source: trunk/CHANGES @ 272

Last change on this file since 272 was 265, checked in by Matthew Whiting, 17 years ago
  • Enabled output for centroid and peak pixel locations (centroid is proper name for centre-of-mass):
    • New parameter: pixelCentre to determine preferred one for output. Needed similar parameter in the Detection class.
    • Detection::getXCentre() etc now return value based on this parameter. Have new function getXAverage() etc that accesses the average value from the Object3D.
    • Rejigged output functions so there is a difference between screen and file outputs -- screen doesn't have all the different pixel centres, but the file does.
    • Had to change the columns setup in the process.
  • Improved output for merging process.
  • Updated documentation.
File size: 11.8 KB
1Duchamp version 1.1beta (2007/04/03)
4Changes made since the last numbered release:
6* Major change to the way detections are stored. They are now recorded
7  via run-length encoding in the x-y plane, and stored as collections
8  of channel-maps. This improves the memory usage and the speed of
9  execution (particularly for routines such as the merging routines).
11* Changed the way detection is done -- now only search in 2D images,
12  keeping all detections (ie. no minimum-pixel requirement). This
13  should be the same as doing both the 1D and 2D searches with the
14  minimum pixel requirement in, but simpler. The rejection is done at
15  the end after all the merging and growing has been done.
17* Increased the range over which objects can be grown to match the
18  threshSpatial & threshVelocity parameters, as well as rejecting new
19  pixels based on the BLANK and MW tests.
21* Added ability to specify a statsec, so that the statistics are only
22  calculated from a given subsection of the cube, rather than the full
23  cube.
25* The subsections can also specify the ability to remove a border of n
26  pixels from the edges of an axis (ie. n from the start and from the
27  end) -- as requested in Trac ticket #5.
29* Fixed bug (Trac ticket #4) that meant the velocity units were not
30  correctly dealt with. Duchamp should be more robust for different
31  velocity axis setups now.
33* Fixed bug (ticket #9) with the VOTable output, where the tags were
34  not closing.
36* Fixed minor bug in calculating the flux threshold from the p-value
37  threshold when the FDR method is used. This did not affect the
38  actual thresholding, merely the quoted flux threshold in the results
39  file. Also, the MW channels are kept out of the p-value threshold
40  determination if they are being flagged.
42* Fallback spectral units (in case the FITS header fails to record
43  them) changed to SPC.
45* Some slight improvements to the user feedback during execution.
47* Changed the default value of the reconDim parameter from 3 to 1.
49Duchamp version 1.0.7 (2006/11/22)
52One new feature, and some improvements and bug-fixes.
54* The user can now elect to Hanning-smooth the spectral direction of
55  the cube before the searching is done. This can be done instead of the
56  wavelet reconstruction (although if both are selected, the
57  reconstruction takes precendence). This functionality is switched on
58  and off by the flagSmooth parameter, and the width of the Hanning
59  kernel is governed by the hanningWidth parameter.
61* The smoothed array can also be written to a FITS file and read in at
62  the start in the same manner as the reconstructed array.
64* Several improvements have been made to the memory
65  management. Several memory leaks were fixed, and the memory usage of
66  Duchamp is considerably less, which will be a help for running it on
67  large cubes. The speed of some routines has also been improved, by
68  removing unnecessarily repetitive loops.
70* The sorting routines have been changed, and should now be slightly quicker
71  (and a bit more robust).
73* Enabled the scale bar (plotted on the 0th moment map in the spectral output
74  file) to be able to deal with much finer spatial scales (as may be expected
75  from VLBI data).
77* Other minor changes to code and presentation.
80Duchamp version 1.0.6 (2006/11/01)
83Some incremental improvements and changes to the code:
85* The statistics used for the detection are now calculated once for
86  the entire cube, rather than being calculated separately for each
87  channel map and spectrum. This results in a uniform threshold value
88  across the entire cube. The way the statistics calculations are
89  implemented in the code was changed, using a new statistics class.
91* This means we can report a peak signal-to-noise value for each
92  detection. This is given in the text-based output, as well as in the
93  summary information above the spectral output for each source.
95* The user can now elect not to have the moment map displayed in a
96  PGPlot window, through the use of the new flagXOutput
97  parameter. This should help in cases of running Duchamp on a dumb
98  terminal (with no X-display capabilities), or as part of a batch
99  script where the continual popping-up of the PGPlot window might
100  become annoying.
102* There are different Flags reported for the case of an object lying on
103  the spatial edge and spectral edge of the cube (E and S respectively).
105* A few minor bug fixes:
106  - When providing a subsection, any axes with the range given by *
107    had the pixel values offset incorrectly. This has been fixed.
108  - Negative searches now correctly invert the reconstructed array
109    when it is read in from a file.
111* Other minor changes to the code, to improve memory handling and
112  remove redundant arrays and variables.
115Duchamp version 1.0.5 (2006/09/06)
118Since version 1.0, there have been a range of mostly minor
119changes. These are generally bug-fixes, thanks to feedback from a
120number of users, as well as a few extra features.
122Here is a summary of the changes since version 1.0:
126* The user is now able to enter the value of flag parameters in the
127  parameter file as strings, as well as integers (so one can enter
128  true or 1 to give the same result).
132* Added a new function that draws the edge of the blank region on the
133  maps and image cutouts. There is a new flag parameter --
134  drawBlankEdges -- that controls the use of this function (the
135  default is true).
