#ifndef UTILS_H #define UTILS_H #include #include #include // define the speed of light for WCS-related accessor functions const float C_kms = 299792.458; // Divide by the following correction factor to convert from // MADFM to sigma estimator. const float correctionFactor = 0.6744888; // Multiply by the following correction factor to convert from // trimmedSigma to sigma estimator. const double trimToNormal = 1.17036753077; // MENU ROUTINES FOR DIGANOSTIC/TEST PROGRAMS std::string menu(); std::string specMenu(); std::string orionMenu(); std::string imageMenu(); std::string twoblMenu(); int linear_regression(int num, float *x, float *y, int ilow, int ihigh, float &slope, float &errSlope, float &intercept, float &errIntercept, float &r); void zscale(long imagesize, float *image, float &z1, float &z2); void zscale(long imagesize, float *image, float &z1, float &z2, float nullVal); void swap(float &a, float &b); void sort(float *arr, int begin, int end); void sort(float *arr, float *matchingArray, int begin, int end); // STATISTICS-RELATED ROUTINES void findMinMax(const float *array, const int size, float &min, float &max); float findMean(float *&array, int size); float findStddev(float *&array, int size); float findMedian(float *&array, int size); float findMADFM(float *&array, int size); void findMedianStats(float *&array, int size, float &median, float &madfm); void findMedianStats(float *&array, long size, float &median, float &madfm); void findNormalStats(float *&array, int size, float &mean, float &sig); void findTrimmedHistStats(float *array, const int size, float &tmean, float &tsigma); void getRandomSpectrum(int length, float *x, float *y); void getRandomSpectrum(int length, float *x, double *y); void getRandomSpectrum(int length, float mean, float sigma, float *x, double *y); void getRandomSpectrum(int length, float mean, float sigma, float *x, float *y); float getNormalRV(); float getNormalRVtrunc(); float getNormalRV(float mean, float sigma); void getSigmaFactors(int &numScales, float *factors); void getSigmaFactors2D(int &numScales, float *factors); void getSigmaFactors3D(int &numScales, float *factors); void getSigmaFactors1DNew(int &numScales); void getSigmaFactors2DNew(int &numScales); void getSigmaFactors3DNew(int &numScales); // PLOTTING ROUTINES extern "C" int cpgtest(); extern "C" void cpgwedglog(const char* side, float disp, float width, float fg, float bg, const char *label); extern "C" void cpghistlog(int npts, float *data, float datamin, float datamax, int nbin, int pgflag); extern "C" void cpgcumul(int npts, float *data, float datamin, float datamax, int pgflag); void plotLine(const float slope, const float intercept); void lineOfEquality(); void lineOfBestFit(int size, float *x, float *y); void lineOfBestFitPB(const int size, const float *x, const float *y); void plotVertLine(const float xval, const int colour, const int style); void plotVertLine(const float xval); void plotVertLine(const float xval, const int colour); void plotHorizLine(const float yval, const int colour, const int style); void plotHorizLine(const float yval); void plotHorizLine(const float yval, const int colour); void drawContours(const int size, const float *x, const float *y); void drawBlankEdges(float *dataArray, int xdim, int ydim, Param &par); // POSITION-RELATED ROUTINES string getIAUNameEQ(double ra, double dec, float equinox); string getIAUNameGAL(double ra, double dec); string decToDMS(double dec, string type); double dmsToDec(string dms); double angularSeparation(double &ra1, double &dec1, double &ra2, double &dec2); // WCS-RELATED ROUTINES int wcsToPixSingle(wcsprm *wcs, const double *world, double *pix); int pixToWCSSingle(wcsprm *wcs, const double *pix, double *world); int wcsToPixMulti(wcsprm *wcs, const double *world, double *pix, const int npts); int pixToWCSMulti(wcsprm *wcs, const double *pix, double *world, const int npts); double pixelToVelocity(wcsprm *wcs, double &x, double &y, double &z, string velUnits); double coordToVel(wcsprm *wcs, const double coord, string outputUnits); double velToCoord(wcsprm *wcs, const float velocity, string outputUnits); // FILTER SMOOTHING ROUTINES void waveletSmooth(int dim,float *array, int arraySize, float sigma); void hanningSmooth(float *array, int arraySize, int hanningSize); void tophatSmooth(float *array, int arraySize, int width); #endif