// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // param.hh: Definition of the parameter set. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2006, Matthew Whiting, ATNF // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. // // Duchamp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Duchamp; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA // // Correspondence concerning Duchamp may be directed to: // Internet email: Matthew.Whiting [at] atnf.csiro.au // Postal address: Dr. Matthew Whiting // Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO // PO Box 76 // Epping NSW 1710 // AUSTRALIA // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef PARAM_H #define PARAM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class FitsHeader; // foreshadow this so that Param knows it exists /** * Class to store general parameters. * * This is a general repository for parameters that are used by all * functions. This is how the user interacts with the program, as * parameters are read in from disk files through functions in this * class. */ class Param { public: /** Default constructor. */ Param(); /** Copy constructor for Param. */ Param(const Param& p); /** Assignment operator for Param.*/ Param& operator= (const Param& p); /** Destructor function. */ virtual ~Param(); /** Define the default values of each parameter.*/ void defaultValues(); //----------------- // Functions in param.cc // /** Parse the command line parameters correctly. */ int getopts(int argc, char ** argv); /** Read in parameters from a disk file. */ int readParams(std::string paramfile); /** Copy certain necessary FITS header parameters from a FitsHeader object */ void copyHeaderInfo(FitsHeader &head); /** Determine filename in which to save the smoothed array. */ std::string outputSmoothFile(); /** Determine filename in which to save the reconstructed array. */ std::string outputReconFile(); /** Determine filename in which to save the residual array from the atrous reconstruction. */ std::string outputResidFile(); /** Print the parameter set in a readable fashion. */ friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& theStream, Param& par); friend class Image; //------------------ // Functions in FitsIO/subsection.cc // /** Make sure the subsection strings are OK. */ int verifySubsection(); /** Set the correct offset values for each axis */ void setOffsets(struct wcsprm *wcs); /** Set the correct offset values for each axis */ void setOffsets(struct wcsprm &wcs); //------------------ // These are in param.cc /** Is a pixel value a BLANK? */ bool isBlank(float &value); /** Is a given channel flagged as being in the Milky Way?*/ bool isInMW(int z); /** Is a given pixel position OK for use with stats calculations? */ bool isStatOK(int x, int y, int z); /** Make a mask array -- an array saying whether each pixel is BLANK or not*/ bool *makeBlankMask(float *array, int size); //-------------------- // Basic inline accessor functions // std::string getImageFile(){return imageFile;}; void setImageFile(std::string fname){imageFile = fname;}; std::string getFullImageFile(){ if(flagSubsection) return imageFile+pixelSec.getSection(); else return imageFile; }; bool getFlagSubsection(){return flagSubsection;}; void setFlagSubsection(bool flag){flagSubsection=flag;}; std::string getSubsection(){return pixelSec.getSection();}; void setSubsection(std::string range){pixelSec.setSection(range);}; bool getFlagReconExists(){return flagReconExists;}; void setFlagReconExists(bool flag){flagReconExists=flag;}; std::string getReconFile(){return reconFile;}; void setReconFile(std::string file){reconFile = file;}; bool getFlagSmoothExists(){return flagSmoothExists;}; void setFlagSmoothExists(bool flag){flagSmoothExists=flag;}; std::string getSmoothFile(){return smoothFile;}; void setSmoothFile(std::string file){smoothFile = file;}; // bool getFlagLog(){return flagLog;}; void setFlagLog(bool flag){flagLog=flag;}; std::string getLogFile(){return logFile;}; void setLogFile(std::string fname){logFile = fname;}; std::string getOutFile(){return outFile;}; void setOutFile(std::string fname){outFile = fname;}; std::string