source: trunk/src/Cubes/cubes.hh @ 155

Last change on this file since 155 was 155, checked in by Matthew Whiting, 18 years ago

Minor edits, mostly to get pedantic compilation working.
Added an if clause to getImage, so that the spectral axis setup is not done
if we are examining a 2D image.

File size: 14.4 KB
1#ifndef CUBES_H
2#define CUBES_H
4#include <iostream>
5#include <string>
6#include <vector>
8#ifndef PARAM_H
9#include <param.hh>
11#ifndef DETECTION_H
12#include <Detection/detection.hh>
14#ifndef COLUMNS_H
15#include <Detection/columns.hh>
17#ifndef PLOTS_H
18#include <Cubes/plots.hh>
21using std::string;
22using std::vector;
23using namespace Column;
27//// Definition of an n-dimensional data array:
28////     array of pixel values, size & dimensions
29////     array of Detection objects
33class DataArray
36  DataArray(){numDim=0; numPixels=0;};
37  DataArray(short int nDim){numDim=nDim; numPixels=0;};
38  DataArray(short int nDim, long size);
39  DataArray(short int nDim, long *dimensions);
40  virtual ~DataArray();
41  // Size and Dimension related
42  long                 getDimX(){if(numDim>0) return axisDim[0];else return 0;};
43  long                 getDimY(){if(numDim>1) return axisDim[1];else return 1;};
44  long                 getDimZ(){if(numDim>2) return axisDim[2];else return 1;};
45  void                 getDim(long &x, long &y, long &z);
46  long                 getSize(){return numPixels;};
47  short int            getNumDim(){return numDim;};
48  // Related to the various arrays
49  void                 getDimArray(long *output);
50  void                 getArray(float *output);
51  virtual void         saveArray(float *input, long size);
52  float                getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
53  void                 setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
54  // Related to the object lists
55  Detection            getObject(long number){return objectList[number];};
56  void                 addObject(Detection object);   
57                  // adds a single detection to the object list
58  vector <Detection>   getObjectList(){return objectList;};
59  void                 addObjectList(vector <Detection> newlist); 
60                  // adds all objects in a detection list to the object list
61  void                 addObjectOffsets();
62  long                 getNumObj(){return objectList.size();};
63  void                 clearDetectionList(){this->objectList.clear();};
64  // Parameter list related.
65  void                 readParam(string paramfile){par.readParams(paramfile);};
66  void                 showParam(std::ostream &stream){stream << par;};
67  Param                getParam(){return par;};
68  void                 saveParam(Param newpar){par = newpar;};
69  Param&               pars(){Param &rpar = par; return rpar;};
70  bool                 isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
72  friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& theStream, DataArray &array);
76  short int            numDim;     // number of dimensions.
77  long                *axisDim;    // array of dimensions of cube
78                                   //     (ie. how large in each direction).
79  long                 numPixels;  // total number of pixels in cube
80  float               *array;      // array of data
81  vector <Detection>   objectList; // the list of detected objects in the image
82  Param                par;        // a parameter list.
88//// Definition of an image object (2D):
89////     a DataArray object
90////     arrays for: probability values (for FDR)
91////                 mask image to indicate location of objects
92////                 detected objects
93////     statistics information
96class Cube;
97class Image : public DataArray
100  Image(){
101    numPixels=0;
102    numDim=2;};
103  Image(long nPix);
104  Image(long *dimensions);
105  virtual ~Image();
107  // Defining the array
108  void      saveArray(float *input, long size);
109  void      extractSpectrum(float *Array, long *dim, long pixel);
110  void      extractImage(float *Array, long *dim, long channel);
111  void      extractSpectrum(Cube &cube, long pixel);
112  void      extractImage(Cube &cube, long channel);
113  // Accessing the data.
114  float     getPixValue(long x, long y){return array[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
115  float     getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
116  float     getPValue(long pos){return pValue[pos];};
117  float     getPValue(long x, long y){return pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
118  short int getMaskValue(long pos){return mask[pos];};
119  short int getMaskValue(long x, long y){return mask[y*axisDim[0] + x];};
120  // the next few should have checks against array overflow...
