#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Define funtion to print bools as words, in case the compiler doesn't recognise // the setf(ios::boolalpha) command... #ifdef HAVE_STDBOOL_H string stringize(bool b){ std::stringstream ss; ss.setf(std::ios::boolalpha); ss << b; return ss.str(); } #else string stringize(bool b){ std::string output; if(b) output="true"; else output="false"; return output; } #endif using std::setw; using std::endl; /****************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Functions for FitsHeader class: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// FitsHeader::FitsHeader(){ this->wcs = new wcsprm; this->wcs->flag=-1; wcsini(true,3,this->wcs); this->wcsIsGood = false; this->nwcs = 0; this->scale=1.; this->offset=0.; this->power=1.; this->fluxUnits="counts"; } FitsHeader::FitsHeader(const FitsHeader& h){ this->wcs = new wcsprm; this->wcs->flag=-1; wcsini(true,h.wcs->naxis,this->wcs); wcscopy(true,h.wcs,this->wcs); wcsset(this->wcs); nwcs = h.nwcs; wcsIsGood = h.wcsIsGood; spectralUnits = h.spectralUnits; fluxUnits = h.fluxUnits; intFluxUnits = h.intFluxUnits; beamSize = h.beamSize; bmajKeyword = h.bmajKeyword; bminKeyword = h.bminKeyword; blankKeyword = h.blankKeyword; bzeroKeyword = h.bzeroKeyword; bscaleKeyword = h.bscaleKeyword; scale = h.scale; offset = h.offset; power = h.power; } FitsHeader& FitsHeader::operator= (const FitsHeader& h){ this->wcs = new wcsprm; this->wcs->flag=-1; wcsini(true,h.wcs->naxis,this->wcs); wcscopy(true,h.wcs,this->wcs); wcsset(this->wcs); nwcs = h.nwcs; wcsIsGood = h.wcsIsGood; spectralUnits = h.spectralUnits; fluxUnits = h.fluxUnits; intFluxUnits = h.intFluxUnits; beamSize = h.beamSize; bmajKeyword = h.bmajKeyword; bminKeyword = h.bminKeyword; blankKeyword = h.blankKeyword; bzeroKeyword = h.bzeroKeyword; bscaleKeyword = h.bscaleKeyword; scale = h.scale; offset = h.offset; power = h.power; } void FitsHeader::setWCS(wcsprm *w) { /** * FitsHeader::setWCS(wcsprm *) * A function that assigns the wcs parameters, and runs * wcsset to set it up correctly. * Performs a check to see if the WCS is good (by looking at * the lng and lat wcsprm parameters), and sets the wcsIsGood * flag accordingly. */ wcscopy(true,w,this->wcs); wcsset(this->wcs); if( (w->lng!=-1) && (w->lat!=-1) ) this->wcsIsGood = true; } wcsprm *FitsHeader::getWCS() { /** * FitsHeader::getWCS() * A function that returns a wcsprm object corresponding to the WCS. */ wcsprm *wNew = new wcsprm; wNew->flag=-1; wcsini(true,this->wcs->naxis,wNew); wcscopy(true,this->wcs,wNew); wcsset(wNew); return wNew; } int FitsHeader::wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix){ return wcsToPixSingle(this->wcs,world,pix);} int FitsHeader::wcsToPix(const double *world, double *pix, const int npts){ return wcsToPixMulti(this->wcs,world,pix,npts);} int FitsHeader::pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world){ return pixToWCSSingle(this->wcs,pix,world);} int FitsHeader::pixToWCS(const double *pix, double *world, const int npts){ return pixToWCSMulti(this->wcs,pix,world,npts);} double FitsHeader::pixToVel(double &x, double &y, double &z) { // return pixelToVelocity(this->wcs,x,y,z,this->spectralUnits);}; double *pix = new double[3]; double *world = new double[3]; pix[0] = x; pix[1] = y; pix[2] = z; pixToWCSSingle(this->wcs,pix,world); double vel = this->specToVel(world[2]); delete [] pix; delete [] world; return vel; } double* FitsHeader::pixToVel(double &x, double &y, double *zarray, int size) { // return pixelToVelocity(this->wcs,x,y,z,this->spectralUnits);}; double *pix = new double[size*3]; for(int i=0;iwcs,pix,world,size); delete [] pix; double *newzarray = new double[size]; for(int i=0;ispecToVel(world[3*i+2]); delete [] world; return newzarray; } double FitsHeader::specToVel(const double &coord) { // return coordToVel(this->wcs,coord,this->spectralUnits);}; double vel; if(power==1.0){ // std::cerr << coord << " --> " << coord*this->scale + this->offset << std::endl; vel = coord*this->scale + this->offset; } else vel = pow( (coord*this->scale + this->offset), this->power); return vel; } double FitsHeader::velToSpec(const float &velocity) { // return velToCoord(this->wcs,velocity,this->spectralUnits);}; return (pow(velocity, 1./this->power) - this->offset) / this->scale;} string