getSpectraFile(){return spectraFile;}; void setSpectraFile(std::string fname){spectraFile = fname;}; bool getFlagOutputSmooth(){return flagOutputSmooth;}; void setFlagOutputSmooth(bool flag){flagOutputSmooth=flag;}; bool getFlagOutputRecon(){return flagOutputRecon;}; void setFlagOutputRecon(bool flag){flagOutputRecon=flag;}; bool getFlagOutputResid(){return flagOutputResid;}; void setFlagOutputResid(bool flag){flagOutputResid=flag;}; bool getFlagVOT(){return flagVOT;}; void setFlagVOT(bool flag){flagVOT=flag;}; std::string getVOTFile(){return votFile;}; void setVOTFile(std::string fname){votFile = fname;}; bool getFlagKarma(){return flagKarma;}; void setFlagKarma(bool flag){flagKarma=flag;}; std::string getKarmaFile(){return karmaFile;}; void setKarmaFile(std::string fname){karmaFile = fname;}; bool getFlagMaps(){return flagMaps;}; void setFlagMaps(bool flag){flagMaps=flag;}; std::string getDetectionMap(){return detectionMap;}; void setDetectionMap(std::string fname){detectionMap = fname;}; std::string getMomentMap(){return momentMap;}; void setMomentMap(std::string fname){momentMap = fname;}; bool getFlagXOutput(){return flagXOutput;}; void setFlagXOutput(bool b){flagXOutput=b;}; // bool getFlagNegative(){return flagNegative;}; void setFlagNegative(bool flag){flagNegative=flag;}; bool getFlagBlankPix(){return flagBlankPix;}; void setFlagBlankPix(bool flag){flagBlankPix=flag;}; float getBlankPixVal(){return blankPixValue;}; void setBlankPixVal(float v){blankPixValue=v;}; int getBlankKeyword(){return blankKeyword;}; void setBlankKeyword(int v){blankKeyword=v;}; float getBscaleKeyword(){return bscaleKeyword;}; void setBscaleKeyword(float v){bscaleKeyword=v;}; float getBzeroKeyword(){return bzeroKeyword;}; void setBzeroKeyword(float v){bzeroKeyword=v;}; bool getFlagMW(){return flagMW;}; void setFlagMW(bool flag){flagMW=flag;}; int getMaxMW(){return maxMW;}; void setMaxMW(int m){maxMW=m;}; int getMinMW(){return minMW;}; void setMinMW(int m){minMW=m;}; void setBeamSize(float s){numPixBeam = s;}; float getBeamSize(){return numPixBeam;}; bool getFlagUsingBeam(){return flagUsingBeam;}; void setFlagUsingBeam(bool b){flagUsingBeam=b;}; // bool getFlagTrim(){return flagTrim;}; void setFlagTrim(bool b){flagTrim=b;}; bool getFlagCubeTrimmed(){return hasBeenTrimmed;}; void setFlagCubeTrimmed(bool flag){hasBeenTrimmed = flag;}; long getBorderLeft(){return borderLeft;}; void setBorderLeft(long b){borderLeft = b;}; long getBorderRight(){return borderRight;}; void setBorderRight(long b){borderRight = b;}; long getBorderBottom(){return borderBottom;}; void setBorderBottom(long b){borderBottom = b;}; long getBorderTop(){return borderTop;}; void setBorderTop(long b){borderTop = b;}; // long getXOffset(){return xSubOffset;}; void setXOffset(long o){xSubOffset = o;}; long getYOffset(){return ySubOffset;}; void setYOffset(long o){ySubOffset = o;}; long getZOffset(){return zSubOffset;}; void setZOffset(long o){zSubOffset = o;}; // int getMinPix(){return minPix;}; void setMinPix(int m){minPix=m;}; // bool getFlagGrowth(){return flagGrowth;}; void setFlagGrowth(bool flag){flagGrowth=flag;}; float getGrowthCut(){return growthCut;}; void setGrowthCut(float c){growthCut=c;}; // bool getFlagFDR(){return flagFDR;}; void setFlagFDR(bool flag){flagFDR=flag;}; float getAlpha(){return alphaFDR;}; void setAlpha(float a){alphaFDR=a;}; // bool getFlagBaseline(){return flagBaseline;}; void setFlagBaseline(bool flag){flagBaseline = flag;}; // bool getFlagStatSec(){return flagStatSec;}; void setFlagStatSec(bool flag){flagStatSec=flag;}; std::string getStatSec(){return statSec.getSection();}; void setStatSec(std::string range){statSec.setSection(range);}; float getCut(){return snrCut;}; void setCut(float c){snrCut=c;}; float getThreshold(){return threshold;}; void setThreshold(float f){threshold=f;}; bool getFlagUserThreshold(){return flagUserThreshold;}; void setFlagUserThreshold(bool b){flagUserThreshold=b;}; // bool getFlagSmooth(){return flagSmooth;}; void setFlagSmooth(bool b){flagSmooth=b;}; std::string getSmoothType(){return smoothType;}; void setSmoothType(std::string s){smoothType=s;}; int getHanningWidth(){return