% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % outputs.tex: Section detailing the different forms of text- and % plot-based output. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (C) 2006, Matthew Whiting, ATNF % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % % Duchamp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License % for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Duchamp; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, % Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA % % Correspondence concerning Duchamp may be directed to: % Internet email: Matthew.Whiting [at] atnf.csiro.au % Postal address: Dr. Matthew Whiting % Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO % PO Box 76 % Epping NSW 1710 % AUSTRALIA % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \secA{Outputs} \label{sec-output} \secB{During execution} \duchamp provides the user with feedback whilst it is running, to keep the user informed on the progress of the analysis. Most of this consists of self-explanatory messages about the particular stage the program is up to. The relevant parameters are printed to the screen at the start (once the file has been successfully read in), so the user is able to make a quick check that the setup is correct (see Appendix~\ref{app-input} for an example). The extent of memory allocation made at the start is indicated. This will include the arrays needed for the pixel array, the reconstruction or smoothed array, and the 2D detection map, but \emph{not} additional space needed for working within individual algorithms, nor storage needed for the detected objects. \duchamp will report the amount of memory that is allocated when the image is read in. This includes the storage for the array as well as additional storage for the reconstructed/smoothed array and/or the baseline arrays (if these are needed). If the cube is being trimmed (\S\ref{sec-modify}), the resulting dimensions are printed to indicate how much has been trimmed. If a reconstruction is being done, a continually updating message shows either the current iteration and scale, compared to the maximum scale (when \texttt{reconDim = 3}), or a progress bar showing the amount of the cube that has been reconstructed (for smaller values of \texttt{reconDim}). During the searching algorithms, the progress through the search is shown. When completed, the number of objects found is reported (this is the total number found, before any merging is done). In the merging process (where multiple detections of the same object are combined -- see \S\ref{sec-merger}), two stages of output occur. The first is when each object in the list is compared with all others. The output shows two numbers: the first being how far through the list the current object is, and the second being the length of the list. As the algorithm proceeds, the first number should increase and the second should decrease (as objects are combined). When the numbers meet, the whole list has been compared. If the objects are being grown, a similar output is shown, indicating the progress through the list. In the rejection stage, in which objects not meeting the minimum pixels/channels requirements are removed, the total number of objects remaining in the list is shown, which should steadily decrease with each rejection until all have been examined. Note that these steps can be very quick for small numbers of detections. Since this continual printing to screen has some overhead of time and CPU involved, the user can elect to not print this information by setting the parameter \texttt{verbose = false}. In this case, the user is still informed as to the steps being undertaken, but the details of the progress are not shown. There may also be Warning or Error messages printed to screen. The Warning messages occur when something happens that is unexpected (for instance, a desired keyword is not present in the FITS header), but not detrimental to the execution. An Error message is something more serious, and indicates some part of the program was not able to complete its task. This is not necessary fatal, but it may mean the full functionality requested will not be achieved. The message will also indicate which function or subroutine generated it -- this is primarily a tool for debugging, but can be useful in determining what went wrong. \secB{Text-based output files} \secC{Table of results} \label{sec-results} Finally, we get to the results -- the reason for running \duchamp in the first place. Once the detection list is finalised and parameterised according to \S\ref{sec-sourceparam}, it is sorted according to the value of the \texttt{sortingParam}. This can take the value ``xvalue'', ``yvalue'', ``zvalue'', ``ra'', ``dec'', ``vel'', ``w50'', ``iflux'' (for integrated flux), or ``pflux'' (for peak flux), or ``snr''. The default value is ``vel'' (which means the spectral WCS value -- this could be frequency or wavelength depending on the nature of the FITS file). If no good WCS exists, the mean pixel position equivalent is used (``ra'' is replaced by ``xvalue'', ``dec'' by ``yvalue'', ``vel'' and ``w50'' by ``zvalue''). The sense of the sorting will be increasing value with position in the list. To sort in the opposite sense, prepend the parameter name with a '-' (\eg ``-vel'' instead of ``vel''). The object ID number (\S\ref{sec-objectID}) is