source: trunk/src/Cubes/cubes.hh @ 177

Last change on this file since 177 was 164, checked in by Matthew Whiting, 18 years ago

A series of changes, prompted by the need to update the subsections parsing
to make it compliant with the new multi-dimensional FITS formalism.

  • FitsIO/
    • New file. Main task the Param::verifySubsection() function. Makes sure the subsection has correct format and number of axes.

Also removes any steps in the subsection string.

  • Another simple function, Param::setOffsets, to set the offset values if necessary.
  • FitsIO/
    • Call to Param::setOffsets after array is read in.
    • Added a call to Param::verifySubsection() before the cube is opened.
  • param.hh
    • New prototypes and definition of offsets array in Param class.
    • Removed parseSubsection
  • Cubes/cubes.hh:
    • A simpler way of doing the Cube::getCube() function. No call to parseSubsection
  • Cubes/
    • An error message if opening the FITS file fails due to bad subsection.
    • Fixed a bug for the reporting of the FITS file size.
    • Added a bell to the duchampError function.
File size: 14.4 KB
1#ifndef CUBES_H
2#define CUBES_H
4#include <iostream>
5#include <string>
6#include <vector>
8#ifndef PARAM_H
9#include <param.hh>
11#ifndef DETECTION_H
12#include <Detection/detection.hh>
14#ifndef COLUMNS_H
15#include <Detection/columns.hh>
17#ifndef PLOTS_H
18#include <Cubes/plots.hh>
21using std::string;
22using std::vector;
23using namespace Column;
27//// Definition of an n-dimensional data array:
28////     array of pixel values, size & dimensions
29////     array of Detection objects
33class DataArray
36  DataArray(){numDim=0; numPixels=0;};
37  DataArray(short int nDim){numDim=nDim; numPixels=0;};
38  DataArray(short int nDim, long size);
39  DataArray(short int nDim, long *dimensions);
40  virtual ~DataArray();
41  // Size and Dimension related
42  long                 getDimX(){if(numDim>0) return axisDim[0];else return 0;};
43  long                 getDimY(){if(numDim>1) return axisDim[1];else return 1;};
44  long                 getDimZ(){if(numDim>2) return axisDim[2];else return 1;};
45  void                 getDim(long &x, long &y, long &z);
46  long                 getSize(){return numPixels;};
47  short int            getNumDim(){return numDim;};
48  // Related to the various arrays
49  void                 getDimArray(long *output);
50  void                 getArray(float *output);
51  virtual void         saveArray(float *input, long size);
52  float                getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
53  void                 setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
54  // Related to the object lists
55  Detection            getObject(long number){return objectList[number];};
56  void                 addObject(Detection object);   
57                  // adds a single detection to the object list
58  vector <Detection>   getObjectList(){return objectList;};
59  void                 addObjectList(vector <Detection> newlist); 
60                  // adds all objects in a detection list to the object list
61  void                 addObjectOffsets();
62  long                 getNumObj(){return objectList.size();};
63  void                 clearDetectionList(){this->objectList.clear();};
64  // Parameter list related.
65  int                  readParam(string paramfile){
66    return par.readParams(paramfile);};
67  void                 showParam(std::ostream &stream){stream << par;};
68  Param                getParam(){return par;};
69  void                 saveParam(Param newpar){par = newpar;};
70  Param&               pars(){Param &rpar = par; return rpar;};
71  bool                 isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
73  friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& theStream, DataArray &array);
77  short int            numDim;     // number of dimensions.
78  long                *axisDim;    // array of dimensions of cube
79                                   //     (ie. how large in each direction).
80  long                 numPixels;  // total number of pixels in cube
81  float               *array;      // array of data
82  vector <Detection>   objectList; // the list of detected objects in the image
83  Param                par;        // a parameter list.
89//// Definition of an image object (2D):
90////     a DataArray object
91////     arrays for: probability values (for FDR)
92////                 mask image to indicate location of objects
93////                 detected objects
94////     statistics information
97class Cube;
98class Image : public DataArray
101  Image(){
102    numPixels=0;
103    numDim=2;};
104  Image(long nPix);
105  Image(long *dimensions);
106  virtual ~Image();
108  // Defining the array
109  void      saveArray(float *input, long size);
110  void      extractSpectrum(float *Array, long *dim, long pixel);
111  void      extractImage(float *Array, long *dim, long channel);
112  void      extractSpectrum(Cube &cube, long pixel);
113  void      extractImage(Cube &cube, long channel);
114  // Accessing the data.
115  float     getPixValue(long x, long y){return array[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
116  float     getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