121  void      setPixValue(long x, long y, float f){array[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
122  void      setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
123  void      setPValue(long pos, float p){pValue[pos] = p;};
124  void      setPValue(long x, long y, float p){pValue[y*axisDim[0] + x] = p;};
125  void      setMaskValue(long pos, short int m){mask[pos] = m;};
126  void      setMaskValue(long x, long y, short int m){mask[y*axisDim[0]+x]=m;};
127  bool      isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
128  bool      isBlank(long x,long y){return par.isBlank(array[y*axisDim[0]+x]);};
129  // Stats-related
130  void      setStats(float m, float s, float c){mean=m; sigma=s; cutLevel=c;};
131  void      findStats(int code);
132  float     getMean(){return mean;};
133  void      setMean(float m){mean=m;};
134  float     getSigma(){return sigma;};
135  void      setSigma(float s){sigma=s;};
136  float     getCut(){return cutLevel;};
137  void      setCut(float c){cutLevel=c;};
138  float     getPCut(){return pCutLevel;};
139  void      setPCut(float p){pCutLevel = p;};
140  float     getAlpha(){return alpha;};
141  void      setAlpha(float a){alpha = a;};
142  int       getMinSize(){return minSize;};
143  void      setMinSize(int s){minSize = s;};
145  void      maskObject(Detection &object);
147  // Detection-related
148  void      lutz_detect();            // in Detection/
149  void      spectrumDetect();         // in Detection/
150  // the rest are in Detection/
151  int       setupFDR();
152  bool      isDetection(float value);
153  bool      isDetection(long x, long y);
154  bool      isDetectionFDR(float pvalue);
156  void      removeMW();
159  float     *pValue;     // the array of p-values for each pixel
160                         //                  --> used by FDR method
161  short int *mask;       // a mask image indicating where objects are
163  float      mean;       // the mean background level of the image
164  float      sigma;      // the standard deviation of the image's background
165  float      cutLevel;   // the limiting value (in sigmas above the mean) for
166                         //     a pixel to be called a detection.
167  float      alpha;      // used by FDR routine -- significance level
168  float      pCutLevel;  // the limiting P-value for the FDR analysis
169  int        minSize;    // the minimum number of pixels for a detection
170                         //  to be accepted.
175//// Definition of an data-cube object (3D):
176////     a DataArray object limited to dim=3
179class Cube : public DataArray
182  Cube(){numPixels=0; numDim=3; // flagWCS=false;
183  };
184  Cube(long nPix);
185  Cube(long *dimensions);
186  virtual ~Cube();            // destructor
188  // additional accessor functions
189  //       -- in Cubes/ unless otherwise specified.
191  int     getCube(string fname);
192  int     getCube(){ 
193    // a front-end to the getCube function, that does subsection checks
194    // assumes the Param is setup properly
195    string fname = par.getImageFile();
196    if(par.getFlagSubsection()){
197      par.parseSubsection();
198      fname+=par.getSubsection();
199    }
200    return getCube(fname);
201  };
202  void    initialiseCube(long *dimensions);  // in
203  int     getopts(int argc, char ** argv);   // in
204  void    saveReconstructedCube();
205  int     readReconCube();
207  bool    isBlank(int vox){return par.isBlank(array[vox]);};
208  bool    isBlank(long x, long y, long z){
209    return par.isBlank(array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x]);};
210  float   getPixValue(long pos){return array[pos];};
211  float   getPixValue(long x, long y, long z){
212    return array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
213  short   getDetectMapValue(long pos){return detectMap[pos];};
214  short   getDetectMapValue(long x, long y){return detectMap[y*axisDim[0]+x];};
215  bool    isRecon(){return reconExists;};
216  float   getReconValue(long pos){return recon[pos];};
217  float   getReconValue(long x, long y, long z){
218    return recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
219  float   getBaselineValue(long pos){return baseline[pos];};
220  float   getBaselineValue(long x, long y, long z){
221    return baseline[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x];};
222  // these should have checks against array overflow...
