source: tags/release-1.0.1/src/Cubes/ @ 1077

Last change on this file since 1077 was 112, checked in by Matthew Whiting, 18 years ago

Several bug fixes:

  • The determination of the blank pixel value was not working correctly, due

to confusion between which out of par and head had the correct values.
getCube now reads the header values into the FitsHeader? class, and then these
are copied into the Param class by the new function Param::copyHeaderInfo.

  • The zoom box in the spectral output was scaling the flux scale by all data

points, and this caused problems when the MW channels were in view. These
channels are now omitted in the determination of the flux axis range.

  • The precision in the implied position given by the IAU name has been

increased -- it is now of the format J125345-362412 or G323.124+05.457.

Also added a CHANGES file, as we want to go to v.1.0.1, and updated
the version number in

File size: 8.7 KB
1#include <iostream>
2#include <string>
3#include <wcs.h>
4#include <wcshdr.h>
5#include <fitshdr.h>
6#include <wcsfix.h>
7#include <wcsunits.h>
8#define WCSLIB_GETWCSTAB // define this so that we don't try and redefine wtbarr
9                         // (this is a problem when using gcc v.4+
10#include <fitsio.h>
11#include <math.h>
12#include <duchamp.hh>
13#include <Cubes/cubes.hh>
15#ifdef NAN
16float nanValue = NAN;
19using std::endl;
21string imageType[4] = {"point", "spectrum", "image", "cube"};
23int Cube::getCube(string fname)
25  /**
26   * Cube::getCube(string )
27   *  Read in a cube from the file fname (assumed to be in FITS format).
28   *  Function reads in the following:
29   *      - axis dimensions
30   *      - pixel array
31   *      - WCS information (in form of WCSLIB wcsprm structure)
32   *      - Header keywords: BUNIT (brightness unit),
33   *                         BLANK, BZERO, BSCALE (to determine blank pixel value)
34   *                         BMAJ, BMIN, CDELT1, CDELT2 (to determine beam size)
35   */
38  short int maxdim=3;
39  long *fpixel = new long[maxdim];
40  for(int i=0;i<maxdim;i++) fpixel[i]=1;
41  long *dimAxes = new long[maxdim];
42  for(int i=0;i<maxdim;i++) dimAxes[i]=1;
43  long nelements;
44  int bitpix,numAxes;
45  int status = 0,  nkeys;  /* MUST initialize status */
46  fitsfile *fptr;         
48  if( fits_open_file(&fptr,fname.c_str(),READONLY,&status) ){
49    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
50    return FAILURE;
51  }
53  status = 0;
54  fits_get_img_param(fptr, maxdim, &bitpix, &numAxes, dimAxes, &status);
55  if(status){
56    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
57    return FAILURE;
58  }
60  if(numAxes<=3)  std::cout << "Dimensions of " << imageType[numAxes] << ": " << dimAxes[0];
61  else std::cout << "Dimensions of " << imageType[3] << ": " << dimAxes[0];
62  if(numAxes>1) std::cout << "x" << dimAxes[1];
63  if(numAxes>2) std::cout << "x" << dimAxes[2];
64  std::cout << endl;
66  int npix = dimAxes[0]*dimAxes[1]*dimAxes[2];
67  float *array = new float[npix];
68  int anynul;
69  char *nullarray = new char[npix];
70  for(int i=0;i<npix;i++) nullarray[i] = 0;
72  //-------------------------------------------------------------
73  // Reading in the pixel array.
74  //  The location of any blank pixels (as determined by the header keywords) is stored
75  //  in nullarray (set to 1). Also anynul will be set to 1 to indicate the presence of
76  //  blank pixels. If anynul==1 then all pixels are non-blank.
78  status = 0;
79  fits_read_pixnull(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, npix, array, nullarray, &anynul, &status);
80//   fits_read_pix(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, npix, NULL, array, &anynul, &status);
81  if(status){
82    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
83    return FAILURE;
84  }
86  if(anynul==0){    // no blank pixels, so don't bother with any trimming or checking...
87    if(this->par.getFlagBlankPix())  // if user requested fixing, inform them of change.
88      std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : No blank pixels, so setting flagBlankPix to false...\n";
89    this->par.setFlagBlankPix(false);
90  }
92  //-------------------------------------------------------------
93  // Read the header in preparation for WCS and BUNIT/BLANK/etc extraction.
94  // And define a FitsHeader object that will be saved into the Cube.
95  FitsHeader newHead;
97  char *hdr = new char;
98  int noComments = 1; //so that fits_hdr2str will not write out COMMENT, HISTORY etc
99  int nExc = 0;
100  status = 0;
101  fits_hdr2str(fptr, noComments, NULL, nExc, &hdr, &nkeys, &status);
102  if( status ){
103    std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : Error reading in header to string: ";
104    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
105  }
107  //-------------------------------------------------------------
108  // Read the BUNIT and CUNIT3 header keywords, to store the units
109  //  of brightness (flux) and the spectral dimension.
110  char *comment = new char[80];
111  char *unit = new char[80];
112  status = 0;
113  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "BUNIT", unit, comment, &status);
114  if (status){
115    std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : Error reading BUNIT keyword: ";
116    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
117  }
118  else{
119    wcsutrn(0,unit);
120    newHead.setFluxUnits(unit);
121  }
124  //-------------------------------------------------------------
