\secA{Introduction and getting going quickly} This document provides a user's guide to \duchamp, an object-finder for use on spectral-line data cubes. The basic execution of \duchamp\ is to read in a FITS data cube, find sources in the cube, and produce a text file of positions, velocities and fluxes of the detections, as well as a postscript file of the spectra of each detection. So, you have a FITS cube, and you want to find the sources in it. What do you do? First, you need to get \duchamp: there are instructions in Appendix~\ref{app-install} for obtaining and installing it. Once you have it running, the first step is to make an input file that contains the list of parameters. Brief and detailed examples are shown in Appendix~\ref{app-input}. This file provides the input file name, the various output files, and defines various parameters that control the execution. The standard way to run \duchamp\ is by the command \begin{quote} \texttt{Duchamp -p [parameter file]} \end{quote} replacing \texttt{[parameter file]} with the name of the file listing the parameters. An even easier way is to use the default values for all parameters (these are given in Appendix~\ref{app-param} and in the file \texttt{InputComplete} included in the distribution directory) and use the syntax \begin{quote} \texttt{Duchamp -f [FITS file]} \end{quote} where \texttt{[FITS file]} is the file you wish to search. In either case, the program will then work away and give you the list of detections and their spectra. The program execution is summarised below, and detailed in \S\ref{sec-flow}. Information on inputs is in \S\ref{sec-param} and Appendix~\ref{app-param}, and descriptions of the output is in \S\ref{sec-output}. \secB{A summary of the execution steps} The basic flow of the program is summarised here -- all steps are discussed in more detail in the following sections. \begin{enumerate} \item If the \texttt{-p} option is used, the parameter file given on the command line is read in, and the parameters absorbed. \item The FITS image is located and read in to memory. \item If requested, a FITS image with a previously reconstructed array is read in. \item If requested, BLANK pixels are trimmed from the edges, and the baseline of each spectrum is removed. \item If the reconstruction method is requested, and the reconstructed array has not been read in at Step 3 above, the cube is reconstructed using the \atrous\ wavelet method. \item Alternatively (and if requested), the each spectral channel is Hanning-smoothed by a desired amount. \item A threshold for the cube is then calculated, based on the pixel statistics (unless a threshold is manually specified by the user). \item Searching for objects then takes place, using the requested thresholding method. \item The list of objects is condensed by merging neighbouring objects and removing those deemed unacceptable. \item The baselines and trimmed pixels are replaced prior to output. \item The details of the detections are written to screen and to the requested output file. \item Maps showing the spatial location of the detections are written. \item The integrated spectra of each detection are written to a postscript file. \item If requested, the reconstructed array can be written to a new FITS file. \end{enumerate} \secB{Guide to terminology and conventions} First, a brief note on the use of terminology in this guide. \duchamp\ is designed to work on FITS ``cubes''. These are FITS\footnote{FITS is the Flexible Image Transport System -- see \citet{hanisch01} or websites such as \href{http://fits.cv.nrao.edu/FITS.html}{http://fits.cv.nrao.edu/FITS.html} for details.} image arrays with three dimensions -- they are assumed to have the following form: the first two dimensions (referred to as $x$ and $y$) are spatial directions (that is, relating to the position on the sky), while the third dimension, $z$, is the spectral direction, which can correspond to frequency, wavelength, or velocity. The three dimensional analogue of pixels are ``voxels'', or volume cells -- a voxel is defined by a unique $(x,y,z)$ location and has a unique flux or intensity value associated with it. Note that it is possible for the FITS file to have more than three dimensions (for instance, a fourth dimension representing Stokes parameters). Only the two spatial dimensions and the spectral dimension are read into the array of pixel values that is searched for objects. All other dimensions are ignored\footnote{This actually means that the first pixel only of that axis is used, and the array is read by the \texttt{fits\_read\_subsetnull} command from the \textsc{cfitsio} library.}. Herein, we discuss the data in terms of the three basic dimensions, but you should be aware it is possible for the FITS file to have more than three. Note that the order of the dimensions in the FITS file does not matter. Each spatial pixel (a given $(x,y)$ coordinate) can be said to be a single spectrum, while a slice through the cube perpendicular to the spectral direction at a given $z$-value is a single channel (the 2-D image is a channel map). Detection involves locating a contiguous group of voxels with fluxes above a certain threshold. \duchamp\ makes no assumptions as to the size or shape of the detected features, other than having user-selected minimum size criteria. Features that are detected are assumed to be positive. The user can choose to search for negative features by setting an input parameter -- this inverts the cube prior to the search (see \S\ref{sec-detection} for details). Finally, note that it is possible to run \duchamp\ on a two-dimensional image (\ie one with no frequency or velocity information), or indeed a one-dimensional array, and many of the features of the program will work fine. The focus, however, is on object detection in three dimensions.