determined by the order of the list \emph{after} this sorting, so sorting by a different parameter will result in a different object ID for the same object. The results are then printed to the screen and to the output file, given by the \texttt{OutFile} parameter. The output file will contain all calculated parameters, as described in \S\ref{sec-sourceparam}. The results list printed to the screen, however, will leave out certain columns: \begin{itemize} \item The spatial extent columns \texttt{w\_RA \& w\_DEC}. \item The \texttt{w\_20} and \texttt{w\_VEL} spectral width columns. \item The total flux \texttt{F\_tot} (unless there is no good WCS, in which case it is printed instead of \texttt{F\_int}), and the errors on the total and integrated fluxes \texttt{eF\_tot, eF\_int}. \item The explicit columns for the average, centroid and peak pixel locations. The only pixel location columns printed are \texttt{X, Y, Z}, which are determined via the \texttt{pixelCentre} input parameter. \item \textit{If the WCS is no good}, the world-coordinate columns \texttt{RA, DEC, VEL, F\_int} will not be printed either. \end{itemize} The output file consists of two sections. The first section contains the metadata for the search. First, a list of the parameters are printed to the output file, for future reference. Next, the detection threshold that was used is given, so comparison can be made with other searches. The statistics estimating the noise parameters are given (see \S\ref{sec-stats}). Thirdly, the number of detections are reported. All this information, known as the ``header'', can either be written to the start of the output file (denoted by the parameter \texttt{OutFile}), or written to a separate file from the list of detections. This second option is activated by the parameter \texttt{flagSeparateHeader}, and the information is written to the file given by \texttt{HeaderFile}. The second part of the file, however, contains the most interesting part -- the list of detected objects. This is written as an ASCII table, properly spaced so that it is readable. An example is shown in Appendix~\ref{app-output}. The user can specify the precision used to display the flux, spectral location/width and S/Nmax values, by using the input parameters \texttt{precFlux}, \texttt{precVel} and \texttt{precSNR} respectively. These values apply to the tables written to the screen and to the output file, as well as for the VOTable (see below). \secC{VOTable catalogue} \label{sec-votable} Three additional results files can also be requested. One option is a VOTable-format XML file, containing just the RA, Dec, spectral location and the corresponding widths of the detections, as well as the fluxes. The user should set \texttt{flagVOT = true}, and put the desired filename in the parameter \texttt{votFile} -- note that the default is for it not to be produced. An example of VOTable output can be found in Appendix~\ref{app-votable}. This file should be compatible with all Virtual Observatory tools (such as Aladin% \footnote{%Aladin can be found on the web at \href{http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/}{http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/}} or TOPCAT\footnote{%Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables: \href{http://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/}% {http://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/}}). \secC{Annotation and region files} \label{sec-annotfiles} A second option are annotation files for use with several visualisation tools, including the Karma toolkit (in particular, with \texttt{kvis}), SAOImage DS9, and \texttt{casaviewer} (and \texttt{casapy} itself). There are three options on how objects are represented, governed by the \texttt{annotationType} parameter. These are: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{borders} -- a border is drawn around the spatial pixels of the object, in a manner similar to that seen in Fig.~\ref{fig-spect}. Note that Karma/\texttt{kvis} does not always do this perfectly, particularly as you change the zoom, so the lines may not be directly lined up with pixel borders. \item \texttt{circles} -- draws a circle at the position of each detection, scaled by the spatial size of the detection. \item \texttt{ellipses} -- draws an ellipse of size given by the \texttt{MAJ, MIN, PA} source parameters (\S\ref{sec-shape}). \end{itemize} In each case, the object is numbered according to the object ID (\S\ref{sec-objectID}. To make use of this option, the user should set \texttt{flagKarma}, \texttt{flagDS9} or \texttt{flagCasa} to \texttt{true}, and put the desired filename in the parameter \texttt{karmaFile}, \texttt{ds9File} or \texttt{casaFile} -- again, the default is for these not to be produced. Examples of these annotation files are in Appendices~\ref{app-karma},\ref{app-ds9},\ref{app-casa}. \secC{Spectral text file} \label{sec-spectraltext} The final optional results file produced is a simple text file that contains the spectra for each detected object. The format of the file is as follows: the first column has the spectral coordinate, over the full range of values; the remaining columns represent the flux values for each object at the corresponding spectral position. The flux value used is the same as that plotted in the spectral plot detailed below, and governed by the \texttt{spectralMethod} parameter. An example of what a spectral text file might look like is given below: \begin{quote} {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lllll} 1405.00219727 &0.01323344 &0.23648241 &0.04202826 &-0.00506790 \\ 1405.06469727 &0.01302835 &0.27393046 &0.04686056 &-0.00471084 \\ 1405.12719727 &0.01583361 &0.27760920 &0.04114933 &-0.01168737 \\ 1405.18969727 &0.01271889 &0.31489247 &0.03307962 &-0.00300790 \\ 1405.25219727 &0.01597644 &0.30401203 &0.05356426 &-0.00551653 \\ 1405.31469727 &0.00773827 &0.30031312 &0.04074831 &-0.00570147 \\ 1405.37719727 &0.00738304 &0.27921870 &0.05272378 &-0.00504959 \\ 1405.43969727 &0.01353923 &0.26132512 &0.03667958 &-0.00151006 \\ 1405.50219727 &0.01119724 &0.28987029 &0.03497849 &-0.00645589 \\ 1405.56469727 &0.00813379 &0.29839963 &0.04711142 &0.00536576 \\ 1405.62719727 &0.00774377 &0.26530230 &0.04620502 &0.00724631 \\ 1405.68969727 &0.00576067 &0.23215000 &0.04995513 &0.00290841 \\ 1405.75219727 &0.00452834 &0.16484940 &0.04261605 &-0.00612812 \\ 1405.81469727 &0.01406293 &0.15989439 &0.03817926 &-0.00758385 \\ 1405.87719727 &0.01116611 &0.11890682 &0.05499069 &-0.00626362 \\ 1405.93969727 &0.00687582 &0.10620256 &0.04743370 &0.00055177 \\ $\vdots$ &$\vdots$ &$\vdots$ &$\vdots$ &$\vdots$ \\ \end{tabular} } \end{quote} \secC{Log file} \label{sec-logfile} In addition to these three files, a log file can also be produced. As the program is running, it also (optionally) records the detections made in each individual spectrum or channel (see \S\ref{sec-detection} for details on this process). This is recorded in the file given by the parameter \texttt{LogFile}. This file does not include the columns \texttt{Name, RA, DEC, w\_RA, w\_DEC, VEL, w\_VEL}. This file is designed primarily for diagnostic purposes: \eg to see if a given set of pixels is detected in, say, one channel image, but does not survive the merging process. The list of pixels (and their fluxes) in the final detection list are also printed to this file, again for diagnostic purposes. The file also records the execution time, as well as the command-line statement used to run \duchamp. The creation of this log file can be prevented by setting \texttt{flagLog = false} (which is the default). \secB{Graphical output} \secC{Spectral plots} As well as the output data file, a postscript file (with the filename given by the \texttt{spectralFile} parameter) is created that shows the spectrum for each detection, together with a small cutout image (the 0th moment) and basic information about the detection (note that any flags are printed after the name of the detection, in the format \texttt{[E]}). If the cube was reconstructed, the spectrum from the reconstruction is shown in red, over the top of the original spectrum. The spectral extent of the detected object is indicated by two dashed blue lines, and the region covered by the ``Milky Way'' channels is shown by a green hashed box. An example detection can be seen in Fig.~\ref{fig-spect}. The spectrum that is plotted is governed by the \texttt{spectralMethod} parameter. It can be either \texttt{peak} (the default), where the spectrum is from the spatial pixel containing the detection's peak flux; or \texttt{sum}, where the spectrum is summed over all spatial pixels, and then corrected for the beam size. If the \texttt{peak} method is used, the detection threshold (and growth threshold, if used) are indicated by dashed (and dotted) lines. These cannot be plotted on the integrated spectrum. The spectral extent of the detection is indicated with blue lines, and a zoom is shown in a separate window. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example_spectrum} \end{center} \caption{\footnotesize An example of the spectral output. Note several of the features discussed in the text: the red solid lines indicating the reconstructed spectrum; the blue dashed and dotted horizontal lines indicating the detection and growth thresholds respectively; the blue dashed lines indicating the spectral extent of the detection; the green hashed area indicating the Milky Way channels that are ignored by the searching algorithm; the blue border showing its spatial extent on the 0th moment map; the ellipses indicating the size of the object and the beam; and the 15~arcmin-long scale bar.} \label{fig-spect} \end{figure} The cutout image shows a red ellipse indicating the spatial size of the detection (using \texttt{MAJ, MIN, PA} - \S\ref{sec-shape}). Also drawn in green in the corner of the image is an ellipse indicating the beam size (assuming the beam is defined). The cutout image can optionally include a border around the spatial pixels that are in the detection (turned on and off by the \texttt{drawBorders} parameter -- the default is \texttt{true}). It includes a scale bar in the bottom left corner to indicate size -- its length is indicated next to it (the choice of length depends on the size of the image). There may also be one or two extra lines on the image. A yellow line shows the limits of the cube's spatial region: when this is shown, the detected object will lie close to the edge, and the image box will extend outside the region covered by the data. A purple line, however, shows the dividing line between BLANK and non-BLANK pixels. The BLANK pixels will always be shown in black. The first type of line is always drawn, while the second