#include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; using namespace Column; Col getDefaultCol(int i){ ColSet columnSet; switch(i){ case 0: return Col(5, "Obj#", ""); //[0] -- in briefCol break; case 1: return Col(8,"Name", ""); //[1] -- in briefCol break; case 2: return Col(6, "X", ""); //[2] -- in briefCol break; case 3: return Col(6, "Y", ""); //[3] -- in briefCol break; case 4: return Col(6, "Z", ""); //[4] -- in briefCol break; case 5: return Col(13,"", ""); //[5] (RA) break; case 6: return Col(13,"", ""); //[6] (Dec) break; case 7: return Col(7, "VEL", ""); //[7] break; case 8: return Col(9, "", "[arcmin]"); //[8] (wRA) break; case 9: return Col(9, "", "[arcmin]"); //[9] (wDEC) break; case 10: return Col(7, "w_VEL", ""); //[10] break; case 12: return Col(9, "F_peak", ""); //[12] -- in briefCol break; case 13: return Col(4, "X1", ""); //[13] -- in briefCol break; case 14: return Col(4, "X2", ""); //[14] -- in briefCol break; case 15: return Col(4, "Y1", ""); //[15] -- in briefCol break; case 16: return Col(4, "Y2", ""); //[16] -- in briefCol break; case 17: return Col(4, "Z1", ""); //[17] -- in briefCol break; case 18: return Col(4, "Z2", ""); //[18] -- in briefCol break; case 19: return Col(6, "Npix", "[pix]"); //[19] -- in briefCol break; case 20: return Col(5, "Flag", ""); //[20] break; case 11: default: std::stringstream errmsg; errmsg << "bad value of argument : " << i<fullColSet.vec.clear(); this->logColSet.vec.clear(); // initialise Col fint(10,"F_int", ""); Col ftot(10,"F_tot", ""); Col tempC; string tempstr; int size; // Obj# and Name this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(getDefaultCol(0)); tempC = getDefaultCol(1); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = this->objectList[o].getName().size() + 1; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.getWidth();ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // X, Y, Z -- check for widened columns tempC = getDefaultCol(2); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getXcentre()) + 1) + xyzPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.getWidth();ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(3); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getYcentre()) + 1) + xyzPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.getWidth();ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(4); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getZcentre()) + 1) + xyzPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.getWidth();ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // RA & Dec -- should be fine, need to assign correct column title tempstr = this->head.getWCS()->lngtyp; tempC = getDefaultCol(5); tempC.setName(tempstr); this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(6); tempstr = this->head.getWCS()->lattyp; tempC.setName(tempstr); this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // VEL -- title & width to be checked tempC = getDefaultCol(7); tempC.setUnit("[" + this->head.getSpectralUnits() + "]"); size = this->head.getSpectralUnits().size() + 3; for(int i=tempC.width;iobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(fabs(this->objectList[o].getVel())) + 1) + velPrec + 2; if(this->objectList[o].getVel()<0) tempsize++; // for - sign if((o==0)||(tempsize > size)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // w_RA & w_DEC -- titles and widths to be checked. tempstr = "w_" + this->fullColSet.vec[5].getName(); tempC = getDefaultCol(8); tempC.setName(tempstr); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getRAWidth()) + 1) + wposPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempstr = "w_" + this->fullColSet.vec[6].name; tempC = getDefaultCol(9); tempC.setName(tempstr); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getDecWidth()) + 1) + wposPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // w_VEL -- title & width to be checked tempC = getDefaultCol(10); tempC.setUnit("[" + this->head.getSpectralUnits() + "]"); size = this->head.getSpectralUnits().size() + 3; for(int i=tempC.width;iobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getVelWidth()) + 1) + velPrec + 2; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // F_int fint.setUnit("[" + this->head.getIntFluxUnits() + "]"); size = this->head.getIntFluxUnits().size(); for(int i=fint.width-3;iobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(fabs(this->objectList[o].getIntegFlux())) + 1) + fluxPrec + 2; if(this->objectList[o].getIntegFlux()<0) tempsize++; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize )) size = tempsize; } for(int i=fint.width;ihead.getFluxUnits() + "]"); size = this->head.getFluxUnits().size(); for(int i=ftot.width-3;iobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(fabs(this->objectList[o].getTotalFlux())) + 1) + fluxPrec + 2; if(this->objectList[o].getTotalFlux()<0) tempsize++; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=ftot.width;ihead.isWCS()) this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(fint); else this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(ftot); // F_peak tempC = getDefaultCol(12); tempC.setUnit("[" + this->head.getFluxUnits() + "]"); size = this->head.getFluxUnits().size(); for(int i=tempC.width-3;iobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(fabs(this->objectList[o].getPeakFlux())) + 1); if(this->objectList[o].getPeakFlux()<0) tempsize++; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2 -- just check widths tempC = getDefaultCol(13); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getXmin()) + 1 + 1); if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(14); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getXmax()) + 1 + 1); if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(15); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getYmin()) + 1) + 1; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(16); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getYmax()) + 1) + 1; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(17); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getZmin()) + 1) + 1; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); tempC = getDefaultCol(18); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ int tempsize = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getZmax()) + 1) + 1; if((o==0)||(size < tempsize)) size = tempsize; } for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // Npix -- check for width. tempC = getDefaultCol(19); for(int o=0;oobjectList.size();o++){ size = int( log10(this->objectList[o].getSize()) ) + 2; for(int i=tempC.width;ifullColSet.vec.push_back(tempC); // Flags. this->fullColSet.vec.push_back(getDefaultCol(20)); // Now copy the correct columns to the log columnset this->logColSet.vec.push_back(this->fullColSet.vec[0]); for(int i=1;i<4;i++) this->logColSet.vec.push_back(this->fullColSet.vec[i+1]); this->logColSet.vec.push_back(ftot); for(int i=5;i<13;i++) this->logColSet.vec.push_back(this->fullColSet.vec[i+7]); this->logColSet.defined= true; }