117  float     getPValue(long pos){return pValue[pos];};
118  float     getPValue(long x, long y){return pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
119  short int getMaskValue(long pos){return mask[pos];};
120  short int getMaskValue(long x, long y){return mask[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
121  // the next few should have checks against array overflow...
122  void      setPixValue(long x, long y, float f){array[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
123  void      setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
124  void      setPValue(long pos, float p){pValue[pos] = p;};
125  void      setPValue(long x, long y, float p){pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x] = p;};
126  void      setMaskValue(long pos, short int m){mask[pos] = m;};
127  void      setMaskValue(long x, long y, short int m){mask[y*axisDim[0]+x]=m;};
128  bool      isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
129  bool      isBlank(long x,long y){return par.isBlank(array[y*axisDim[0]+x]);};
130  // Stats-related
131  void      setStats(float m, float s, float c){mean=m; sigma=s; cutLevel=c;};
132  void      findStats(int code);
133  float     getMean(){return mean;};
134  void      setMean(float m){mean=m;};
135  float     getSigma(){return sigma;};
136  void      setSigma(float s){sigma=s;};
137  float     getCut(){return cutLevel;};
138  void      setCut(float c){cutLevel=c;};
139  float     getPCut(){return pCutLevel;};
140  void      setPCut(float p){pCutLevel = p;};
141  float     getAlpha(){return alpha;};
142  void      setAlpha(float a){alpha = a;};
143  int       getMinSize(){return minSize;};
144  void      setMinSize(int s){minSize = s;};
146  void      maskObject(Detection &object);
148  // Detection-related
149  void      lutz_detect();            // in Detection/
150  void      spectrumDetect();         // in Detection/
151  // the rest are in Detection/
152  int       setupFDR();
153  bool      isDetection(float value);
154  bool      isDetection(long x, long y);
155  bool      isDetectionFDR(float pvalue);
157  void      removeMW();
160  float     *pValue;     // the array of p-values for each pixel
161                         //                  --> used by FDR method
162  short int *mask;       // a mask image indicating where objects are
164  float      mean;       // the mean background level of the image
165  float      sigma;      // the standard deviation of the image's background
166  float      cutLevel;   // the limiting value (in sigmas above the mean) for
167                         //     a pixel to be called a detection.
168  float      alpha;      // used by FDR routine -- significance level
169  float      pCutLevel;  // the limiting P-value for the FDR analysis
170  int        minSize;    // the minimum number of pixels for a detection
171                         //  to be accepted.
176//// Definition of an data-cube object (3D):
177////     a DataArray object limited to dim=3
180class Cube : public DataArray
183  Cube(){numPixels=0; numDim=3; // flagWCS=false;
184  };
185  Cube(long nPix);
186  Cube(long *dimensions);
187  virtual ~Cube();            // destructor
189  // additional accessor functions
190  //       -- in Cubes/ unless otherwise specified.
192  int     getCube(string fname);
193  int     getCube(){ 
194    // a front-end to the getCube function, that does subsection checks
195    // assumes the Param is setup properly
196    string fname = par.getImageFile();
197    if(par.getFlagSubsection()) fname+=par.getSubsection();
198    return getCube(fname);
199  };
200  int     getFITSdata(string fname);         // in FitsIO/
201  void    initialiseCube(long *dimensions);  // in
202  int     getopts(int argc, char ** argv);   // in
203  void    saveReconstructedCube();
204  int     readReconCube();
206  bool    isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
207  bool    isBlank(long x, long y, long z){
208    return par.isBlank(array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x]);};
209  float   getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
210  float   getPixValue(long x, long y, long z){
211    return array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
212  short   getDetectMapValue(long pos){return detectMap[pos];};
213  short   getDetectMapValue(long x, long y){return detectMap[y*axisDim[0]+x];};
214  bool    isRecon(){return reconExists;};
215  float   getReconValue(long pos){return recon[pos];};
216  float   getReconValue(long x, long y, long z){
217    return recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
218  float   getBaselineValue(long pos){return baseline[pos];};
219  float   getBaselineValue(long x, long y, long z){
220    return baseline[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
221  // these should have checks against array overflow...
222  void    setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
223  void    setPixValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){
224    array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
225  void    setDetectMapValue(long pos, short f){detectMap[pos] = f;};
226  void    setDetectMapValue(long x, long y, short f){
227    detectMap[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
