\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[sort]{natbib} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lscape} \bibpunct[,]{(}{)}{;}{a}{}{,} \textwidth=161 mm \textheight=248 mm \topmargin=-13 mm \oddsidemargin=0 mm \parindent=6 mm \newcommand{\eg}{e.g.\ } \newcommand{\ie}{i.e.\ } \newcommand{\hi}{H{\sc i}} \newcommand{\hipass}{{\sc hipass}} \newcommand{\progname}{{\tt Duchamp}} \newcommand{\entrylabel}[1]{\mbox{\textsf{\bf{#1:}}}\hfil} \newenvironment{entry} {\begin{list}{}% {\renewcommand{\makelabel}{\entrylabel}% \setlength{\labelwidth}{30mm}% \setlength{\labelsep}{5pt}% \setlength{\itemsep}{2pt}% \setlength{\parsep}{2pt}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{35mm}% }% }% {\end{list}} \title{The ``noiseless reconstruction'' of astronomical data cubes using the multi-scale {\it \`a trous} wavelet technique.} \author{Matthew Whiting\\Australia Telescope National Facility\\CSIRO} \date{November 2005} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We describe a technique to reconstruct a three-dimensional FITS data cube using multi-scale wavelet decomposition. The technique provides a marked reduction in the noise level of the cube, while retaining objects, providing an excellent basis for a source-finding algorithm. \end{abstract} \section{Background} An important step in most astronomical data analysis that involves multi-dimensional imaging or spectroscopic data is the detection of sources. Often, astronomical sources (be they stars, galaxies, masers or otherwise) are faint and of a strength close to the noise or background of the image. Any procedure that could reduce this statistical background without removing the real features would be a great aid in detecting such sources. This is of great interest for large-scale surveys: large-scale here meaning both the size of data produced as well as the area of the sky they cover. The data rate seen in many current and planned surveys necessitates a largely automated pipeline reduction process, with minimal input from a user***. An object-detection (and characterisation) process is the logical next step (particularly with a view to producing source catalogues and the like), and such a process will need to be as sensitive as possible. This means beating the noise level in some way. *** MATCHED FILTERS *** *** SMOOTHING *** *** WAVELETS *** \section{Wavelet decomposition} The technique we describe here relies on the properties of wavelets. These are localised functions that are described by two parameters, location (where the wavelet is operating) and scale (what range of values it operates on). An example of a wavelet is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-wavelet}. \begin{figure} \vspace{7.0cm} \caption{An example of a wavelet function.} \label{fig-wavelet} \end{figure} \section{Implementation} \subsection{Method} \subsection{Edge effects} \section{Results} \section{Applications of the technique} \section{Conclusions} \end{document}