source: tags/release-1.4/verification/stdResults5.reg @ 1455

Last change on this file since 1455 was 1232, checked in by MatthewWhiting, 11 years ago

Updating the verification results since one (number 3) was giving extra precision in the log file for S/Nmax.

File size: 3.2 KB
1# Duchamp Source Finder v.1.3.2
2# Results for FITS file: verification/verificationCube.fits[35:64,35:64,1:128]
3# imageFile              verification/verificationCube.fits
4# flagSubsection         1
5# subsection             [35:64,35:64,1:128]
6# flagStatSec            0
7# StatSec                [*,*,*]
8# searchType             spatial
9# flagNegative           0
10# flagBaseline           0
11# flagRobustStats        1
12# flagFDR                0
13# snrCut                 4
14# flagGrowth             0
15# minVoxels              4
16# minPix                 2
17# minChannels            2
18# flagAdjacent           1
19# threshVelocity         7
20# flagRejectBeforeMerge  0
21# flagTwoStageMerging    1
22# pixelCentre            centroid
23# flagSmooth             0
24# flagATrous             0
25# Detection threshold used = 4.1253
26# Mean of noise background = 0.0343318
27# Std. Deviation of noise background = 1.02274
28#  [Using robust methods]
29global color=red
31line 90.834066 -26.099617 90.759829 -26.099768
32line 90.833123 -25.766284 90.759095 -25.766435
33line 90.759829 -26.099768 90.685592 -26.099882
34line 90.758950 -25.699767 90.684964 -25.699881
35line 90.685911 -26.299883 90.611547 -26.299959
36line 90.684861 -25.633213 90.610916 -25.633288
37line 90.611547 -26.299959 90.537182 -26.299997
38line 90.610916 -25.633288 90.536972 -25.633326
39line 90.537182 -26.299997 90.462818 -26.299997
40line 90.536952 -25.566658 90.463048 -25.566658
41line 90.462796 -26.366665 90.388389 -26.366627
42line 90.463048 -25.566658 90.389145 -25.566620
43line 90.388517 -26.233291 90.314196 -26.233216
44line 90.389145 -25.566620 90.315242 -25.566545
45line 90.314196 -26.233216 90.239874 -26.233102
46line 90.315139 -25.633213 90.241195 -25.633100
47line 90.239874 -26.233102 90.165551 -26.232950
48line 90.241195 -25.633100 90.167250 -25.632949
49line 90.165551 -26.232950 90.091229 -26.232761
50line 90.165743 -26.166283 90.091463 -26.166094
51line 90.165934 -26.099617 90.091696 -26.099427
52line 90.167064 -25.699616 90.093078 -25.699428
53line 90.091229 -26.232761 90.016906 -26.232533
54line 90.091463 -26.166094 90.017183 -26.165867
55line 90.091696 -26.099427 90.017458 -26.099200
56line 90.092391 -25.899428 90.018279 -25.899201
57line 90.462796 -26.366665 90.462818 -26.299997
58line 90.388389 -26.366627 90.388453 -26.299959
59line 90.685911 -26.299883 90.685804 -26.233216
60line 90.388453 -26.299959 90.388517 -26.233291
61line 90.685804 -26.233216 90.685698 -26.166549
62line 90.016906 -26.232533 90.017183 -26.165867
63line 90.685698 -26.166549 90.685592 -26.099882
64line 90.165743 -26.166283 90.165934 -26.099617
65line 90.834066 -26.099617 90.833876 -26.032950
66line 90.017458 -26.099200 90.017733 -26.032534
67line 90.833876 -26.032950 90.833687 -25.966284
68line 90.017733 -26.032534 90.018007 -25.965868
69line 90.833687 -25.966284 90.833498 -25.899617
70line 90.018007 -25.965868 90.018279 -25.899201
71line 90.833498 -25.899617 90.833310 -25.832950
72line 90.092391 -25.899428 90.092621 -25.832762
73line 90.833310 -25.832950 90.833123 -25.766284
74line 90.092621 -25.832762 90.092850 -25.766095
75line 90.759095 -25.766435 90.758950 -25.699767
76line 90.092850 -25.766095 90.093078 -25.699428
77line 90.684964 -25.699881 90.684861 -25.633213
78line 90.167064 -25.699616 90.167250 -25.632949
79line 90.536972 -25.633326 90.536952 -25.566658
80line 90.315139 -25.633213 90.315242 -25.566545
81text 90.432958 -25.934535 {1}
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