source: trunk/InputComplete @ 522

Last change on this file since 522 was 521, checked in by MatthewWhiting, 15 years ago

Changes for ticket #48, allowing the MASK image to record the object ID of detected pixels. Involves a new parameter flagMaskWithObjectNum.

File size: 8.9 KB
2# -------------------
4# This file contains the full list of user-definable parameters. They are
5#  grouped here according to their use, and the values quoted are the defaults:
6#  if a given parameter is not included in your parameter file, this is the
7#  value it will take.
11# imageFile -- the FITS image.
12# flagSubsection -- whether to get a subsection of that image.
13# subsection -- the subsection to read in, in format [x1:x2,y1:y2,z1:z2],
14#               or * to indicate the full range
15# flagReconExists -- set to true if the reconstructed cube exists as a FITS
16#                    file (ie. it has been saved from a previous Duchamp run)
17# reconFile -- the location of the FITS file containing the reconstructed cube
18# flagSmoothExists -- set to true if the smoothed cube exists as a FITS
19#                    file (ie. it has been saved from a previous Duchamp run)
20# smoothFile -- the location of the FITS file containing the smoothed cube
21# usePrevious -- whether to read the list of detected objects from a previously-
22#                created log file
23# objectList -- the list of objects to plot in individual plots: used with usePrevious=true
25imageFile       your-file-here
26flagSubsection  0
27subsection      [*,*,*]
28flagReconExists 0
29reconFile       your-reconstructed-file-here
30flagSmoothExists 1
31smoothFile      your-smoothed-file-here
32usePrevious     false
33objectList      *
36# flagLog -- log the intermediate results?   
37# logfile-- the file to put that in.
38# outFile -- the final output list.
39# flagSeparateHeader -- whether to write the header information
40#                        (i.e. parameters, statistics and number of detections)
41#                        to a separate file from the outFile (so that the
42#                        outFile just contains the table of detections).
43# headerFile -- the file to write the header information to.
44# spectraFile -- the postscript file of spectra
45# flagTextSpectra -- whether to save a text file detailing the spectra
46#                    of each source
47# spectraTextFile -- the file in which to save the text-formatted spectra
48# flagOutputMask -- whether to save a FITS file containing a mask
49#                   array, showing the locations of detected objects
50# flagMaskWithObjectNum -- if true, the detected pixels in the mask array have
51#                          the object ID number, else they all have the value 1.
52# flagOutputSmooth -- whether to save the smoothed arrays as a FITS file
53# flagOutputRecon/Resid -- whether to save the reconstruction & residual arrays
54#                          as FITS files
55# flagVOT -- make a VOTable file of the results? 
56# votFile -- the file to put it in
57# flagKarma -- make a Karma annotation file of the results? 
58# karmaFile -- the file to put it in
59# flagMaps -- save postscript versions of the detection and 0th moment maps?
60# detectionMap, momentMap -- the postscript files produced.
61# flagXOutput -- display the moment map in a pgplot window
62# newFluxUnits -- brightness units to convert the array values to
63#                 (eg. from Jy/beam to mJy/beam)   
64# precFlux -- Desired precision for Flux value in outputs.
65# precVel -- Desired precision for Velocity/Frequency value in outputs.
66# precSNR -- Desired precision for peak SNR value in ouputs.
68flagLog         0
69logFile         duchamp-Logfile.txt
70outFile         duchamp-Results.txt
71flagSeparateHeader 0
72headerFile      duchamp-Results.hdr
74flagTextSpectra 0
75spectraTextFile duchamp-Spectra.txt
76flagOutputMask  0
77flagMaskWithObjectNum 0
78flagOutputSmooth 0
79flagOutputRecon 0
80flagOutputResid 0
81flagVOT         0
82votFile         duchamp-Results.xml
83flagKarma       0
84karmaFile       duchamp-Results.ann
85flagMaps        1
88flagXOutput     1
89newFluxUnits    no-default
90precFlux        3
91precVel         3
92precSNR         2
95# flagTrim -- whether to trim blank pixels from the edges of the cube.
96# flagBaseline -- whether to subtract spectral baselines before searching
97# flagMW -- ignore a range of channels (to remove Milky Way emission)?
98# minMW, maxMW -- the first and last channels to be ignored
100flagTrim        0
101flagMW          0
102minMW           75
103maxMW           112
104flagBaseline    0
107# flagStatSec -- Whether to only use a subsection of the cube to calculate
108#                the statistics.
109# StatSec -- The subsection used for statistics calculations. It has the