is governed by the parameter \texttt{drawBlankEdges} (whose default is \texttt{true}), and obviously whether there are any BLANK pixel present. Note that the creation of the spectral plots can be prevented by setting \texttt{flagPlotSpectra = false}. When the input image is two-dimensional, with no spectral dimension, this spectral plot would not make much sense. Instead, \duchamp creates a similar postscript file that simply includes the text headers as well as the 0th-moment map of the detection. As for the normal spectral case, this file will be written to the filename given by the \texttt{spectralFile} parameter. When the input image is one-dimensional, the spectral plot is identical save for the absence of the cutout image. In addition to the spectral plot, it is possible to produce plots for each spectrum individually. Set \texttt{flagPlotIndividualSpectra=true}, and a postscript plot will be produced for each object. If the normal spectral output file (determined by the \texttt{spectralFile} input parameter) is called \texttt{duchamp-Spectra.ps}, then the individual files will be called \texttt{duchamp-Spectra-01.ps} etc. \secC{Spatial maps} \label{sec-spatialmaps} \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example_moment_map} \end{center} \caption{\footnotesize An example of the moment map created by \duchamp. The full extent of the cube is covered, and the 0th moment of each object is shown (integrated individually over all the detected channels). The purple line indicates the limit of the non-BLANK pixels.} \label{fig-moment} \end{figure} Additionally, two types of spatial images are optionally produced: a combined 0th-moment map of the cube, combining just the detected channels in each object, showing the integrated flux in grey-scale; and a ``detection image'', a grey-scale image where the pixel values are the number of channels in which that spatial pixel is detected. These detections include pixels that are subsequently discarded (due to the minimum-size criteria). In both cases, if \texttt{drawBorders = true}, a border is drawn around the spatial extent of each detection, and if \texttt{drawBlankEdges = true}, the purple line dividing BLANK and non-BLANK pixels (as described above) is drawn. An example moment map is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-moment}. The production or otherwise of these images is governed by the \texttt{flagMaps} parameter. The moment map is also displayed in a PGPlot XWindow (with the \texttt{/xs} display option). This feature can be turned off by setting \texttt{flagXOutput = false} -- this might be useful if running \duchamp on a terminal with no window display capability, or if you have set up a script to run it in a batch mode. If the input image is one-dimensional, such a spatial map is not possible. Instead, the detection map becomes a detection spectrum. This shows the full spectral range, indicating (as for the spectral plots above) the detection and growth thresholds, as well as the `Milky Way' range and every detection that appears in the final catalogue. It also indicates all pixels that were detected, including those subsequently discarded, by thick black lines above the spectrum. An example can be see in Fig.~\ref{fig-1D-detection-spectrum}. Again, this plot is also displayed in a PGPlot XWindow. \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example_detection_spectrum} \end{center} \caption{\footnotesize An example of the one-dimensional detection spectrum plot, indicating detected sources and detected pixels, including those subsquently discarded due to the minimum-size criteria. The detection threshold is low to show the effect of detecting lots of single-pixel channels, which are then discarded, leaving just the two detections delimited by the blue lines.} \label{fig-1D-detection-spectrum} \end{figure} The purpose of these images is to provide a visual guide to where the detections have been made, and, particularly in the case of the moment map, to provide an indication of the strength of the source. In both cases, the detections are numbered (in the same sense as the output list and as the spectral plots), and the spatial borders are marked out as for the cutout images in the spectra file. Both these images are saved as postscript files (given by the parameters \texttt{momentMap} and \texttt{detectionMap} respectively), with the latter also displayed in a \textsc{pgplot} window (regardless of the state of \texttt{flagMaps}). \secB{FITS output} \secC{Moment map} \label{sec-momentOut} The moment map described above can also be written to a FITS file, so that it can be examined more closely, and have annotation files overlaid. This works in the same way as for the mask image. To create the FITS file, set the input parameter \texttt{flagOutputMomentMap=true}. The file will be named according to the \texttt{fileOutputMomentMap} parameter, or, if this is not given, \texttt{image.MOM0.fits} (where the input image is called \texttt{image.fits}). \secC{Mask images} \label{sec-maskOut} It is also possible to write the mask array to a FITS file, for use in other forms of post-processing. This array is designed to indicate the location of detected objects. The value of the detected pixels is determined by the input parameter \texttt{flagMaskWithObjectNum}: if \texttt{true}, the value of the pixels is given by