FitsHeader::getIAUName(double ra, double dec) { if(strcmp(this->wcs->lngtyp,"RA")==0) return getIAUNameEQ(ra, dec, this->wcs->equinox); else return getIAUNameGAL(ra, dec); } void FitsHeader::fixUnits(Param &par) { // define spectral units from the param set this->spectralUnits = par.getSpectralUnits(); double sc=1.; double of=0.; double po=1.;; if(this->wcsIsGood){ int flag = wcsunits( this->wcs->cunit[2], this->spectralUnits.c_str(), &sc, &of, &po); if(flag>0){ std::cerr << "ERROR : WCSUNITS Error Code = " << flag << ": " << wcsunits_errmsg[flag] << std::endl; if(flag==10) std::cerr<<" Tried to get conversion from '" << wcs->cunit[2] << "' to '" << this->spectralUnits.c_str() << "'\n"; // std::cerr << " Using coordinate value instead\n"; this->spectralUnits = this->wcs->cunit[2]; if(this->spectralUnits==""){ std::cerr << " Setting coordinates to 'XX' for clarity.\n"; this->spectralUnits = "XX"; } } } this->scale = sc; this->offset= of; this->power = po; // work out the integrated flux units, based on the spectral units // if flux is per beam, trim the /beam from the flux units and multiply by the spectral units. // otherwise, just muliply by the spectral units. if(this->fluxUnits.size()>0){ if(this->fluxUnits.substr(this->fluxUnits.size()-5,this->fluxUnits.size())=="/beam"){ this->intFluxUnits = this->fluxUnits.substr(0,this->fluxUnits.size()-5) +" " +this->spectralUnits; } else this->intFluxUnits = fluxUnits + " " + this->spectralUnits; } } /****************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Accessor Functions for Parameter class: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Param::Param(){ /** * Param() * Default intial values for the parameters. * imageFile has no default value! */ // Input files this->imageFile = ""; this->flagSubsection = false; this->subsection = "[*,*,*]"; this->flagReconExists = false; this->reconFile = ""; // Output files this->flagLog = true; this->logFile = "duchamp-Logfile.txt"; this->outFile = "duchamp-Results.txt"; this->spectraFile = "duchamp-Spectra.ps"; this->flagOutputRecon = false; this->flagOutputResid = false; this->flagVOT = false; this->votFile = "duchamp-Results.xml"; this->flagKarma = false; this->karmaFile = "duchamp-Results.ann"; this->flagMaps = true; this->detectionMap = "duchamp-DetectionMap.ps"; this->momentMap = "duchamp-MomentMap.ps"; // Cube related parameters this->flagBlankPix = true; this->blankPixValue = -8.00061; this->blankKeyword = 1; this->bscaleKeyword = -8.00061; this->bzeroKeyword = 0.; this->flagUsingBlank = false; this->nanAsBlank = false; this->flagMW = false; this->maxMW = 112; this->minMW = 75; this->numPixBeam = 0.; // Trim-related this->flagTrimmed = false; this->borderLeft = 0; this->borderRight = 0; this->borderBottom = 0; this->borderTop = 0; // Subsection offsets this->xSubOffset = 0; this->ySubOffset = 0; this->zSubOffset = 0; // Baseline related this->flagBaseline = false; // Detection-related this->flagNegative = false; // Object growth this->flagGrowth = false; this->growthCut = 2.; // FDR analysis this->flagFDR = false; this->alphaFDR = 0.01; // Other detection this->snrCut = 3.; // A trous reconstruction parameters this->flagATrous = true; this->reconDim = 3; this->scaleMin = 1; this->snrRecon = 4.; this->filterCode = 1; // Volume-merging parameters this->flagAdjacent = true; this->threshSpatial = 3.; this->threshVelocity = 7.; this->minChannels = 3; this->minPix = 2; // Input-Output related this->spectralMethod = "peak"; this->borders = true; this->verbose = true; this->spectralUnits = "km/s"; }; /****************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Other Functions using the Parameter class: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// string makelower( string s ) { // "borrowed" from Matt Howlett's 'fred' string out = ""; for( int i=0; i> arg; if(makelower(arg)=="imagefile"){ ss >> sval; this->imageFile = sval;} if(makelower(arg)=="flagsubsection"){ ss >> bval; this->flagSubsection = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="subsection"){ ss >> sval; this->subsection = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagreconexists"){ ss >> bval; this->flagReconExists = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="reconfile"){ ss >> sval; this->reconFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flaglog"){ ss >> bval; this->flagLog = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="logfile"){ ss >> sval; this->logFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="outfile"){ ss >> sval; this->outFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="spectrafile"){ ss >> sval; this->spectraFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagoutputrecon"){ ss >> bval; this->flagOutputRecon = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagoutputresid"){ ss >> bval; this->flagOutputResid = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagvot"){ ss >> bval; this->flagVOT = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="votfile"){ ss >> sval; this->votFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagkarma"){ ss >> bval; this->flagKarma = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="karmafile"){ ss >> sval; this->karmaFile = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagmaps"){ ss >> bval; this->flagMaps = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="detectionmap"){ ss >> sval; this->detectionMap = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="momentmap"){ ss >> sval; this->momentMap = sval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagnegative"){ ss >> bval; this->flagNegative = bval;} if(makelower(arg)=="flagblankpix"){ ss >> bval; this->flagBlankPix = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="blankpixvalue"){ ss >> fval; this->blankPixValue = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagmw"){ ss >> bval; this->flagMW = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="maxmw"){ ss >> ival; this->maxMW = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="minmw"){ ss >> ival; this->minMW = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagbaseline"){ ss >> bval; this->flagBaseline = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="minpix"){ ss >> ival; this->minPix = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="flaggrowth"){ ss >> bval; this->flagGrowth = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="growthcut"){ ss >> fval; this->growthCut = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagfdr"){ ss >> bval; this->flagFDR = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="alphafdr"){ ss >> fval; this->alphaFDR = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="snrcut"){ ss >> fval; this->snrCut = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagatrous"){ ss >> bval; this->flagATrous = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="recondim"){ ss >> ival; this->reconDim = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="scalemin"){ ss >> ival; this->scaleMin = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="snrrecon"){ ss >> fval; this->snrRecon = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="filtercode"){ ss >> ival; this->filterCode = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="flagadjacent"){ ss >> bval; this->flagAdjacent = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="threshspatial"){ ss >> fval; this->threshSpatial = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="threshvelocity"){ ss >> fval; this->threshVelocity = fval; } if(makelower(arg)=="minchannels"){ ss >> ival; this->minChannels = ival; } if(makelower(arg)=="spectralmethod"){ ss >> sval; this->spectralMethod = makelower(sval); } if(makelower(arg)=="spectralunits"){ ss >> sval; this->spectralUnits = makelower(sval); } if(makelower(arg)=="drawborders"){ ss >> bval; this->borders = bval; } if(makelower(arg)=="verbose"){ ss >> bval; this->verbose = bval; } } } } std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& theStream, Param& par) { // Only show the [blankPixValue] bit if we are using the parameter // otherwise we have read it from the FITS header. string blankParam = ""; if(par.getFlagUsingBlank()) blankParam = "[blankPixValue]"; // BUG -- can get error: `boolalpha' is not a member of type `ios' -- old compilers: gcc 2.95.3? // theStream.setf(std::ios::boolalpha); theStream.setf(std::ios::left); theStream <<"---- Parameters ----"<subsection); bool removeStep = false; string x,y,z; getline(ss,x,'['); getline(ss,x,','); getline(ss,y,','); getline(ss,z,']'); char *end; if(x!