hanningWidth;}; void setHanningWidth(int f){hanningWidth=f;}; void setKernMaj(float f){kernMaj=f;}; float getKernMaj(){return kernMaj;}; void setKernMin(float f){kernMin=f;}; float getKernMin(){return kernMin;}; void setKernPA(float f){kernPA=f;}; float getKernPA(){return kernPA;}; // bool getFlagATrous(){return flagATrous;}; void setFlagATrous(bool flag){flagATrous=flag;}; int getReconDim(){return reconDim;}; void setReconDim(int i){reconDim=i;}; int getMinScale(){return scaleMin;}; void setMinScale(int s){scaleMin=s;}; float getAtrousCut(){return snrRecon;}; void setAtrousCut(float c){snrRecon=c;}; int getFilterCode(){return filterCode;}; void setFilterCode(int c){filterCode=c;}; std::string getFilterName(){return reconFilter.getName();}; Filter& filter(){ Filter &rfilter = reconFilter; return rfilter; }; // bool getFlagAdjacent(){return flagAdjacent;}; void setFlagAdjacent(bool flag){flagAdjacent=flag;}; float getThreshS(){return threshSpatial;}; void setThreshS(float t){threshSpatial=t;}; float getThreshV(){return threshVelocity;}; void setThreshV(float t){threshVelocity=t;}; int getMinChannels(){return minChannels;}; void setMinChannels(int n){minChannels=n;}; // std::string getSpectralMethod(){return spectralMethod;}; void setSpectralMethod(std::string s){spectralMethod=s;}; std::string getSpectralUnits(){return spectralUnits;}; void setSpectralUnits(std::string s){spectralUnits=s;}; std::string getPixelCentre(){return pixelCentre;}; void setPixelCentre(std::string s){pixelCentre=s;}; bool drawBorders(){return borders;}; void setDrawBorders(bool f){borders=f;}; bool drawBlankEdge(){return blankEdge;}; void setDrawBlankEdge(bool f){blankEdge=f;}; /** Are we in verbose mode? */ bool isVerbose(){return verbose;}; void setVerbosity(bool f){verbose=f;}; private: // Input files std::string imageFile; ///< The image to be analysed. bool flagSubsection; ///< Whether we just want a subsection of /// the image Section pixelSec; ///< The Section object storing the pixel /// subsection information. bool flagReconExists; ///< The reconstructed array is in a FITS /// file on disk. std::string reconFile; ///< The FITS file containing the /// reconstructed array. bool flagSmoothExists;///< The smoothed array is in a FITS file. std::string smoothFile; ///< The FITS file containing the smoothed /// array. // Output files bool flagLog; ///< Should we do the intermediate logging? std::string logFile; ///< Where the intermediate logging goes. std::string outFile; ///< Where the final results get put. std::string spectraFile;///< Where the spectra are displayed bool flagOutputSmooth;///< Should the smoothed cube be written? bool flagOutputRecon; ///< Should the reconstructed cube be /// written? bool flagOutputResid; ///< Should the reconstructed cube be /// written? bool flagVOT; ///< Should we save results in VOTable /// format? std::string votFile; ///< Where the VOTable goes. bool flagKarma; ///< Should we save results in Karma /// annotation format? std::string karmaFile; ///< Where the Karma annotation file goes. bool flagMaps; ///< Should we produce detection and moment /// maps in postscript form? std::string detectionMap;///< The name of the detection map /// (postscript file). std::string momentMap; ///< The name of the 0th moment map (ps file). bool flagXOutput; ///< Should there be an xwindows output of /// the detection map? // Cube related parameters bool flagNegative; ///< Are we going to search for negative /// features? bool flagBlankPix; ///< A flag that indicates whether there are /// pixels defined as BLANK and whether we /// need to remove & ignore them in /// processing. float blankPixValue; ///< Pixel value that is considered BLANK. int blankKeyword; ///< The FITS header keyword BLANK. float bscaleKeyword; ///< The FITS header keyword BSCALE. float bzeroKeyword; ///< The FITS header keyword BZERO. //Milky-Way parameters bool flagMW; ///< A flag that indicates whether to ignore /// the Milky Way channels. int maxMW; ///< Last Milky Way channel int minMW; ///< First Milky Way channel // Trim-related bool flagTrim; ///< Does the user want the cube trimmed? bool hasBeenTrimmed; ///< Has