source: tags/release-1.1.2b/docs/app-param.tex @ 826

Last change on this file since 826 was 386, checked in by MatthewWhiting, 17 years ago

Updated docs to account for better stats description, plus new parameters.

File size: 14.2 KB
1% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2% app-param.tex: Section listing all the possible input parameters and
3%                their defaults.
4% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5% Copyright (C) 2006, Matthew Whiting, ATNF
7% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10% option) any later version.
12% Duchamp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
15% for more details.
17% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18% along with Duchamp; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19% Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
21% Correspondence concerning Duchamp may be directed to:
22%    Internet email: Matthew.Whiting [at]
23%    Postal address: Dr. Matthew Whiting
24%                    Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO
25%                    PO Box 76
26%                    Epping NSW 1710
27%                    AUSTRALIA
28% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
29\secA{Available parameters}
32The full list of parameters that can be listed in the input file are
33given here. If not listed, they take the default value given in
34parentheses. Since the order of the parameters in the input file does
35not matter, they are grouped here in logical sections.
37\secB*{Input related}
39\item[{ImageFile [no default]}] The filename of the
40  data cube to be analysed.
41\item[{flagSubsection [false]}] A flag to indicate whether one
42  wants a subsection of the requested image.
43\item[{Subsection [ [*,*,*] ]}] The requested subsection
44 -- see \S\ref{sec-input} for details on the subsection format.  If
45 the full range of a dimension is required, use a \texttt{*} (thus the
46 default is the full cube).
47\item[{flagReconExists [false]}] A flag to indicate whether the
48  reconstructed array has been saved by a previous run of \duchamp. If
49  set true, the reconstructed array will be read from the file given
50  by \texttt{reconFile}, rather than calculated directly.
51\item[{reconFile [no default]}] The FITS file that contains the
52  reconstructed array. If \texttt{flagReconExists} is true and this
53  parameter is not defined, the default file that is looked for will
54  be determined by the \atrous parameters (see \S\ref{sec-recon}).
55\item[{flagSmoothExists [false]}] A flag to indicate whether the
56  Hanning-smoothed array has been saved by a previous run of \duchamp. If
57  set true, the smoothed array will be read from the file given
58  by \texttt{smoothFile}, rather than calculated directly.
59\item[{smoothFile [no default]}] The FITS file that has
60  a previously smoothed array. If \texttt{flagSmoothExists}
61  is true and this parameter is not defined, the default file that is
62  looked for will be determined by the smoothing parameters (see
63  \S\ref{sec-smoothing}).
66\secB*{Output related}
68\item[{OutFile [duchamp-\\Results.txt]}] The file containing the
69  final list of detections. This also records the list of input
70  parameters.
71\item[{flagSeparateHeader [false]}] A flag to indicate that the header
72  information that would normally be printed at the start of the
73  results file (containing information on the parameters, image
74  statistics and number of detections) should instead be written to a
75  separate file.
76\item[{HeaderFile [duchamp-\\Results.hdr]}] The file to which the
77  header information should be written when
78  \texttt{flagSeparateHeader=true}.
79\item[{SpectraFile [duchamp-\\]}] The postscript file
80  containing the resulting integrated spectra and images of the
81  detections. 
82\item[{flagLog [false]}] A flag to indicate whether the
83  details of intermediate detections should be logged.
84\item[{LogFile [duchamp-\\Logfile.txt]}] The file in which
85  intermediate detections are logged. These are detections that have
86  not been merged. This is primarily for use in debugging and
87  diagnostic purposes: normal use of the program will probably not
88  require it.
89\item[{flagOutputMask [false]}] A flag to say whether or not to save a
90  FITS file containing a mask array, with values 1 where there is a
91  detected object and 0 elsewhere. The filename will be derived
92  according to the naming scheme detailed in Section~\ref{sec-maskOut}.
93\item[{flagOutputRecon [false]}] A flag to say whether or not
94  to save the reconstructed cube as a FITS file. The filename will be
95  derived according to the naming scheme detailed in
96  Section~\ref{sec-reconIO}.
97\item[{flagOutputResid [false]}] As for
98  \texttt{flagOutputRecon}, but for the residual array -- the
99  difference between the original cube and the reconstructed cube. The
100  filename will be derived according to the naming scheme detailed in
101  Section~\ref{sec-reconIO}.
102\item[{flagOutputSmooth [false]}] A flag to say whether or not
103  to save the smoothed cube as a FITS file. The filename will be
104  derived according to the naming scheme detailed in
105  Section~\ref{sec-smoothing}.
106\item[{flagVOT [false]}] A flag to say whether to create a
107  VOTable file with the detection information. This will be an XML
108  file in the Virtual Observatory VOTable format.
