void Annotation::drawCircle(Detection &obj, FitsHeader &header) { } void Annotation::fileComments(Param &par) { std::string fname = par.getImageFile(); if(par.getFlagSubsection()) fname+=par.getSubsection(); this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Duchamp Source Finder v."<< VERSION << "\n"; this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Results for FITS file: " << fname << "\n"; if(par.getFlagFDR()) this->itsFile<comment() << " FDR Significance = " << par.getAlpha() << "\n"; else this->itsFile<comment() << " Threshold = " << par.getCut() << "\n"; if(par.getFlagATrous()){ this->itsFile<comment() << " The a trous reconstruction method was used, with the following parameters:\n"; this->itsFile<comment() << " Dimension = " << par.getReconDim() << "\n"; this->itsFile<comment() << " Threshold = " << par.getAtrousCut() << "\n"; this->itsFile<comment() << " Minimum Scale =" << par.getMinScale() << "\n"; this->itsFile<comment() << " Filter = " << par.getFilterName() << "\n"; } else if(par.getFlagSmooth()){ this->itsFile<comment() << " The data was smoothed prior to searching, with the following parameters:\n"; this->itsFile<comment() << " Smoothing type = " << par.getSmoothType() << "\n"; if(par.getSmoothType()=="spectral"){ this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Hanning width = " << par.getHanningWidth() << "\n"; } else{ this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Kernel Major axis = " << par.getKernMaj() << "\n"; if(par.getKernMin()>0) this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Kernel Minor axis = " << par.getKernMin() << "\n"; else this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Kernel Minor axis = " << par.getKernMaj() << "\n"; this->itsFile << this->comment() << " Kernel Major axis = " << par.getKernPA() << "\n"; } } }