the cube been trimmed of excess /// BLANKs around the edge? long borderLeft; ///< The number of BLANK pixels trimmed from /// the left of the cube; long borderRight; ///< The number trimmed from the Right of /// the cube; long borderBottom; ///< The number trimmed from the Bottom of /// the cube; long borderTop; ///< The number trimmed from the Top of the /// cube; // Subsection offsets long *offsets; ///< The array of offsets for each FITS axis. long sizeOffsets; ///< The size of the offsets array. long xSubOffset; ///< The subsection's x-axis offset long ySubOffset; ///< The subsection's y-axis offset long zSubOffset; ///< The subsection's z-axis offset // Baseline related bool flagBaseline; ///< Whether to do baseline subtraction /// before reconstruction and/or searching. // Detection-related int minPix; ///< Minimum number of pixels for a detected /// object to be counted float numPixBeam; ///< Size (area) of the beam in pixels. bool flagUsingBeam; ///< If true, we are using the numPixBeam /// parameter, otherwise we use the value /// in the FITS header. // Object growth bool flagGrowth; ///< Are we growing objects once they are /// found? float growthCut; ///< The SNR that we are growing objects /// down to. // FDR analysis bool flagFDR; ///< Should the FDR method be used? float alphaFDR; ///< Alpha value for FDR detection algorithm // Basic detection bool flagStatSec; ///< Whether we just want to use a /// subsection of the image to calculate /// the statistics. Section statSec; ///< The Section object storing the statistics /// subsection information. float snrCut; ///< How many sigma above mean is a /// detection when sigma-clipping float threshold; ///< What the threshold is (when /// sigma-clipping). bool flagUserThreshold;///< Whether the user has defined a /// threshold of their own. // Smoothing of the cube bool flagSmooth; ///< Should the cube be smoothed before /// searching? std::string smoothType; ///< The type of smoothing to be done. int hanningWidth; ///< Width for hanning smoothing. float kernMaj; ///< Semi-Major axis of gaussian smoothing kernel float kernMin; ///< Semi-Minor axis of gaussian smoothing kernel float kernPA; ///< Position angle of gaussian smoothing /// kernel, in degrees east of north /// (i.e. anticlockwise). // A trous reconstruction parameters bool flagATrous; ///< Are we using the a trous reconstruction? int reconDim; ///< How many dimensions to use for the /// reconstruction? int scaleMin; ///< Min scale used in a trous reconstruction float snrRecon; ///< SNR cutoff used in a trous /// reconstruction (only wavelet coefficients /// that survive this threshold are kept) Filter reconFilter; ///< The filter used for reconstructions. int filterCode; ///< The code number for the filter to be /// used (saves having to parse names) std::string filterName; ///< The code number converted into a name, /// for outputting purposes. // Volume-merging parameters bool flagAdjacent; ///< Whether to use the adjacent criterion /// for judging if objects are to be merged. float threshSpatial; ///< Maximum spatial separation between /// objects float threshVelocity; ///< Maximum channels separation between /// objects int minChannels; ///< Minimum no. of channels to make an object // Input-Output related std::string spectralMethod; ///< A string indicating choice of /// spectral plotting method: choices are /// "peak" (default) or "sum" std::string spectralUnits; ///< A string indicating what units the /// spectral axis should be quoted in. std::string pixelCentre;///< A string indicating which type of /// centre to give the results in: "average", /// "centroid", or "peak"(flux). bool borders; ///< Whether to draw a border around the /// individual pixels of a detection in the /// spectral display bool blankEdge; ///< Whether to draw a border around the /// BLANK pixel region in the moment maps and /// cutout images bool verbose; ///< Whether to use maximum verbosity -- use /// progress indicators in the reconstruction /// & merging steps. }; //=========================================================================== std::string makelower( std::string s ); #endif