109\item[{votFile [duchamp-\\Results.xml]}] The VOTable file with
110  the list of final detections. Some input parameters are also
111  recorded.
112\item[{flagKarma [false]}] A flag to say whether to create a
113  Karma annotation file corresponding to the information in
114  \texttt{outfile}. This can be used as an overlay in Karma
115  programs such as \texttt{kvis}.
116\item[{karmaFile [duchamp-\\Results.ann]}] The Karma annotation
117  file showing the list of final detections. 
118\item[{flagMaps [true]}] A flag to say whether to save
119  postscript files showing the 0th moment map of the whole cube
120  (parameter \texttt{momentMap}) and the detection image
121  (\texttt{detectionMap}).
122\item[{momentMap [duchamp-\\]}] A postscript file
123  containing a map of the 0th moment of the detected sources, as well
124  as pixel and WCS coordinates.
125\item[{detectionMap [duchamp-\\]}] A postscript
126  file with a map showing each of the detected objects, coloured in
127  greyscale by the number of detected channels in each spatial
128  pixel. Also shows pixel and WCS coordinates.
129\item[{flagXOutput [true]}] A flag to say whether to display a
130  0th moment map in a PGPlot X-window. This will be in addition to any
131  that are saved to a file. This parameter can be overridden by the
132  use of the \texttt{-x} command-line option, which disables the
133  X-windows output.
136\secB*{Modifying the cube}
138\item[{flagTrim [false]}] A flag to say whether to trim
139  BLANK pixels from the edges of the cube -- these are typically
140  pixels set to some particular value because they fall outside the
141  imaged area, and trimming them can help speed up the execution.
142\item[{flagMW [false]}] A flag to say whether to ignore
143  channels contaminated by Milky Way (or other) emission -- the
144  searching algorithms will not look at these channels.
145\item[{maxMW [112]}] The maximum channel number that contains
146  ``Milky Way'' emission.
147\item[{minMW [75]}] The minimum channel number that contains
148  ``Milky Way'' emission. Note that the range specified by
149  \texttt{maxMW} and \texttt{minMW} is inclusive.
150\item[{flagBaseline [false]}] A flag to say whether to remove
151  the baseline from each spectrum in the cube for the purposes of
152  reconstruction and detection.
155\secB*{Detection related}
157\secC*{General detection}
159\item[{flagStatSec [false]}] A flag indicating whether the
160  statistics should be calculated on a subsection of the cube, rather
161  than the full cube. Note that this only applies to the statistics
162  used to determine the threshold, and not for other statistical
163  calculations (such as those in the reconstruction phase).
164\item[{StatSec [ [*,*,*] ]}] The subsection of the cube used
165  for calculating statistics -- see \S\ref{sec-input} for details on
166 the subsection format. Only used if \texttt{flagStatSec=true}.
167\item[{flagRobustStats [true]}] A flag indicating whether to use the
168  robust statistics (median and MADFM) to estimate the noise
169  parameters, rather than the mean and rms. See \S\ref{sec-stats} for
170  details.
171\item[{flagNegative [false]}] A flag indicating that the
172  features of interest are negative. The cube is inverted prior to
173  searching.
174\item[{snrCut [3.]}] The threshold, in multiples of $\sigma$ above
175  the mean.
176\item[{threshold [no default]}] The actual value of the
177  threshold. Normally the threshold is calculated from the cube's
178  statistics, but the user can manually specify a value to be used
179  that overrides the calculated value. If this is not specified, the
180  calculated value is used. Also, when the FDR method is requested
181  (see below), the value of the \texttt{threshold} parameter is
182  ignored.
183\item[{flagGrowth [false]}] A flag indicating whether or not to
184  grow the detected objects to a smaller threshold.
185\item[{growthCut [2.]}] The smaller threshold using in growing
186  detections. In units of $\sigma$ above the mean.
187\item[{beamSize [10.]}] The size of the beam in pixels. If the
188  header keywords BMAJ and BMIN are present, then these will be used
189  to calculate the beam size, and this parameter will be ignored.
192\secC*{\Atrous reconstruction}
194\item[{flagATrous [false]}] A flag indicating whether or not to
195  reconstruct the cube using the \atrous wavelet
196  reconstruction. See \S\ref{sec-recon} for details.
197\item[{reconDim [1]}] The number of dimensions to use in the
198  reconstruction. 1 means reconstruct each spectrum separately, 2
199  means each channel map is done separately, and 3 means do the whole
200  cube in one go.