110#            same format as the pixel subsection.
111# flagRobustStats -- Shall we use robust statistics to characterise
112#                    the noise in the image?
113# flagNegative -- Are the features being searched for negative (set to true)
114#                 or positive (false -- the default)?
115# snrCut --  How many sigma above mean is a detection when sigma-clipping
116# threshold -- The threshold flux dividing source and non-source. Used instead
117#              of calculating it from the cube's statistics. If not specified,
118#              it will be calculated.
119# flagGrowth -- Should the detections be "grown" to a lower significance value?
120# growthCut -- The lower threshold used when growing detections
121# growthThreshold -- The lower threshold, used in conjunction with "threshold"
122# beamsize -- the size of the beam in pixels. This value is overridden
123#             by the BMAJ, BMIN, BPA header parameters if present.
125flagStatSec     0
126StatSec         [*,*,*]
127flagRobustStats 1
128flagNegative    0
129snrCut          3.
130threshold       0.
131flagGrowth      0
132growthCut       2.
133growthThreshold 0.
134beamsize        10.
137# flagATrous -- Whether or not to do the reconstruction before searching
138# reconDim -- The number of dimensions in which to perform the reconstruction.
139# scaleMin -- The minimum scale (starts at 1) to be included in the
140#              reconstruction
141# scaleMax -- The maximum scale to be included in the reconstruction. If it
142#              is <=0 then the maximum scale is calculated from the size of
143#              the array being reconstructed.
144# snrRecon -- The threshold used in filtering the wavelet coefficient arrays.
145# filterCode -- The code number for the choice of filter to be used in the
146#               reconstruction:  1 = B3-spline filter, 2 = Triangle function,
147#                                3 = Haar wavelet. Other numbers default to 2.
149flagATrous      false
150reconDim        1
151scaleMin        1
152scaleMax        0
153snrRecon        4.
154filterCode      1
157# flagSmooth -- whether to smooth the cube.
158# smoothType -- either "spectral" or "spatial"
159# hanningWidth -- the width parameter of the Hanning (spectral smoothing)
160#                 function
161# kernMaj -- the FWHM of the major axis of the 2D spatial smoothing gaussian
162# kernMin -- the FWHM of the minor axis of the 2D spatial smoothing gaussian
163# kernPA  -- the position angle of the major axis of the 2D spatial
164#            smoothing gaussian
166flagSmooth      false
167smoothType      spectral
168hanningWidth    5
169kernMaj         3.
170kernMin         3.
171kernPA          0.
174# flagFDR -- Whether or not to use the false discovery rate method instead of
175#   simple sigma clipping.
176# alphaFDR -- The "alpha" parameter for the FDR method -- what desired
177#             percentage of discoveries will be false. Expressed as a decimal.
179flagFDR         0
180alphaFDR        0.01
183# flagAdjacent -- Whether to use the "adjacent criterion" to judge if objects
184#                  are to be merged.
185# threshSpatial -- If flagAdjacent=false, this is the maximum spatial
186#                   separation between objects for them to be merged.
187# threshVelocity -- The maximum channel separation between objects for them
188#                   to be merged.
189# minChannels -- The minimum number of consecutive channels an object must have
190#                 for it to be accepted.
191# minPix -- Minimum number of spatial pixels a detected object must have for
192#            it to be counted
194flagAdjacent    1
195threshSpatial   3
196threshVelocity  7
197minChannels     3
198minPix          2
201# verbose -- whether to provide progress indicators on the terminal during
202#             execution
203# drawBorders -- whether to draw borders around the detections on the moment
204#                 maps in the output.
205# drawBlankEdges -- whether to draw an outline around any BLANK regions in the
206#                    moment maps and image cutouts.
207# spectralMethod -- how to plot the spectra in the output -- the spectrum of
208#                    the peak pixel ("peak" -- the default), or integrated over
209#                    all spatial pixels present ("sum")
210# spectralUnits -- what units you want the spectral axis to be plotted in and
211#                   values quoted in (including the units of integrated flux)
212# pixelCentre -- which option to use for quoting the centre of the detection.
213#                 Options are: centroid, average, peak.
215verbose         1
216drawBorders     1
217drawBlankEdges  1
218spectralMethod  peak
219spectralUnits   km/s
220pixelCentre     centroid
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