="*") { int x1,x2,dx; int a = x.find(':'); // first occurence of ':' in x-subsection string int b = x.find(':',a+1); // location of second ':' -- will be -1 if there is no second occurence. x1 = atoi( x.substr(0,a).c_str() ); // minimum x in subsection this->xSubOffset = x1 - 1; if(b>0){ // there is a dx component x2 = atoi( x.substr(a+1,b-a-1).c_str() ); // maximum x in subsection dx = atoi( x.substr(b+1,x.size()).c_str() ); // delta x in subsection x = x.substr(0,b); // rewrite x without the delta-x part. removeStep = true; } } if(y!="*") { int y1,y2,dy; int a = y.find(':'); // first occurence of ':' in y-subsection string int b = y.find(':',a+1); // location of second ':' -- will be -1 if there is no second occurence. y1 = atoi( y.substr(0,a).c_str() ); // minimum y in subsection this->ySubOffset = y1 - 1; if(b>0){ // there is a dy component y2 = atoi( y.substr(a+1,b-a-1).c_str() ); // maximum y in subsection dy = atoi( y.substr(b+1,y.size()).c_str() ); // delta y in subsection y = y.substr(0,b); // rewrite y without the delta-y part. removeStep = true; } } if(z!="*") { int z1,z2,dz; int a = z.find(':'); // first occurence of ':' in z-subsection string int b = z.find(':',a+1); // location of second ':' -- will be -1 if there is no second occurence. z1 = atoi( z.substr(0,a).c_str() ); // minimum z in subsection this->zSubOffset = z1 - 1; if(b>0){ // there is a dz component z2 = atoi( z.substr(a+1,b-a-1).c_str() ); // maximum z in subsection dz = atoi( z.substr(b+1,z.size()).c_str() ); // delta z in subsection z = z.substr(0,b); // rewrite z without the delta-z part. removeStep = true; } } if(removeStep){ std::cerr << "\a\tThe subsection given is " << this->subsection <<".\n"; std::cerr << "\tDuchamp is currently unable to deal with pixel steps in the subsection.\n"; std::cerr << "\tThese have been ignored, and so the subection used is "; this->subsection = "[" + x + "," + y + "," + z + "]"; // rewrite subsection without any step sizes. std::cerr << this->subsection << std::endl; } // if(x!="*") this->xSubOffset = strtol(x.c_str(),&end,10) - 1; // if(y!="*") this->ySubOffset = strtol(y.c_str(),&end,10) - 1; // if(z!="*") this->zSubOffset = strtol(z.c_str(),&end,10) - 1; } void Param::copyHeaderInfo(FitsHeader &head) { /** * Param::copyHeaderInfo(FitsHeader &head) * A function to copy across relevant header keywords from the * FitsHeader class to the Param class, as they are needed by * functions in the Param class. */ this->blankKeyword = head.getBlankKeyword(); this->bscaleKeyword = head.getBscaleKeyword(); this->bzeroKeyword = head.getBzeroKeyword(); this->blankPixValue = this->blankKeyword * this->bscaleKeyword + this->bzeroKeyword; this->numPixBeam = head.getBeamSize(); } bool Param::isBlank(float &val) { // std::cerr << "val = " << val // << " " << int((val-this->bzeroKeyword)/this->bscaleKeyword) // <<" " <blankKeyword << std::endl; if(this->flagBlankPix){ if(this->nanAsBlank) return bool(isnan(val)); else// return (val == this->blankPixValue); return ( this->blankKeyword == int((val-this->bzeroKeyword)/this->bscaleKeyword) ); } else return false; } string Param::outputReconFile() { /** * outputReconFile() * * This function produces the required filename in which to save * the reconstructed array. If the input image is image.fits, then * the output will be eg. image.RECON-3-2-4-1.fits, where the numbers are * 3=reconDim, 2=filterCode, 4=snrRecon, 1=minScale */ string inputName = this->imageFile; std::stringstream ss; ss << inputName.substr(0,inputName.size()-5); // remove the ".fits" on the end. if(this->flagSubsection) ss<<".sub"; ss << ".RECON-" << this->reconDim << "-" << this->filterCode << "-" << this->snrRecon << "-" << this->scaleMin << ".fits"; return ss.str(); } string Param::outputResidFile() { /** * outputResidFile() * * This function produces the required filename in which to save * the reconstructed array. If the input image is image.fits, then * the output will be eg. image.RESID-3-2-4-1.fits, where the numbers are * 3=reconDim, 2=filterCode, 4=snrRecon, 1=scaleMin */ string inputName = this->imageFile; std::stringstream ss; ss << inputName.substr(0,inputName.size()-5); // remove the ".fits" on the end. if(this->flagSubsection) ss<<".sub"; ss << ".RESID-" << this->reconDim << "-" << this->filterCode << "-" << this->snrRecon << "-" << this->scaleMin << ".fits"; return ss.str(); }