#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const int MIN_WIDTH=20; using namespace mycpgplot; void Cube::drawMomentCutout(Detection &object) { /** * Cube::drawMomentCutout(object) * * A routine to draw the 0th moment for the given detection * using the flux given by the pixel array in the Cube. * The 0th moment is constructed by adding the flux of each * pixel within the full extent of the object (this may be more * pixels than were actually detected in the object) * A tick mark is also drawn to indicate angular scale (but only * if the WCS for the Cube is valid). */ if(!cpgtest()) duchampError("drawMomentCutout","There is no PGPlot device open!\n"); else{ long size = (object.getXmax()-object.getXmin()+1); if(size<(object.getYmax()-object.getYmin()+1)) size = object.getYmax()-object.getYmin()+1; size += MIN_WIDTH; long xmin = (object.getXmax()+object.getXmin())/2 - size/2 + 1; long xmax = (object.getXmax()+object.getXmin())/2 + size/2; long ymin = (object.getYmax()+object.getYmin())/2 - size/2 + 1; long ymax = (object.getYmax()+object.getYmin())/2 + size/2; long zmin = object.getZmin(); long zmax = object.getZmax(); float *image = new float[size*size]; for(int i=0;i=0)&&(xaxisDim[0])) // if inside the boundaries && ((y>=0)&&(yaxisDim[1])) // if inside the boundaries && !this->isBlank(x,y,z); // if not blank } } } int imPos,cubePos; for(int z=zmin; z<=zmax; z++){ for(int x=xmin; x<=xmax; x++){ for(int y=ymin; y<=ymax; y++){ imPos = (y-ymin) * size + (x-xmin); cubePos = z*this->axisDim[0]*this->axisDim[1] + y*this->axisDim[0] + x; if(isGood[imPos]) image[imPos] += this->array[cubePos]; } } } for(int i=0;iz2) z2=image[i]; } } // adjust the values of the blank and extra-image pixels for(int i=0;ipar.getFlagBlankPix()) //blank pixels --> BLANK image[i] = this->par.getBlankPixVal(); else // lies outside image boundary --> black image[i] = z1 - 1.; } } float tr[6] = {xmin-1,1.,0.,ymin-1,0.,1.}; cpgswin(xmin-0.5,xmax-0.5,ymin-0.5,ymax-0.5); cpggray(image, size, size, 1, size, 1, size, z1, z2, tr); delete [] image; int ci; cpgqci(&ci); // Draw the border of the BLANK region, if there is one... this->plotBlankEdges(); // Draw the border of cube's pixels this->drawFieldEdge(); // Draw the borders around the object cpgsci(BLUE); cpgsfs(OUTLINE); if(this->par.drawBorders()) object.drawBorders(xmin,ymin); else cpgrect(object.getXmin()-xmin+0.5,object.getXmax()-xmin+1.5, object.getYmin()-ymin+0.5,object.getYmax()-ymin+1.5); /* To get the borders localised correctly, we need to subtract (xmin-1) from the X values. We then subtract 0.5 for the left hand border (to place it on the pixel border), and add 0.5 for the right hand border. Similarly for y. */ if(this->head.isWCS()){ // Now draw a tick mark to indicate size -- 15 arcmin in length // this->drawScale(xmin+2.,ymin+2.,object.getZcentre(),0.25); this->drawScale(xmin+2.,ymin+2.,object.getZcentre()); } cpgsci(ci); } } void Cube::drawScale(float xstart, float ystart, float channel) { /** * Cube::drawScale(xstart, ystart, channel) * * A routine to draw a scale bar on a (pre-existing) PGPlot image. * It uses an iterative technique to move from the given start position * (xstart,ystart) along the positive x-direction so that the length is * within 1% of the scaleLength (length in degrees), calculated * according to the pixel scale of the cube. * The parameter "channel" is required for the wcslib calculations, as the * positions could theoretically change with channel. */ if(!cpgtest()) duchampError("drawScale","There is no PGPlot device open!