136  Also, the edge of the field is plotted on the image cutouts as a
137  yellow line. This distinguishes it from the purple blank pixel
138  dividing line.
140* The size of the tick mark in the image cutout (indicating the
141  spatial scale of the image) is now adaptable, so that it shows the
142  scale that best fits the image (ranging from 1 arcsec to 15
143  degrees). (This is a change from the previous standard length of 15
144  arcmin.)
146* The zoomed spectrum had its flux scale determined by all points in
147  the zoom box,including those flagged by the Milky Way (MW)
148  range. This has been fixed so that any MW channels will not affect
149  the flux scaling, potentially improving the appearance of objects
150  detected close in velocity to strong MW emission or absorption.
152* Improved Karma Annotation file output, so that files without good
153  WCS are dealt with appropriately.
157* The position resolution in the IAU-format names has been increased,
158  so that distinct objects close to one another are more readily
159  distinguished.  Overlapping sources at different velocities may
160  still have the same name, but this is a more general problem.
162* The presentation of the results in tabular format has been improved,
163  so that the precision of faint sources is sufficient to show their
164  flux, for instance, is not 0. This also applies to the information
165  presented above the spectral plots.
167* Improved error and warning reporting, so that the formatting and
168  presentation of information is clearer.
172* The previous version was did not deal well with 4 (or greater)
173  dimensions in the FITS file -- the memory allocation was badly done,
174  and the axes needed to be in a particular order. This has been
175  fixed, so that the FITS I/O routines can now handle any sized FITS
176  file, with axes in any order (as long as there are two spatial and one
177  spectral axes).
179* When the FITS file does not have a rest frequency defined, there is
180  no way to transform the frequency axis into velocity. In this case,
181  the spectral axis is left as frequency, and put into units of MHz.
183* If the beam size is not indicated by the FITS header (through the
184  BMAJ and BMIN keywords), the user can manually specify the size
185  through the parameter file (using parameter beamSize).
187* The FITS I/O routines make use of the command fits_file_exists. This
188  was introduced into the CFITSIO package from version 2.5, so Duchamp
189  will only work with this version or higher. Version 3+ is preferred.
193* Several bugs related to the blank-pixels were dealt with.
194  The correct values were not propagating through correctly, meaning
195  that the default values were being used. Also, there was the
196  potential for blank pixels to be detected when the FDR method was
197  used. Finally, the image cutout displays occasionally did not
198  obscure the blank pixels. All these problems should be fixed now.
200* The FDR setup routine was occasionally failing with a segmentation
201  fault, due to it accessing unallocated memory. This has been fixed.
203* Fixed bugs that affected the way 2D images (rather than 3D cubes)
204  were dealt with. The minChannels test failed when minChannels=0.
206* If there is no beam information in the FITS header, the user can now
207  enter a beam size as a parameter.
209* Other minor fixes to the code, to improve its structure and
210  robustness.
213Duchamp version 1.0 (2006/06/30)
216The first full release version.
218Several major changes compared to previous version:
220* Incorporated a FitsHeader class, to keep track of header information
221  (including WCS) from the FITS file. All units-related calculations
222  are done with this class, such as conversion to velocity, and
223  pixel-to-WCS conversion.  The main advantage of this is improved
224  speed of execution, more adaptable to different units, and improved
225  code (easier for me!).
227* Able to select the dimensionality of the reconstruction, rather than
228  just doing it in 3-D.
230* Robust text output, so that the columns are sized correctly given
231  the data being written, and the relevant units (derived from the
232  FITS header) are included in the output table.
234* Improved the way the reconstructed image is saved and read back in,
235  with a better naming scheme and a better set of new FITS header
236  keywords. The MW headers are now not written.
238Other, more minor changes include:
240* MW channels now not set to 0, but just ignored for searching
241  purposes (and for the scaling of the spectral output -- they are
242  plotted though and highlighted with a hashed box).
244* The scale bar in the moment map in the spectral output file has its
245  length indicated.
247* Improved VOTable output, with more information about the way Duchamp
248  was run.
250* Made sure all statistics calculations in the reconstruction are
251  based on robust (ie. median) methods.
253Also moved to an autoconf based configure/make compilation, for ease of use.
256Duchamp version 0.9.2 (2006/06/27)
259* Added the use of warning flags for detections: for either edge
260  location or negative enclosed flux.
262* A new command line option added so that the user can specify a FITS
263  file to be searched with the default parameters, rather than giving
264  a full parameter file.
266* The scale bar on the moment cutout now works in general case, using
267  an iterative process to get to the correct length.
269* RA axes are now done correctly on the full-scale maps.
271* Various coding fixes, improving the readability of the code,
272  particularly regarding the declaration of temporary variables.
274* Changed the way the time of execution is called : now using time.h
275  functions, rather than a system call.
277* Changed output in Detection/ for the pixel
278  information of detected objects (the info printed above the spectral
279  plots) -- now print out number of voxels in object, and have
280  improved the formatting a little.
282* Improved the functionality of saving the FITS file containing the
283  reconstructed array. Added ability to save and read back in the MW
284  parameters when saving a reconstructed cube (if a reconstructed cube
285  has different MW range to that being considered, it would cause
286  problems). ReadRecon now just returns a FAILURE and will reconstruct
287  the cube anew.
289* Changed default value of flagGrowth to 0.
293Duchamp version 0.9 (2006/05/05)
296First public release version.
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