125  // Reading in the Blank pixel value keywords.
126  //  If the BLANK keyword is in the header, use that and store the relevant values.
127  //  If not, use the default value (either the default from or from the param file)
128  //    and assume simple values for the keywords --> the scale keyword is the same as the
129  //    blank value, the blank keyword (which is an int) is 1 and the bzero (offset) is 0.
130  int blank;
131  float bscale, bzero;
132  status = 0;
133  if(this->par.getFlagBlankPix()){
134    if( !fits_read_key(fptr, TINT32BIT, "BLANK", &blank, comment, &status) ){
135      fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "BZERO", &bzero, comment, &status);
136      fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "BSCALE", &bscale, comment, &status);
137//       this->par.setBlankPixVal(blank*bscale+bzero);
138//       this->par.setBlankKeyword(blank);
139//       this->par.setBscaleKeyword(bscale);
140//       this->par.setBzeroKeyword(bzero);
141      newHead.setBlankKeyword(blank);
142      newHead.setBscaleKeyword(bscale);
143      newHead.setBzeroKeyword(bzero);
144    }
145    if (status){
146      std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : Error reading BLANK keyword: ";
147      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
148      std::cerr << "Using default BLANK (physical) value (" << this->par.getBlankPixVal() << ")." << endl;
149      for(int i=0;i<npix;i++) if(isnan(array[i])) array[i] = this->par.getBlankPixVal();
150      newHead.setBlankKeyword(1);
151      newHead.setBscaleKeyword(this->par.getBlankPixVal());
152      newHead.setBzeroKeyword(0.);
153      this->par.setFlagUsingBlank(true);
154    }
155  }
157  //-------------------------------------------------------------
158  // Reading in the beam parameters from the header.
159  // Use these, plus the basic WCS parameters to calculate the size of the beam in pixels.
160  float bmaj,bmin,cdelt1,cdelt2;
161  status = 0;
162  if( !fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "BMAJ", &bmaj, comment, &status) ){
163    fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "BMIN", &bmin, comment, &status);
164    fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CDELT1", &cdelt1, comment, &status);
165    fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CDELT2", &cdelt2, comment, &status);
166    newHead.setBeamSize( M_PI * (bmaj/2.) * (bmin/2.) / fabsf(cdelt1*cdelt2) );
167    newHead.setBmajKeyword(bmaj);
168    newHead.setBminKeyword(bmin);
169  }
171  delete [] comment;
173  if (status){
174    std::cerr <<
175      "WARNING <getCube> : No beam information in header. Setting size to nominal 10 pixels.\n";
176    newHead.setBeamSize(10.);
177  }
179  status = 0;
180  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
181  if (status){
182    std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : Error closing file: ";
183    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
184  }
186  this->initialiseCube(dimAxes);
187  this->saveArray(array,npix);
188  this->par.copyHeaderInfo(newHead);
189  //-------------------------------------------------------------
190  // Once the array is saved, change the value of the blank pixels from
191  // 0 (as they are set by fits_read_pixnull) to the correct blank value
192  // as determined by the above code.
193  for(int i=0; i<npix;i++){
194    if(nullarray[i]==1) this->array[i] = blank*bscale + bzero; 
195  }
197  //-------------------------------------------------------------
198  // Now convert the FITS header to a WCS structure, using the WCSLIB functions.
199  int relax=1, ctrl=2, nwcs, nreject;
200  wcsprm *wcs = new wcsprm;
201  wcsini(true,numAxes,wcs);
202  wcs->flag=-1;
203  int flag;
204  if(flag = wcspih(hdr, nkeys, relax, ctrl, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs)) {
205    std::cerr<<"WARNING <getCube> : WCSPIH failed! Code="<<flag<<": "<<wcs_errmsg[flag]<<endl;
206  }
207  else{ 
208    int stat[6],axes[3]={dimAxes[0],dimAxes[1],dimAxes[2]};
209    if(flag=wcsfix(1,axes,wcs,stat)) {
210      std::cerr<<"WARNING <getCube> : WCSFIX failed!"<<endl;
211      for(int i=0; i<NWCSFIX; i++)
212        if (stat[i] > 0) std::cerr<<"wcsfix ERROR "<<flag<<": "<< wcsfix_errmsg[stat[i]] <<endl;
213    }
214    if(flag=wcsset(wcs)){
215      std::cerr<<"WARNING <getCube> : WCSSET failed! Code="<<flag <<": "<<wcs_errmsg[flag]<<endl;
216    }
218    // Set the spectral axis to a standard specification: VELO-F2V
219    string specUnit = wcs->ctype[2];
220    if(specUnit != duchampSpectralType){
221      int index = wcs->spec;
222      string type = duchampSpectralType;
223      int flag = wcssptr(wcs, &index, (char *)type.c_str());
224//       if(flag){
225//      std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : WCSSPTR failed! Code = "<<flag<<" : "
226//                << wcs_errmsg[flag] << std::endl;
227//      std::cerr << "Tried to convert from type " << wcs->ctype[index]
228//                << " to type " << (char *)type.c_str() << std::endl;
229//       }
230    }
232    newHead.setWCS(wcs);
233    newHead.setNWCS(nwcs);
235    wcsfree(wcs);
236  }
238  newHead.fixUnits(this->par); 
239  this->setHead(newHead);
241  if(!newHead.isWCS()) std::cerr << "WARNING <getCube> : WCS is not good enough to be used.\n";
243  delete hdr;
244  delete [] array;
245  delete [] fpixel;
246  delete [] dimAxes;
248  return SUCCESS;
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