\n"); else{ if(this->head.isWCS()){ // can only do this if the WCS is good! enum ANGLE {ARCSEC, ARCMIN, DEGREE}; const string symbol[3] = {"\"", "'", mycpgplot::degrees }; const float angleScale[3] = {3600., 60., 1.}; // degree, arcmin, arcsec symbols const int numLengths = 17; const double lengths[numLengths] = {0.001/3600., 0.005/3600., 0.01/3600., 0.05/3600., 0.1/3600., 0.5/3600., 1./3600., 5./3600., 15./3600., 30./3600., 1./60., 5./60., 15./60., 30./60., 1., 5., 15.}; const ANGLE angleType[numLengths] = {ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCSEC, ARCMIN, ARCMIN, ARCMIN, ARCMIN, DEGREE, DEGREE, DEGREE}; const float desiredRatio = 0.2; // first, work out what is the optimum length of the scale bar, // based on the pixel scale and size of the image. float pixscale = this->head.getAvPixScale(); double *fraction = new double[numLengths]; int best; float x1,x2,y1,y2; cpgqwin(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2); for(int i=0;ipar.getXOffset(); pix1[1] = pix2[1] = ystart + this->par.getYOffset(); pix1[2] = pix2[2] = channel; this->head.pixToWCS(pix1,world1); double angSep=0.; bool keepGoing=false; double error; double step=1.; // this is in pixels double scaleLength = lengths[best]; // this is in degrees pix2[0] = pix1[0] + scaleLength/(2.*pixscale); do{ this->head.pixToWCS(pix2,world2); angSep = angularSeparation(world1[0],world1[1],world2[0],world2[1]); error = (angSep-scaleLength)/scaleLength; if(error<0) error = 0 - error; if(angSep>scaleLength){ pix2[0] -= step; step /= 2.; } pix2[0] += step; }while(error>0.05); // look for 1% change float tickpt1 = pix1[0] - this->par.getXOffset(); float tickpt2 = pix2[0] - this->par.getXOffset(); float tickpt3 = ystart; int colour; cpgqci(&colour); cpgsci(RED); int thickness; cpgqlw(&thickness); cpgslw(3); cpgerrx(1,&tickpt1,&tickpt2,&tickpt3,2.); cpgslw(thickness); std::stringstream text; text << scaleLength * angleScale[angleType[best]] << symbol[angleType[best]]; float size,xch,ych; cpgqch(&size); cpgsch(0.4); cpgqcs(4,&xch,&ych); // get the character size in world coords cpgptxt((tickpt1+tickpt2)/2., ystart+ych, 0, 0.5, text.str().c_str()); cpgsch(size); cpgsci(colour); delete [] pix1; delete [] pix2; delete [] world1; delete [] world2; } } } void Detection::drawBorders(int xoffset, int yoffset) { if(!cpgtest()) duchampError("drawBorders","There is no PGPlot device open!\n"); else{ float x1,x2,y1,y2; cpgqwin(&x1,&x2,&y1,&y2); int xsize = int(x2 - x1) + 1; int ysize = int(y2 - y1) + 1; bool *isObj = new bool[xsize*ysize]; for(int i=0;ipix.size();i++) isObj[ (this->pix[i].getY()-yoffset)*xsize + (this->pix[i].getX()-xoffset) ] = true; cpgswin(0,xsize-1,0,ysize-1); for(int x=this->xmin; x<=this->xmax; x++){ // for each column... for(int y=1;yymin; y<=this->ymax; y++){ // now for each row... for(int x=1;xaxisDim[1]-0.5); cpgdraw(this->axisDim[0]-0.5,this->axisDim[1]-0.5); cpgdraw(this->axisDim[0]-0.5,-0.5); cpgdraw(-0.5,-0.5); cpgsci(ci); } }