228  void    setReconValue(long pos, float f){recon[pos] = f;};
229  void    setReconValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){
230    recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
231  void    setReconFlag(bool f){reconExists = f;};
232  void    saveArray(float *input, long size);
233  void    saveRecon(float *input, long size);
234  void    getRecon(float *output);
236  vector<Col>  getLogCols(){return logCols;};
237  void         setLogCols(vector<Col> C){logCols=C;};
238  vector<Col>  getFullCols(){return fullCols;};
239  void         setFullCols(vector<Col> C){fullCols=C;};
242  // Statistics for cube
243  float   getSpecMean(int pixel){return specMean[pixel];};
244  float   getSpecSigma(int pixel){return specSigma[pixel];};
245  float   getChanMean(int channel){return chanMean[channel];};
246  float   getChanSigma(int channel){return chanSigma[channel];};
247  void    setCubeStats();    // in Cubes/
249  // Functions that act on the cube
250  void    removeMW();        // in Cubes/
251  void    trimCube();        // in Cubes/
252  void    unTrimCube();      // in Cubes/
253  void    removeBaseline();  // in ATrous/
254  void    replaceBaseline(); // in ATrous/
255  void    invert();          // in Cubes/
256  void    reInvert();        // in Cubes/
258  // Reconstruction and Searching functions
259  void    ReconSearch();     // in ATrous/
260  void    ReconSearch1D();   // in ATrous/
261  void    ReconSearch2D();   // in ATrous/
262  void    ReconSearch3D();   // in ATrous/
263  void    CubicSearch();     // in Cubes/
265  // Dealing with the WCS
266  FitsHeader getHead(){return head;};
267  void       setHead(FitsHeader F){head=F;};
268  FitsHeader& header(){FitsHeader &h = head; return h;};
269  int        wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix){
270    return this->head.wcsToPix(world,pix);}
271  int        wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix, const int npts){
272    return this->head.wcsToPix(world,pix,npts);}
273  int        pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world){
274    return this->head.pixToWCS(pix,world);}
275  int        pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world, const int npts){
276    return this->head.pixToWCS(pix,world,npts);}
278  // Dealing with the detections
279  void    ObjectMerger();          // in Cubes/
280  void    calcObjectWCSparams();
281  void    sortDetections();
282  void    updateDetectMap();
283  void    updateDetectMap(Detection obj);
284  void    setObjectFlags();
285  float   enclosedFlux(Detection obj);
286  bool    objAtEdge(Detection obj);
288  // Text outputting of detected objects.
289  //    the next five in Cubes/
290  void    outputDetectionsKarma(std::ostream &stream);     
291  void    outputDetectionsVOTable(std::ostream &stream);   
292  void    outputDetectionList();                           
293  void    logDetectionList();                             
294  void    logDetection(Detection obj, int counter);       
295  void    setupColumns(); // in Cubes/
297  // Graphical plotting of the cube and the detections.
298  void    plotBlankEdges();  // in Cubes/
299  //    the next three in Cubes/
300  void    plotDetectionMap(string pgDestination);         
301  void    plotMomentMap(string pgDestination);             
302  void    plotWCSaxes();                                   
303  //    the next two in Cubes/
304  void    outputSpectra();
305  void    plotSpectrum(Detection obj,Plot::SpectralPlot &plot);
306  //    the next three in Cubes/
307  void    drawMomentCutout(Detection &object);
308  void    drawScale(float xstart,float ystart,float channel);
309  void    drawFieldEdge();
312  float  *recon;           // reconstructed array -- used when doing a trous
313                           //   reconstruction.
314  bool    reconExists;     // flag saying whether there is a reconstruction
315  short  *detectMap;       // "moment map" -- x,y locations of detected pixels
316  float  *baseline;        // array of spectral baseline values.
318  float  *specMean;        // array of means  for each spectrum in cube
319  float  *specSigma;       // array of sigmas for each spectrum in cube
320  float  *chanMean;        // array of means  for each channel map in cube
321  float  *chanSigma;       // array of sigmas for each channel map in cube
323  FitsHeader head;         // the WCS and other header information.
324  vector<Col> fullCols;    // the list of all columns as printed in the
325                           //  results file
326  vector<Col> logCols;     // the list of columns as printed in the log file
332// Prototypes for functions that use above classes
335DataArray getImage(string fname, short int maxdim);
336Image getImage(string fname);
338void findSources(Image &image);
339void findSources(Image &image, float mean, float sigma);
341vector <Detection> searchReconArray(long *dim,float *originalArray,
342                                    float *reconArray, Param &par);
343vector <Detection> search3DArray(long *dim, float *Array, Param &par);
345void growObject(Detection &object, Image &image);
346void growObject(Detection &object, Cube &cube);
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