201\item[{scaleMin [1]}] The minimum wavelet scale to be used in the
202  reconstruction. A value of 1 means ``use all scales''.
203\item[{scaleMax [0]}] The maximum wavelet scale to be used in the
204  reconstruction. If the value is $\le0$ then the maximum scale is
205  calculated from the size of the input array. Similarly, if the value
206  given is larger than this calculated value, the calculated value is
207  used instead.
208\item[{snrRecon [4]}] The thresholding cutoff used in the
209  reconstruction -- only wavelet coefficients this many $\sigma$ above
210  the mean (or greater) are included in the reconstruction.
211\item[{filterCode [1]}] The code number of the filter to use in
212  the reconstruction. The options are:
213  \begin{itemize}
214  \item \textbf{1:} B$_3$-spline filter: coefficients =
215    $(\frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{3}{8}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{16})$
216  \item \textbf{2:} Triangle filter: coefficients =
217    $(\frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{4})$
218  \item \textbf{3:} Haar wavelet: coefficients =
219    $(0, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2})$
220  \end{itemize}
223\secC*{Smoothing the cube}
225\item[{flagSmooth [false]}] A flag indicating whether to
226  smooth the cube. See \S\ref{sec-smoothing} for details.
227\item[{smoothType [spectral]}] The smoothing method used: either
228  ``spectral'' (with a 1D Hanning filter) or ``spatial'' (with a 2D
229  Gaussian filter). 
230\item[{hanningWidth [5]}] The width of the Hanning smoothing
231  kernel.
232\item[{kernMaj [3]}] The full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the
233  2D Gaussian smoothing kernel's major axis.
234\item[{kernMin [3]}] The FWHM of the 2D Gaussian smoothing kernel's
235  minor axis.
236\item[{kernPA [0]}] The position angle, in degrees,
237  anticlockwise from vertical (\ie usually East of North).
240\secC*{FDR method}
242\item[{flagFDR [false]}] A flag indicating whether or not to use
243  the False Discovery Rate method in thresholding the pixels.
244\item[{alphaFDR [0.01]}] The $\alpha$ parameter used in the FDR
245  analysis. The average number of false detections, as a fraction of
246  the total number, will be less than $\alpha$ (see
247  \S\ref{sec-detection}).
250\secC*{Merging detections}
252\item[{minPix [2]}] The minimum number of spatial pixels for a
253  single detection to be counted.
254\item[{minChannels [3]}] At least one contiguous set of this many
255  channels must be present in the detection for it to be accepted.
256\item[{flagAdjacent [true]}] A flag indicating whether to use
257  the ``adjacent pixel'' criterion to decide whether to merge
258  objects. If not, the next two parameters are used to determine
259  whether objects are within the necessary thresholds.
260\item[{threshSpatial [3.]}] The maximum allowed minimum spatial
261  separation (in pixels) between two detections for them to be merged
262  into one. Only used if \texttt{flagAdjacent = false}.
263\item[{threshVelocity [7.]}] The maximum allowed minimum channel
264  separation between two detections for them to be merged into
265  one.
268\secC*{Other parameters}
270\item[{spectralMethod [peak]}] This indicates which method is used
271  to plot the output spectra: \texttt{peak} means plot the spectrum
272  containing the detection's peak pixel; \texttt{sum} means sum the
273  spectra of each detected spatial pixel, and correct for the beam
274  size. Any other choice defaults to \texttt{peak}.
275\item[{spectralUnits [km/s]}] The user can specify the units of
276  the spectral axis. Assuming the WCS of the FITS file is valid, the
277  spectral axis is transformed into velocity, and put into these units
278  for all output and for calculations such as the integrated flux of a
279  detection.
280\item[{pixelCentre [centroid]}] Which of the three ways of
281  expressing the ``centre'' of a detection (see \S\ref{sec-results}
282  for a description of the options) to use for the X, Y, \& Z
283  columns in the output list. Alternatives are: \texttt{centroid, peak,
284  average}.
285\item[{drawBorders [true]}] A flag indicating whether to draw
286  borders around the detected objects in the moment maps included in
287  the output (see for example Fig.~\ref{fig-spect}).
288\item[{drawBlankEdges [true]}] A flag indicating whether to
289  draw the dividing line between BLANK and non-BLANK pixels on the
290  2D images (see for example Fig.~\ref{fig-moment}).
291\item[{verbose [true]}] A flag indicating whether to print the
292  progress of any computationally intensive algorithms (\eg
293  reconstruction, searching or merging algorithms) to the screen.
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