223  void    setPixValue(long pos, float f){array[pos] = f;};
224  void    setPixValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){
225    array[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
226  void    setDetectMapValue(long pos, short f){detectMap[pos] = f;};
227  void    setDetectMapValue(long x, long y, short f){
228    detectMap[y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
229  void    setReconValue(long pos, float f){recon[pos] = f;};
230  void    setReconValue(long x, long y, long z, float f){
231    recon[z*axisDim[0]*axisDim[1] + y*axisDim[0] + x] = f;};
232  void    setReconFlag(bool f){reconExists = f;};
233  void    saveArray(float *input, long size);
234  void    saveRecon(float *input, long size);
235  void    getRecon(float *output);
237  vector<Col>  getLogCols(){return logCols;};
238  void         setLogCols(vector<Col> C){logCols=C;};
239  vector<Col>  getFullCols(){return fullCols;};
240  void         setFullCols(vector<Col> C){fullCols=C;};
243  // Statistics for cube
244  float   getSpecMean(int pixel){return specMean[pixel];};
245  float   getSpecSigma(int pixel){return specSigma[pixel];};
246  float   getChanMean(int channel){return chanMean[channel];};
247  float   getChanSigma(int channel){return chanSigma[channel];};
248  void    setCubeStats();    // in Cubes/
250  // Functions that act on the cube
251  void    removeMW();        // in Cubes/
252  void    trimCube();        // in Cubes/
253  void    unTrimCube();      // in Cubes/
254  void    removeBaseline();  // in ATrous/
255  void    replaceBaseline(); // in ATrous/
256  void    invert();          // in Cubes/
257  void    reInvert();        // in Cubes/
259  // Reconstruction and Searching functions
260  void    ReconSearch();     // in ATrous/
261  void    ReconSearch1D();   // in ATrous/
262  void    ReconSearch2D();   // in ATrous/
263  void    ReconSearch3D();   // in ATrous/
264  void    CubicSearch();     // in Cubes/
266  // Dealing with the WCS
267  FitsHeader getHead(){return head;};
268  void       setHead(FitsHeader F){head=F;};
269  FitsHeader& header(){FitsHeader &h = head; return h;};
270  int        wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix){
271    return this->head.wcsToPix(world,pix);}
272  int        wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix, const int npts){
273    return this->head.wcsToPix(world,pix,npts);}
274  int        pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world){
275    return this->head.pixToWCS(pix,world);}
276  int        pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world, const int npts){
277    return this->head.pixToWCS(pix,world,npts);}
279  // Dealing with the detections
280  void    ObjectMerger();          // in Cubes/
281  void    calcObjectWCSparams();
282  void    sortDetections();
283  void    updateDetectMap();
284  void    updateDetectMap(Detection obj);
285  void    setObjectFlags();
286  float   enclosedFlux(Detection obj);
287  bool    objAtEdge(Detection obj);
289  // Text outputting of detected objects.
290  //    the next five in Cubes/
291  void    outputDetectionsKarma(std::ostream &stream);     
292  void    outputDetectionsVOTable(std::ostream &stream);   
293  void    outputDetectionList();                           
294  void    logDetectionList();                             
295  void    logDetection(Detection obj, int counter);       
296  void    setupColumns(); // in Cubes/
298  // Graphical plotting of the cube and the detections.
299  void    plotBlankEdges();  // in Cubes/
300  //    the next three in Cubes/
301  void    plotDetectionMap(string pgDestination);         
302  void    plotMomentMap(string pgDestination);             
303  void    plotWCSaxes();                                   
304  //    the next two in Cubes/
305  void    outputSpectra();
306  void    plotSpectrum(Detection obj,Plot::SpectralPlot &plot);
307  //    the next three in Cubes/
308  void    drawMomentCutout(Detection &object);
309  void    drawScale(float xstart,float ystart,float channel);
310  void    drawFieldEdge();
313  float  *recon;           // reconstructed array -- used when doing a trous
314                           //   reconstruction.
315  bool    reconExists;     // flag saying whether there is a reconstruction
316  short  *detectMap;       // "moment map" -- x,y locations of detected pixels
317  float  *baseline;        // array of spectral baseline values.
319  float  *specMean;        // array of means  for each spectrum in cube
320  float  *specSigma;       // array of sigmas for each spectrum in cube
321  float  *chanMean;        // array of means  for each channel map in cube
322  float  *chanSigma;       // array of sigmas for each channel map in cube
324  FitsHeader head;         // the WCS and other header information.
325  vector<Col> fullCols;    // the list of all columns as printed in the
326                           //  results file
327  vector<Col> logCols;     // the list of columns as printed in the log file
333// Prototypes for functions that use above classes
336DataArray getImage(string fname, short int maxdim);
337Image getImage(string fname);
339void findSources(Image &image);
340void findSources(Image &image, float mean, float sigma);
342vector <Detection> searchReconArray(long *dim,float *originalArray,
343                                    float *reconArray, Param &par);
344vector <Detection> search3DArray(long *dim, float *Array, Param &par);
346void growObject(Detection &object, Image &image);
347void growObject(Detection &object, Cube &cube);
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