=newset[Y].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[Y].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[Y].upPrec(); } // Z position val = objectList[obj].getZcentre(); tempwidth = int( log10(val) + 1) + newset[Z].getPrecision() + 2; for(int i=newset[Z].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[Z].getPrecision()+1); if((val>0.)&&(val < minval)) newset[Z].upPrec(); } if(head.isWCS()){ // RA -- assign correct title. Check width but should be ok by definition tempstr = head.getWCS()->lngtyp; newset[RA].setName(tempstr); tempwidth = objectList[obj].getRAs().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[RA].getWidth();ilattyp; newset[DEC].setName(tempstr); tempwidth = objectList[obj].getDecs().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[DEC].getWidth();irestfrq == 0) // using frequency, not velocity newset[VEL].setName("FREQ"); newset[VEL].setUnits("[" + head.getSpectralUnits() + "]"); tempwidth = newset[VEL].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[VEL].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[VEL].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[VEL].upPrec(); } // w_RA -- check width & title. leave units for the moment. tempwidth = newset[RA].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[RA].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[WRA].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[WRA].upPrec(); } // w_DEC -- check width & title. leave units for the moment. tempwidth = newset[DEC].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[DEC].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[WDEC].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[WDEC].upPrec(); } // w_Vel -- check width, title and units. if(head.getWCS()->restfrq == 0) // using frequency, not velocity newset[WVEL].setName("w_FREQ"); newset[WVEL].setUnits("[" + head.getSpectralUnits() + "]"); tempwidth = newset[WVEL].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[WVEL].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[WVEL].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[WVEL].upPrec(); } // F_int -- check width & units newset[FINT].setUnits("[" + head.getIntFluxUnits() + "]"); tempwidth = newset[FINT].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[FINT].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[FINT].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[FINT].upPrec(); } } // F_tot newset[FTOT].setUnits("[" + head.getFluxUnits() + "]"); tempwidth = newset[FTOT].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[FTOT].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[FTOT].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[FTOT].upPrec(); } // F_peak newset[FPEAK].setUnits("[" + head.getFluxUnits() + "]"); tempwidth = newset[FPEAK].getUnits().size() + 1; for(int i=newset[FPEAK].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[FPEAK].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[FPEAK].upPrec(); } // S/N_peak val = objectList[obj].getPeakSNR(); tempwidth = int( log10(fabs(val)) + 1) + newset[SNRPEAK].getPrecision() +2; if(val<0) tempwidth++; for(int i=newset[SNRPEAK].getWidth();i0.)){ minval = pow(10, -1. * newset[SNRPEAK].getPrecision()+1); if(val < minval) newset[SNRPEAK].upPrec(); } // X1 position tempwidth = int( log10(objectList[obj].getXmin()) + 1) + newset[X1].getPrecision() + 1; for(int i=newset[X1].getWidth();i getLogColSet(vector &objectList, FitsHeader &head) { /** * Returns a vector of Col for logfile output. * * A function that returns a vector of Col objects containing * information on the columns necessary for logfile output: * Obj#,X,Y,Z,F_tot,F_peak,X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2,Npix * * Each object in the provided objectList is checked to see if * it requires any column to be widened, or for that column to * have its precision increased. */ vector newset,tempset; // set up the default columns: // get from FullColSet, and select only the ones we want. tempset = getFullColSet(objectList,head); newset.push_back( tempset[NUM] ); newset.push_back( tempset[X] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Y] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Z] ); newset.push_back( tempset[FTOT] ); newset.push_back( tempset[FPEAK] ); newset.push_back( tempset[SNRPEAK] ); newset.push_back( tempset[X1] ); newset.push_back( tempset[X2] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Y1] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Y2] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Z1] ); newset.push_back( tempset[Z2] ); newset.push_back( tempset[NPIX] ); return newset; }