the corresponding object ID number; if \texttt{false}, they take the value 1 for all objects. Pixels not in a detected object have the value 0. To create this FITS file, set the input parameter \texttt{flagOutputMask=true}. The file will be named according to the \texttt{fileOutputMask} parameter, or, if this is not given, \texttt{image.MASK.fits} (where the input image is called \texttt{image.fits}). A spatial mask, or moment-0 mask, can also be written. This is simply a two-dimensional image that shows which spatial pixels are detected in one or more channels. Unlike the full mask file above, detected pixels can only be recorded as 1 (as a given spatial pixel may appear in multiple objects) -- that is, the parameter \texttt{flagMaskWithObjectNum} does not affect the moment-0 mask. To create this FITS file, set the input parameter \texttt{flagOutputMomentMask=true}. The file will be named according to the \texttt{fileOutputMomentMask} parameter, or, if this is not given, \texttt{image.MOM0MASK.fits} (where the input image is called \texttt{image.fits}). \secC{Smoothed or Reconstructed image} \label{sec-reconOut} As discussed in \S\ref{sec-reconIO}, the reconstructed array, its residual, or the smoothed array can be saved to a FITS file. This allows examination of them offline, as well as their re-use by \duchamp to save the expense of re-calculating. This behaviour is controlled by \texttt{flagOutputRecon}, \texttt{flagOutputResid} and \texttt{flagOutputSmooth}. Consult \S\ref{sec-reconIO} for further details. \secC{Baseline image} \label{sec-baselineOut} As mentioned in \S\ref{sec-baseline}, the spectral baseline values can be saved to a FITS file, allowing examination of them offline. There is no scope at present for reloading previously-calculated baselines (although the overheads in calculating these are not too prohibitive). Saving to a FITS file is controlled by the input parameters \texttt{flagOutputBaseline} and \texttt{fileOutputBaseline}. If \texttt{fileOutputBaseline} is not provided, the file will be named \texttt{image.BASE.fits} (for an input image called \texttt{image.fits}). \secB{Re-examining previous \duchamp results} \label{sec-reuse} \secC{Binary Catalogue} \label{sec-bincat} It is often the case that the bulk of the work in a \duchamp run is in the searching for sources. If you are interested in re-doing some of the spectral plots, or re-parameterising with different \texttt{spectralType} settings, then having to re-run the searching can be a bit off-putting. A solution to this problem exists in the ability to save a binary catalogue, containing the information on the individual pixels detected in each object. This is sufficient to recreate a set of detections and re-do the parameterisation. To enable this mode, set \texttt{flagWriteBinaryCatalogue=true}, and provide a filename with \texttt{binaryCatalogue} (or use the default of \texttt{duchamp-Catalogue.dpc}). The following will be written to the catalogue: \begin{itemize} \item Version of \duchamp. If it is not the same version, a warning is raised. \item Current date and time. \item The parameter set. Only the parameters affecting the pre-processing and searching are stored. Those related to, say, graphical output are not. \item The measured statistics. \item The pixels of each detected object, written using the run-length encoding described in \S\ref{sec-scan}. \end{itemize} These are written in binary format to conserve disk space, and are sufficient to recreate the state of \duchamp after the searching has taken place. To re-use this catalogue, set the flag \texttt{usePrevious=true} and provide the binary catalogue filename via \texttt{binaryCatalogue}. The catalogue will be loaded, and (provided it loads correctly) the preprocessing and searching steps will be skipped. The post-processing (\ie plotting and catalogue output) steps will occur as normal, using the settings provided in the input parameter file. Note that while at this stage this is the only use for the binary catalogues, it is anticipated that other functionality will be provided in future - for instance, to allow conversion into mask images. The binary catalogues are seen as a compact way of storing the results of a \duchamp run. \secC{Selection of objects} When re-running \duchamp on a previously-generated catalogue, it is possible to produce the plots for only a selection of objects. Use the \texttt{objectList} parameter to specify a set of objects, listing individual object numbers or ranges, for example ``1,3-6,9,11'' means objects 1,3,4,5,6,9,11. The output plots will be appropriately modified: the spectral plots will only show these objects; the moment map plot will only show the contribution from these objects; the detection map will show the outlines of only these objects, although all detected pixels are still shown in greyscale. Note that the object numbers here are valid for the catalogue as sorted according to the \texttt{sortingParam} specification in the parameter file. If you change this, the order of the catalogue may change and the specific objects selected by \texttt{objectList} will differ. This option is designed for the case of re-using a catalogue, but can be used for a blind search as well. Of course, you may not know what numbers the sources will turn out to be. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "Guide" %%% End: